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hello All,


I am not able to add a new custom fields to Account object. Did I messup my account somewhere / is it something else ?


I clicked, stepup -> App Setup -> Accounts -> Fields. Here I donot see an option to add new fields, although I can edit and replce some of the already existing fields.


Thanks in advance for your help.


I have a custom object which for instance has a product_id field. I want to have a lookup  field in my UI

that displays a list of all products and when i select one of the products, the value displayed in my field on the UI should be the product name while behind the scenes i want the product_id from the lookup to be stored on my custom object. Can this be done using native UI without using visualforce?

the problem I am grappling with is that I do not want to create a product_name field on my custom object since I only want to store the ids when i save my object.


Please bear with me if this is a basic question since i am new to visualforce and salesforce.




  • May 19, 2010
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Is there a quick way to migrate buttons from sandbox to production?   I looked into using the ant mirgation toolkit but could not find a way to migrate the buttons, and I didn't see a buttons option in eclipse for objects.

I wrote a piece of SOSL in a VF page controller. The function is to search account with typed name and post number.


[FIND : customerName+'*' IN Name Fields RETURNING Account (Type, Name, Id, House_No__c where Post_Code__c =: postNr)];


I got only 16 records from this SOSL. Many records are missing.  I can't even find the pattern of these records. For example, I search John with postnr 1234, 16 records include John SMITH, Johnna SMITH, Kim JOHN, Kim JOHNNE.


If I make query with SOQL,

Select a.Name  From Account a where a.Name like :customerName+'%' And Post_Code__c =: postNr


It returns all the account whoes name starts with 'John' as I expected and there are196 records. But since we have almost 1 million accounts, SOQL is extremely slow compared with SOSL.


Can anyone help with these? Is there something I miss in the SOSL? Why it makes such big differences?

Thanks in advance.



  • June 24, 2010
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I have a stupid question, but it really bothers me. I am confused that whom is the recipient of error email for different components fra salesforce.

For example, I create a trigger and then I will get the error email if something goes wrong with that trigger. Here the creator is the recipient.


But for workflow, sometime the default workflow user got email instead of the creator. So I would like to ask whom receive the error email for workflow? default user or creator?


I hope someone can explain. We have several business area working in the same salesforce org, so it is really important that we set up the right person to get the email.


Thanks in advance.





  • June 21, 2010
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Case has a lookup relationship with account. And I try to create a formula (text) field on case to get account's mobile field(standard field).


But in the formula editor, mobile field is not available. It means Account.Mobile is not valid.


Does anybody know why? and is there any alternative way to do it?


Thanks in advance

  • June 08, 2010
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Hi guys,


We need to get daily activityhistories data for all the customers to integrate into a legacy system. I tried to query like this:


Select (Select b.Id, b.AccountId, b.ActivityDate From ActivityHistories b where b.ActivityDate=today) From Account a 


Dose anybody know what's the problem in the query or it is another way that I should try? Thanks in advance.

  • April 27, 2010
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For example


user inputs

First Name:aa

Last Name:bb


then the Account name field is filled up automatically  aa+bb if user saves tat account.is it possible or not

Hi All,


I am an Admin of a Saleforce organization.

I have login of "Standard User" profile. I want to allow this "Standard User" profile user to create/ edit / delete Visualforce pages. How can make this possible ?





  • August 25, 2010
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Hi. since january i do triggers and depoloy to production without doing a test class..

Today when im going to deploy one trigger, Production SF get me an error saying "Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 0%, at least 75% test coverage is required"..


I have tested the trigger on sandbox with real case - with insert records..


What can i do?



I have a stupid question, but it really bothers me. I am confused that whom is the recipient of error email for different components fra salesforce.

For example, I create a trigger and then I will get the error email if something goes wrong with that trigger. Here the creator is the recipient.


But for workflow, sometime the default workflow user got email instead of the creator. So I would like to ask whom receive the error email for workflow? default user or creator?


I hope someone can explain. We have several business area working in the same salesforce org, so it is really important that we set up the right person to get the email.


Thanks in advance.





  • June 21, 2010
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Case has a lookup relationship with account. And I try to create a formula (text) field on case to get account's mobile field(standard field).


But in the formula editor, mobile field is not available. It means Account.Mobile is not valid.


Does anybody know why? and is there any alternative way to do it?


Thanks in advance

  • June 08, 2010
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hello All,


I am not able to add a new custom fields to Account object. Did I messup my account somewhere / is it something else ?


I clicked, stepup -> App Setup -> Accounts -> Fields. Here I donot see an option to add new fields, although I can edit and replce some of the already existing fields.


Thanks in advance for your help.




How do i rename the Convert Lead option on the Leads page (on Blackberry) to another name.

For e.g Instead of "Convert Lead", the option should be "Submit Lead".



Bibek Rath


Hi everyone,


This is my situation:

I have a web-to-lead form set up on my website. I'm trying to use a lead assignment rule to send an email using an email template to one of our SalesForce users whenever a lead record is placed into the database. The checkbox for "Set this as the active lead assignment rule" is checked. In criteria, whenever i put "True" no lead record is populated in the database and no email is sent. When I put "False" in the criteria the lead object is placed into the database, but now email is sent to the selected user.

As another note, the template I'm using has been testing and works.