• Carlos Campillo Gallego
  • 788 Points
  • Member since 2015
  • Solution Architect
  • Omega CRM Consulting

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Hello all - a am a CRM admin that is trying some more serious development work. We currently have some fields that could be updated by information stored in an external local government database. What's nice is the local government provides open API access to query the information (it's just geo-location information for addresses). They provide samples for HTTP POST, HTTP GET, SOAP 1.1, and SOAP 1.2. 

A few questions: 1) Which of those 4 protocols would you suggest I implement?; 2) Which one is the easiest to implement?; and 3) Where are some resources that could take me through my journey to success?

Attached is a sample of what the local government gives. I am showing the HTTP GET example, but they have examples for the others too. 
User-added image
Interest in hearing your thoughts. Thanks!
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Hi I am new to salesforce platform. I am trying to do some new things in Lightning express. I have solved few of the trailheads. I know how to add custom tabs to salesforce1 navigation menu. I just want to know can I add more tabs next to Related and Details tab as shown in the figure. New tab I have highlighted using Red Circle.

I am duplicating a object.
I have manually recreated all the fields, trying to keep API names as same as possible.

I am now planning to duplicate the page layouts.

First thing, that came to mind is, i will duplicate the Pagelayout code using eclipse and try to fix the mis matching API name, 
Have any one tried this before ?
any suggestions ?
  • February 18, 2016
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hi guys, 
I am a newbie in Salesforce. I have some very basic adminstration questions:
Questions1: what is the best way of creating multiple price book in Salesforce? …. cloning
Question 2: Does profile permission override criteria sharing permission on an object? I think yes
Question 3: How to improve the relevance of search results for knowledge articles?
Question 4: how to restrict user’s access to knowledge category groups?
Question 5: Can a sales manager apply dashboard filter to individual view sales team’s data?

Best Regards
Question 6. How to keep track of delegated administrator activities?
Question 7. How to count number of contact on Account (without apex)?

I am trying to send email from process builder.
But the email is not sent, is there any setting i need to make
  • February 10, 2016
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The challenge is to custom button Which opens the link to 'http://google.com/#q=<CONTACT NAME>' - where <CONTACT NAME> is the current contact's name. But to create the button link http://google.com/#q=<CONTACT NAME> it does demand.
So I tried the link: http://google.com/#q={!Account.Name}, where demand is correct. But while trying to complete the challenge shows the error:
User-added image
This is my button:
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How can I solve the problem?
I am working in the beginning Wave Analytics Basics module and am not able to access Wave Analytics in my Trailhead Developer Org to import the Wave Analytics training data. Any ideas as to how to get that?
I have a Picklist in my Lead ( Resource  = Cash & Insurance), I have 2 record types and page Layouts in Opportunity called Cash & Insurance.
If i select Cash in Lead picklist and convert the Lead, the Opportunity created should be with Cash Record type & If i select Insurance in Lead picklist and convert the Lead, the Opportunity created should be with Insurance Record type. 
Can someone write a trigger ?

Please Help

I have an object (ObjectA) with two Master-Detail fields in it. I am attempting to auto-populate both of those Master-Detail fields whenever I create a new ObjectA record. I am attempting to accomplish this by using Process Builder. However, those Master-Detail fields are not available in the dropdown list of one of the fields to update when I use the Update Records action. 

Why is this ? Am I not able to update Master-Detail fields using Process Builder ? If so, is there a way around this ? 

Thank you.

  • December 29, 2016
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Hi Everyone,
I would like to get any idea or help for my new task.

I have a requirement that Pricebook should get select based on the zipcode to the account. Is it way to approach through trigger or any functionality available in SF?

I have a field "Pricebookname" in “Zipcode” object. But this is not related to Pricebook object. Can We have make lookup relationship with Zipcode object? Through that how i can assign pricebook to the zipcode.
For ex, Zipcode 00001,00005,00025,00123 having pricebook name as Region-D and Zipcode 00002,04583,07894 having Region-C then these accounts should choose correct pricebook for their zipcodes.

As a part, in some cases i also need to choose some other pricebook rather than to particular pricebook. 

