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I want to send file more than 20mb to amazon s3
It's not possible in sfdc to send files more than 12 mb because we have an asynchronous heap size limit of 12 MB. but still I don't want to use any app exchange app. so how can I achieve this. and in S3 file object, I am able to upload 20 MB
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- July 15, 2021
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cannot connect to UAT sandbox from VS code
When I try to authorize ORG from vs code. getting this exception
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- May 24, 2021
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need help for - nested for loop
how to avoid for loop in for loop here
for(account a: accounts){ string[] perCamps = a.Campaign_new__pc.split(';'); for(integer i=0; i<perCamps.size(); i++){ if(!conIdByCamName.containsKey(perCamps[i])) conIdByCamName.put(perCamps[i], new list<string>{a.PersonContactId}); else conIdByCamName.get(perCamps[i]).add(a.PersonContactId); }
here "Campaign_new__pc" is Multi select Picklist field.
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- October 30, 2020
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Help For Test Classes
I wrote a test for the trigger, which is covering all its dependency classes(apex cls, Schedule). so do I need to write separate test classes for each dependency cls as well?
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- October 25, 2020
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how to escape soql limits in trigger
hey, I need a small help. I'm working on a lead duplication trigger. there I need to fetch all the existing person accounts and leads to check duplicate. but I have 69k records in-person account. it will through soql exception. so how can I achieve this? I need to show error message on duplication
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- October 20, 2020
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can anyone help me with this test class
@isTest public class TestDataFactory { public static testMethod void testdata_for_manipulateDataForInviteBlast(){ insert new Pardot_Settings__c(Name = 'Pardot User Key', User_Key__c ='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'); Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MockHttpResponseGeneratorpost()); Account a = new Account(); a.Name = 'Test Account'; Insert a; Contact con1 = new Contact(); con1.FirstName='Seema'; con1.LastName= 'singh'; con1.AccountId = a.Id; con1.Email='seemax1.singh@accelerize360.com'; insert con1; Analyst__c an= new Analyst__c(); an.Name='asdf122345'; an.Order_of_Precedence__c = '1'; insert an; Custom_Event__c cEvent = new Custom_Event__c(); cEvent.name = 'testingEvent'; cEvent.CAT_external_event_name__c = 'testing External Event'; cEvent.Type_of_Meeting__c = 'Analyst Marketing'; cEvent.Start_Date__c = DateTime.Now().AddDays(10); cEvent.End_Date__c = DateTime.Now().AddDays(13); insert cEvent; Campaign com = new Campaign(); com.Analyst__c=an.id; com.Related_Event__c = cEvent.Id; com.Name='test'; insert com; CampaignMember cm = new CampaignMember(); cm.ContactId=con1.id; cm.CampaignId=com.id; cm.CampaignId = com.id; insert cm; EmailMessage incomingMail = new EmailMessage(); incomingMail.fromaddress='test@email.com'; incomingMail.toAddress = 'test@test.com'; incomingMail.subject = ' Test Message'; incomingMail.TextBody= 'This is the message body '; incomingMail.RelatedToId = cEvent.id; insert incomingMail ; } }
here I'm not testing integration directly, but it was like whenever contact is created it happens, so its making callout indirectly that's why I have to use more class.
here when I run the test I'm getting error:
System.CalloutException: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out
and when I remove emailmessage record insertion part its working. but I need that
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- August 05, 2020
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i am getting error when deploying test class to production, but not failing in sandbox
accont trigger handler:
here it is the error im getting when deploying:
public with sharing class AccountTriggerHandler extends TriggerHandler { /** * @Description : 1. Calls queuable class to set the request with the matched accounts 2. Calls DocuSignUtil class when account stage is "Application" and Stage is "05 - Polocy Issued" */ protected override void onAfterUpdate() { if (!isTriggerActive()) return; System.enqueueJob(new AccountPartnerSyncQueueable(getElegranMatchingAccounts(Trigger.New),'Elegran','PUSH')); // send attachment if RecordType is "Application", account stage is changed to '05-polocy issued' List<Account> docuSignAccounts = getDocuSignMatchingAccounts(Trigger.New, Trigger.oldMap); if (!docuSignAccounts.isEmpty()) { DocuSignUtil.sendAttachment(docuSignAccounts); } } /** * check Trigger_Settings__mdt to see if the Active__c flag is set for this trigger * @return true if active else return false */ private static Boolean isTriggerActive() { List<TriggerSetting__mdt> triggerMute = new List<TriggerSetting__mdt>(); triggerMute = [Select DeveloperName,MasterLabel,Active__c,TriggerName__c from TriggerSetting__mdt