• sourav046
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I am newbie here , Can i know what types of applications or projects are made in salesforce.

Any small example ? ...so that i can try something except inventory management.





  I'm brand new to force.com development and have a (what appears to me to be a) very simple question.  I've created a new app that tracks "Clients" -- it has a Client object which tracks standard information: name, address, phone number.  All the functionality for adding, deleting records is there.  But I can't figure out how to activate/create the ability to search for clients.  I have an autonumber field which tracks client #'s.  And if you search by that "201210-15" it will display the client record in the search results. But how do I "Activate" or develop the ability to search by other fields, "Name" "phone number" etc.  I've gone through the beginner tutorial and tried searching for the solution and can't get anywhere. 


Thank you! 




in my sobject have record types when i select record type and creating a record in detail page

the record type showing record type name ok  fine. But it has change link clicking on this link

we can change the record types Is it possible to how to avoid this process or hide the change link.




Thank you. 

Hi Salesforce Gurus,


How to build Dynamic SOSL queries? Let’s say I have one requirement where, there are two fields, by which we search for a few ample of records.  

                Requirement-1: If end user search with only single field value keeping other field empty also, he would be able to get some records as a search results.

                Requirement-2: if end user may give the both the fields value and search again, that time also he would be able to get some records as a search results.

          How to build Dynamic SOSL query for this? Anybody can help me out in this scenario??

Well,I have Account standard object and a custom object XYZ__c which is master detail from Account .
Say , Account A1 has xx1 child record and A2 has xx2 .When I merge A1 and A2 (A1 is the masterrecord),I want to copy certain field value from xx2 to xx1 .

Can someone suggest me how to achieve this functionality ?
Thanks in advance !

Well i have found a weird issue in my business org..


I have an Account id say X .

I am querying the record from Workbench (select Name from Account where id='X') .That runs fine and returns me 1 record .

Now i am trying to query  (select Name,External_ID from Account where id='X') .....it returns me 0 record .


I have tried to put the id in salesforce url but it says 'Insuffiecient priviliges blah blah...'


Provided the profile of my user has  View All/Modify All permission on Account object .Also i can access other records of the same record type which the X account has .


Could someone tell me how did they do this ?


I know this is weird I can achieve this using Roll up summary .But what I want is to achieve this using trigger.


I want to write a trigger on Account ,which is having a field named Count__c .I want to autopopulate the nos of Contacts associated with that Account .


My code is not working thats why seeking help .

I want to create a trigger on Contact so that when I update the Phone No in Contact ,the associated Account also gets populated with that Phone No.


Help with code Please .

I want to write a trigger on Account so that when I edit the Phone field of an existing Account record ,the same Phone also auto populate in the Phone field of associated Contacts of that Account .


I have created a trigger but it shows exception .Please give me genuine way to avoid this exception or help me with code .


Here is my code

trigger updtPhone on Account (before update) {

for(Account acc:trigger.new){
List<contact> lst=new List<contact>();
Contact c=new Contact();
c=[SELECT Phone FROM Contact WHERE AccountId=:acc.id];
update acc;


I am given a work in which I have a custom object named Fibonacci .I have to write a class and associate the same with a page so that I can take the length of Fibonacci series from the page .Thats ok .Problem is that each Numbers coming in Fibonacci series should be inserted as a record in the Fibonacci object .Help with code please .

Thanks !

Well,I have Account standard object and a custom object XYZ__c which is master detail from Account .
Say , Account A1 has xx1 child record and A2 has xx2 .When I merge A1 and A2 (A1 is the masterrecord),I want to copy certain field value from xx2 to xx1 .

Can someone suggest me how to achieve this functionality ?
Thanks in advance !

Well i have found a weird issue in my business org..


I have an Account id say X .

I am querying the record from Workbench (select Name from Account where id='X') .That runs fine and returns me 1 record .

Now i am trying to query  (select Name,External_ID from Account where id='X') .....it returns me 0 record .


I have tried to put the id in salesforce url but it says 'Insuffiecient priviliges blah blah...'


Provided the profile of my user has  View All/Modify All permission on Account object .Also i can access other records of the same record type which the X account has .


Could someone tell me how did they do this ?


Can we create a profile using CRID based Metadata API call i.e. "create"??



I am newbie here , Can i know what types of applications or projects are made in salesforce.

Any small example ? ...so that i can try something except inventory management.




My objects are:


CONTACT(lookup)-------------ACCOUNT (master)-------ACCOUNT PLAN(detail/master)--------INFLUENCER(detail)


I want create a lookup on INFLUENCER that shows only the contacts related.