For example, Zipcode 12345 actual pricebook is Region-A but it should choose Region-Others.
It could be done through any functionality or Trigger? 
Thanks in advance.
We use salesforce. We also use Absorb LMS. How can I see information from my Absorb LMS dashboard in Salesforce so I can run reports in salesforce from that information?

I am system admin. I shared a dashboard "Dashboard1" with user "usr X1" and assigned him as manager. But when i login as him, it is still not possibel for him to modify the dashboard, 
What can be reason ?
  • December 14, 2015
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Presently, I have 4 record type and 4 page layouts for a Event.

I want to overide the Save button.
It should save the current event and also display a message, may be a alret message or something in background.

Thank you for suggestion !
  • December 10, 2015
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Is it possible to set the EndDateTime to be always 1 hour after the StartDateTime when creating an Event?
My users do not want to have to set the EndDateTime every time they create a new Event. I tried to remove the "Required" setting on the standard field EndDateTime to allow for blank values, but it is not possible because another field "DurationInMinutes" is dependent on the value of EndDateTime.
Any help very appreciated.

haii all ...i would like to know the code for seat allotment like red bus .........availability seats one color and booked seats one color ...help me with this

I am new to SOQL and I am trying to get the entitlements, can someone help me in writing a SOQL to fetch entitlements for an account?

Hi Everyone,

I have some questions related to salesforce API's. Could you please help me Guys...


1) API Response time: what is the average SOAP API response time (interval between request sent and response received)? How is the average calculated? Are there windows of variability (for example: 5:00 AM – 12:00 AM CT: 2-second response time. 12:01-4:59 AM CT: 5-second response time, etc.) 

2) API Throughput: what is SOAP API through put (number of requests that can be successfully served SFDC per unit time. E.g. number of requests served per second, or the maximum number of concurrent requests allowed, etc.) Are there windows of variability (for example: 5:00– 12:00 AM CT: 1000 requests/second. 12:01-4:59am CT: 500 requests/second, etc.) 

3) API Availability/Uptime (e.g. 99.999%, 99.99%, 99.96%, etc.) 

4) Scheduled outage windows 

Other Non-functional integration topics: 
5) Disaster Recovery (DR) approach: is DR transparent to the API client or are there separate SFDC DR endpoints to which the API client needs to connect during SFDC DR situation? 

Thanks In advance
Hi Guys, 
My orders are not showing in my opportunity(see image 1 ) and the opportunity field is not showing when creating an order through opportunity(See image 2 ) i have added the field in page layout but its still not showing What to do ?? Need Help  [Salesorder in Opportunity]

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What are the effects of changing the sharing rules for opportunity.

Rightnow, my sharing rule, shares the opportunity record type R1 with a certain roles,
I want to chage the recordy type shared.

what will eb the effects
  • October 19, 2015
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I have changed the record type name for opportunity (I didnt change the API name or developer name).

On production, users had issue because of problems in Sharing rules.

Is there any knows issue for this ?

  • October 19, 2015
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Hello all - a am a CRM admin that is trying some more serious development work. We currently have some fields that could be updated by information stored in an external local government database. What's nice is the local government provides open API access to query the information (it's just geo-location information for addresses). They provide samples for HTTP POST, HTTP GET, SOAP 1.1, and SOAP 1.2. 

A few questions: 1) Which of those 4 protocols would you suggest I implement?; 2) Which one is the easiest to implement?; and 3) Where are some resources that could take me through my journey to success?

Attached is a sample of what the local government gives. I am showing the HTTP GET example, but they have examples for the others too. 
User-added image
Interest in hearing your thoughts. Thanks!
I know Entitlements can be added to cases logged by community users automatically with code, but what about Portal users?  We are still using the portal but want to use entitlements.  Portal users are the main users that log cases.  Is this doable with the same code?
trigger CW_defaultEntitlement on Case (Before Insert, Before Update) {
Set<Id> acctIds = new Set<Id>();
for(Case c : Trigger.new) {

List <Entitlement> entls = [Select
e.StartDate, e.Id, e.EndDate, e.AccountId, e.AssetId
                                     From Entitlement e
e.AccountId in :acctIds and e.EndDate >=Today and e.StartDate <= Today];
            for(Case c : Trigger.New) {
                if(c.EntitlementId == null && c.AccountId != null){
                    for(Entitlement e:entls){
                        if(e.AccountId== c.AccountId){
                            c.EntitlementId = e.Id;

  • June 29, 2016
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I have 2 account records lets take "acc1", "acc2" and here i want to delete "acc1" and  i need to transfer all the related data of "acc1" to "acc2". It means i need to update parent id of all the related records (from differenct child objects) with "acc2".

If any one knows please suggest me on the same. 
how can I create a simple batch apex? very basic and simple example please to unserstand.
   I am relatively new to SF and would like to hear some opinions from senior developers/administrators. I am trying to find the best and most strategic way to handle this logistical issue, I will try to explain it very clearly:

I have the following Objects:
  • Jobs
  • Technicians
1. On each Job record detail, several Technicians can be assigned and I want to be able to send each Technician a confirmation email outlining details (merge fields) about the Job. Each Technician will need a different email template that would contain information specific to that Technician.
2. Ideally, I'd like to press one button ("Send Email" )and send those different emails out to those different recipients.
3. I would also like functionality that automatically marks checkbox fields (as True) on the Job layout that shows that those Technicians had been sent the confirmation email. 
4. Sometimes Technicians are changed. So for the final kicker and much more advanced functionality, when a Technician is changed, the associated checkbox field would be unchecked and one could reclick the "Send Email" button and it would only send to the new Technician with an open checkbox next to their name, but not to all of the techs who had already recieved an email. 

I hope this is easy to understand what I am trying to get at. With all that said, what do you think the best approach to this is? Custom Buttons? Flows? Visualforce pages? Apex Implementation? All of the above? Something I haven't considered? I don't neccessarily need specifics, rather a nudge in the right direction. Thanks for your time, your help is greatly appreciated! 
I signed up for a DE account, received a link to create a password, however, it takes me the SFDC login page, instead of the password create page. It's been hours already, so not sure why I am getting that page. 

We have an unusal requirement from the client. Two orgs are merging. Org 1(Target Org) has OWD Public read only and Org 2 (Source Org) has OWD private. The requirement is when Org1 and Org2 merge; users of Org1 Cannot see the data of Org2. The client is insisting that OWD of Org1 will reamain Public read only.

We have proposed setting OWD to private and opening ORG1 access using Permission Sets and Sharing Rules as such the users of ORG1 will not feel the difference but the client is saying; changing OWD of Org1 is not an option. 

We know this is not possible but we want to do our complete due diligence before going back to the client. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.

I am sending an email to a couple of contacts and got follwoing error,
System.EmailException: SendEmail failed. First exception on row 0; first error: EMAIL_ADDRESS_BOUNCED, The target object email address is currently marked as bounced.
Following is my apex code:

Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.saveAsActivity = false;

where sendTo is a list of string containing all email address.

Just wanted to know, will the contacts other than the one for which above error occured will receive email or SendEmail will fail for all contact in that list.

Using the free developer edition, there seems to be no way to complete the chatter challenges, as there are no post, poll or link actions available out of the box, or configurable in the group actions menu? 
Is it possible to create a global picklist in a dev sandbox then deploy to production through a change set?  

If so, what is the component type of a global picklist?

I wrote a process builder which will update the region field depends on billing country in Account .
I wrote a trigger to show error if it not have a contact while updating the Account.
While am creating a new account it throwing an error like
"Workflow Action Failed to Trigger Flow
The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 3014B0000000yDZ. Contact your administrator for help. Click here to return to the previous page".

Can anyone help me out to solve this issue please. Thanks in advance.
How can we remove an Acocunt from “ in jeapordy “ status after changing the Account ownership
Change Set upload errors.

When we upload a changeset from sandbox to production we are getting the following error message. We dont get as far as changeset validation on production, it fails on upload. Any ideas?