With soql from the object INFLUECER how can i get the account and after the contact related?


I have written this:



Select Account.id,id,name from contact where Account.id IN (SELECT Account_Plan__r.Account__r.id FROM Influencer__c)



but i get an error :

The inner select field 'Account_Plan__r.Account__r.id' cannot have more than one level of relationships

 Any advice?


Thank you in Advatage.


  • May 27, 2013
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Hi ,


i have a question/ probably small confusion regarding how Workflow tasks are assigned to a user when we select a "Role" in Assigned to section, in following scenarios


 1. if the role has multiple users assigned to it ( my answer is  "The task is assigned to the user who triggered the

                                                                                          workflow rule" ).

  2.if the role has No user assigned to it (my answer is "The Task is assigned to the record owner" )


is there any change in this behavior with new releases


please correct me if i am wrong 

I need to create three pick list and say 3rd is dependent on 2nd and 2nd is dependent 1st

however I can't make second multiselect type and make 3rd dependent on this

Any one know how to get this done any other options I can use

  • May 24, 2013
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how do I create a free developers Account which is free for Lifetime...???




HI Y'all,


I have a Formula field F1 - which calculates a fixed Date.

I know that Formula field are not editable.


But, is there any other way that F1 can be mapped to Date field where I can EDIT the field. Not the F1. Like create any field say F2 and map F1 to F2 and make F2 editable.


Or any other whole idea. Which Starts with a Calculated Formula date field and then mapping to an editable Date Field.


Need assistance here. Thanks..

  • February 26, 2013
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I've just started to learn sales force.  Our company already has some custom dashboard pages and a iframed page on a tab a previous developer created.  


Since I'm new to this API and figure I don't need to learn everything at once, I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction on what modules to learn to accomplish the following task.



Build a report for a dashboard which takes each account and gives the last 6 month sales history. Right now we don't enter sales data in SalesForce. This is in our proprietary web based system. We input our unique account number in sales force, so this number could be used to grab sales data from our system.

What would be the best way to push our sales data into some custom data types (whatever those types are), so I can create a datasource on the custom data types to pull 6 months worth of data? Figure the custom data type would contain (account number, sales date (Y-m-d), and sales amount).


Any help here would be grately appreciated.


I'm not sure how I can do this. I have a checkbox that I want to show up in another object. Should I create a new field in the 2nd Object and create a WFR to do a field update if the checkbox in the 1st object is checked then update the 2nd object? What would the formula be?


Or is there a way to do this with setting up the new field in the 2nd Object? Like Master-detail relationship?



I have a date let 28-02-2012(dd-mm-yyyy)


if i want to add number of months depending on picklist value say




date become 28-03-2012 or 30-03-2012


"Quarterly"--> 28-05-2012


"halfyearly"--> 28-08-2012


yearly-> 28-02-2013


if date is 15-12-2012








how its formula is to be written


If I have object with about 100 fields and I want to enter into workflow criteria

if any change made, except change for 4 specific fields.


Is it possible or I have to write a trigger?

I am adding this formula to GST/HST field. I have a picklist (Province_for_tax_calculation) with values ON,BC,NB etc.

I have another field called Amount Payable which needs to be calculated based on the picklist value selected. The formula below is not working. Any ideas?



ISPICKVAL(Province_for_tax_calculation__c, "ON"),
ISPICKVAL(Province_for_tax_calculation__c, "BC"),
ISPICKVAL(Province_for_tax_calculation__c, "NB"),
ISPICKVAL(Province_for_tax_calculation__c, "NS"),
ISPICKVAL(Province_for_tax_calculation__c, "NL"),
ISPICKVAL(Province_for_tax_calculation__c, "PEI"),
ISPICKVAL(Province_for_tax_calculation__c, "QC")),
"Amount_Payable__c *0.13,0",
"Amount_Payable__c *0.12,0",
"Amount_Payable__c *0.13,0",
"Amount_Payable__c *0.15,0",
"Amount_Payable__c *0.13,0",
"Amount_Payable__c *0.14,0",
"Amount_Payable__c *0.149,0"

I'm using many formulas like that:


IF(Payment_01__c = TRUE, 1, 0)
+ IF(Payment_02__c = TRUE, 4, 0)
+ IF(Payment_03__c = TRUE, 16, 0)


Payment is a checkbox. There are many other checkbox in the object with the same formula. And there is a Total that is the final sum of all thing. But I'm receiving this message:

Error: Compiled formula is too big to execute (5,371 characters). Maximum size is 5,000 characters


How can I solve it?