The following outbound change set upload failed due to a system error:
Change set: 2nd Configuration Change Set v1 (04t250000000tlM)
Organization: CS1 (Developer Sandbox) (00D250000000WN8)
User: CloudSymphony (005D0000005iqCL)
Error Number: 1721215233-11260565 (245827274)

Please try to upload your change set again. If it does not succeed, contact Customer Support and provide the error number listed above.
The following outbound change set upload failed due to a system error:

Change set: 2nd Configuration Change Set v1 (04t250000000tlM)
Organization: CS1 (Developer Sandbox) (00D250000000WN8)
User: CloudSymphony (005D0000005iqCL)
Error Number: 1721215233-11260565 (245827274)

Please try to upload your change set again. If it does not succeed, contact Customer Support and provide the error number listed above.
When trying to upload a cahnge set from a sandbox to another sandbox I receive the following:

The following outbound change set upload failed due to a system error:

Change set: Objects (04tK0000000EJkB)
Organization: Dev (Developer Sandbox) (00DK000000XNi6a)
User: Swift River (005A0000000Z2or)
Error Number: 1722076013-80155 (245827274)

Please try to upload your change set again. If it does not succeed, contact Customer Support and provide the error number listed above.

Both sandboxes are using the same version (Winter '16) and the target sandbox is properly configured to receive the change set from the sending org.

Following the instructions in the error mssage I attempted to open a case with Salesforce support, but you cannot do that as the proper category is Developer Support and I cannot open a developer support case using the help system. So I opened another type of case, assuming that Salesforce would want to know that there is a problem with the system. Nope. The response was that I should post here. Does anybody here have access to the Salesforce system error code that might shed some light on the issue? 

Lest anyone wonder, I've been building outbound change sets since they were first implemented.


I have an object (ObjectA) with two Master-Detail fields in it. I am attempting to auto-populate both of those Master-Detail fields whenever I create a new ObjectA record. I am attempting to accomplish this by using Process Builder. However, those Master-Detail fields are not available in the dropdown list of one of the fields to update when I use the Update Records action. 

Why is this ? Am I not able to update Master-Detail fields using Process Builder ? If so, is there a way around this ? 

Thank you.

  • December 29, 2016
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I am looking for good materials and sample questions for Service cloud exam.
    I am stumped! I have dug through the forums as well and nothing that I have found pertains to this specific issue, perhaps it is something really simple that I am missing. Any help would be great, here is my explanation: 

    I have built an email template with merge fields that loads perfectly on its own and linked it to a Custom Button via url link.  This does pull up the email template when the Custom Button is pressed but doesn't show any of the merge fields UNTIL I press the Select Template button and reselect the template that was specified in the url. I would like the merge fields to populate automatically and skip that extra step of having to reselect the email template. Any ideas?  Here is my url:

/_ui/core/email/author/EmailAuthor?&rtype=003&p3_mlktp=a13&p3={!Sales_Order__c.Name}&retURL=%2Fa13/o&p4=test@test.com&p5=test2@test2.com&p24={!Sales_Order__c.Tech_1_Email__c}&p6=Confirmation for {!Sales_Order__c.Job_Code__c}&template_id=00X17000000Qcqq


I have a need to get the User object for the user who logged into SFDC so that I can use it in my community. After using "log in to community as user" how can I use Apex to get the original Salesforce user?
I am trying to get a Canvas app working in a Lightning Component (exactly as the docs say should be possible) but I am up against an undebuggable error message. Here is what I have tried, and the problem I face:

The error message we are getting in our Lightning Component is this:

js error

It's obviously some sort of Javascript error, but we get no console log relating to it, or indeed can put any breakpoints in the Lightinng Javascript to intercept it. There is no way it's coming from our canvas app, as I can explain...

Having had this problem with our "solution" we began boiling it down. We made the contents of our connected app just the word "Hello" in some HTML tags (not even "Hello World"!) - and then with this canvas app put on a standard visualforce page with the old school apex:canvasApp tag - we have no problem. We can also see it in the canvas app previewer. The connected app is ok.

In another test, I replaced the Lightning Component's force:canvasApp tag with just the words "I am content" - which immediatly appears in our app, in our page - no problem. So I know the Component/App/Visualforce (that's how we are embedding it) works ok too.

The problem comes when we replace the words "I am content" in the Lightning Componenet with the force.canvasApp tag - we suddenly start getting this crappy Javascript error.

My usage of this tag is literally as simple as:
<force:canvasApp applicationName="canvasApi" namespacePrefix="orgNamespace"  />
Which is as far as I can tell the "correct usage" - as per the skeletal docs.

For the record as well, whenever I try to use the Lighting App builder for almost any purpose, I get beaten to the ground with this error bubble - which I have (finally) suddenly realised is really similar looking. Is LEX/Lightning Components (with Canvas) bascially still just a lie?

error bubble


I created a custom object which is linked to the User table. within this custom object, I have multiple record for each user.

Is it possible that each user can pull the record associated with his/her ID?

This is my very first report, so please give as much details as possible.

Thank You

I have installed a managed oackage in my org and now i want to upgrade it. This app access is controlled by licence and permission set.  When i click on the upgrade link, Below 3 options are displayed,
1. Install for admin only
2. Install for All Users
3. Install for Specific profile.

Which option should i select? Not all users assigned to same profile have access to this app. So i think chosing the 3rd option will not be correct. 
If i select 'Install for admin only', will the licence be revoked from all the other users?

Thank you for your help in advance.
if i have given read only in accounts object in organization wide settings, and i have assigned a  profile to 10 users. in that profile i have given accounts objects as private,is this possible. but i want 2 users not to see the accounts object 
I have an apex class that is declared 'without sharing'. This class does some background processing and as a part of that processing, determines whether or not record owners have access to other records. This is accomplished by querying the UserRecordAccess object and filtering on RecordId and UserId (this is not the running user by instead different record owners from the system). 

When I run controller as a System Administrator, I get the expected results (results from the UserRecordAccess query with values in MaxAccessLevel). However, when I run the controller as a user with limited record access, queries to UserRecordAccess for any records that the running user does not have access to simply return no results. I see there is a line in the documentation for the object that says:
SOQL restrictions for API version 29.0 and earlier:
When the running user is querying a user's access to a set of records, records that the running user does not have read access to are filtered out of the results.
I am using API version 35 for my class so I would expect to get results back even when the current running user does not have read access to the record in question (I can query for that record without issue because I am in a 'without sharing' context). Am I missing something here for why I cannot get UserRecordAccess records? This seems like a bug to me since the purpose of the UserRecordAccess object is to be able to check access levels for a user that is not the current running user.

I have discovered an additional detail for this problem. If the current user does not have access to a record, the user can get their own UserRecordAccess, but not for a different user. This is still a problem because I am trying to answer the question 'Does the record owner for this record have access to another record?'. The record owner is frequently not the running user.

Here is a link to a gist for the basic controller/page I am using when I see these results: https://gist.github.com/dsharrison/b0b03c661bf65fc18348.

This question is also available at: http://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/102261/salesforce-userrecordaccess-query-not-returning-results 

Thanks for any insight,

Hi all,

a few weeks back, we deployed a change set, even though our code coverage in our production org was at 66% (we ran all tests and checked).
We couldn't deploy via MavensMate (got the error that code coverage is too low), but it worked fine via frontend with change sets.
Any idea, what the reason could be??

Thanks and best regards
Is this happening to you? You're 100% sure you've done a Trailhead challenge right, but it just won't validate?

So here's the deal. We're doing a real-time API call to check your work, and sometimes, there might be existing configuration or code in your Developer Edition that interferes with our check, causing it to fail.

The best thing to do if you're 100% sure you're right is create a new Developer Edition and do the challenge again.

But wait, what about my badges?

No worries! Logging into Trailhead is a two-step process. Check out this image.

The login button is in the upper right, and the second login is on the unit page right before you do the challenge

In step (1), you tell Trailhead who you are. This is where your badges are stored. You can use your production username or any Developer Edition username for this step.

In step (2), you tell Trailhead where you're doing the challenge. This must be a Developer Edition.

Okay, I got the new DE. Now what?

So, just stay logged in at (1), and make a new Developer Edition to log in at (2). Do the challenge in the new Developer Edition and check it.

If it passes, it was probably something funky in your old DE. If it fails, time to revisit your challenge! Read the instructions again and make sure you didn't miss any steps.

But why would this happen?

It could be your DE is older, or it could be you've done some additional config or customization that is interfering with our check. 

Good luck!

When someone takes the time/effort to repspond to your question, you should take the time/effort to either mark the question as "Solved", or post a Follow-Up with addtional information.  


That way people with a similar question can find the Solution without having to re-post the same question again and again. And the people who reply to your post know that the issue has been resolved and they can stop working on it.