WHERE DeveloperName = 'Account_Sync_Elegran' AND TriggerName__c = 'AccountTrigger' Limit 1]; if(triggerMute.size()>0 ){ return triggerMute[0].Active__c; }else{ return true; } } /** * @Description : Calls queuable class to set the request with the matched accounts * @param1 : accounts will be the Trigger.new records * @return : returns the matched accounts that meets the conditions. */ public static Boolean ranElegranIntegration = false; private List<Account> getElegranMatchingAccounts(List<Account> accounts){ List<Account> accs = new List<Account>(); if(ranElegranIntegration == false){ ranElegranIntegration = true; Set<Id> tenant1Ids = new Set<Id>(); for(Account acc: accounts) { tenant1Ids.add(acc.Tenant_1__c); } List<Contact> tenant1List = [SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName,Risk_Class__c,Desired_Rent_Amount__c,Description FROM Contact where Id IN: tenant1Ids]; Map<Id,Contact> accVsTenant1Map = new Map<Id,Contact>(); for(Account acc:accounts) { if(acc.Tenant_1__c !=null) { for(Contact con: tenant1List) { accVsTenant1Map.put(acc.Id,con); } } } for(Account acc: accounts){ if((accVsTenant1Map.keySet().contains(acc.Id) && accVsTenant1Map.get(acc.Id).Risk_Class__c == null) && acc.What_state_are_you_looking_to_live_in__c == 'NY' && ((acc.Gross_Monthly_Rent__c != null && acc.Gross_Monthly_Rent__c >= 2500) || (accVsTenant1Map.keySet().contains(acc.Id) && accVsTenant1Map.get(acc.Id).Desired_Rent_Amount__c != null && accVsTenant1Map.get(acc.Id).Desired_Rent_Amount__c >= 2500) )) { accs.add(acc); } } } return [SELECT Id,Name,Tenant_1__c,Tenant_1__r.Email,Tenant_1__r.Phone,Tenant_1__r.FirstName,Tenant_1__r.LastName, Gross_Monthly_Rent__c,Tenant_1__r.Desired_Rent_Amount__c,Tenant_1__r.Description FROM Account Where Id IN: accs and Tenant_1__c != null]; } /** * @Description : To Filter The Accounts to Send DocuSign Attachments To Accounts Related Apartment_Building Email Adress * @param1 : accounts will be the Trigger.new records * @Param2 : oldAccountById be the Trigger.oldMap * @return : returns the matched accounts that meets the conditions. */ private list<account> getDocuSignMatchingAccounts(list<account> accounts, map<id,sObject> oldAccountsMap){ Map<Id, account> oldAccountById = (Map<Id, account>) oldAccountsMap; list<account> filteredAccounts = new list<account>(); // get Record type to filter the accounts Map<ID,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rt_Map = Account.sObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosById(); for(account acc : accounts){ boolean recordType = rt_Map.get(acc.recordTypeID).getName().containsIgnoreCase('Application'); if( recordType && acc.Stage__c != oldAccountById.get(acc.id).Stage__c && acc.Stage__c == '05 - Policy Issued'){ filteredAccounts.add(acc); } } return filteredAccounts; } }DocuSignUtil
public class DocuSignUtil { /** @ this class will be called when the account record type = 'application' and stage = '05 - polocy issued' @ if so then sends the attachment of 'docusign status' to the 'land lord' of current account. */ public static void sendAttachment( list<account> acclist){ set<id> AccIds = (new map<id, account> (acclist)).keySet(); /** * Query To get Latest record of docusign based on docusign status( dsfs__Envelope_Status__c ) related to Accounts @Docusign relationship name = R00N80000002eb1GEAQ__r */ list<account> accountDocuSignsList = [ select id,name,(select id,dsfs__Envelope_Status__c from R00N80000002eb1GEAQ__r where dsfs__Envelope_Status__c = 'completed' ORDER BY lastmodifieddate DESC limit 1) from account where id IN : AccIds ]; /** * creating map of Docusign id, related account */ map<id,id> AccIdByDocId = new map<id,id>(); for(account a: accountDocuSignsList){ for(dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c docSign : a.R00N80000002eb1GEAQ__r){ AccIdByDocId.put(docSign.id,a.Id); } } /** @ Map of content document Id(attachment id), key('docusign status' obj id) of related account id */ map<id,id> LinkedEntityIdByContentDocumentId = new map<id,id>(); /** * Map of Id(LinkedEntityId) , values(set of ContentDocumentId's related to LinkedEntityId) */ map<id,set<id>> ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId = new map<id,set<id>>(); for(ContentDocumentLink DocLink : [select id,LinkedEntityId,ContentDocumentId from ContentDocumentLink where LinkedEntityId IN : AccIdByDocId.keyset()]){ LinkedEntityIdByContentDocumentId.put(DocLink.ContentDocumentId, DocLink.LinkedEntityId); if(ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId.containsKey(DocLink.LinkedEntityId)){ ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId.get(DocLink.LinkedEntityId).add(DocLink.ContentDocumentId); }else{ ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId.put(DocLink.LinkedEntityId, new set<id>{DocLink.ContentDocumentId}); } } /** Map of Account ids and Docusign attachment body */ Map<id,id> AttachmentByAccId = new Map<id,id>(); for(id Key: ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId.keySet()){ for(ContentVersion DocBody : [ SELECT id,title,VersionData,ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId IN : ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId.get(key) AND ( (title LIKE : '%Tenant%' AND title LIKE :'%Partiicpation%' AND title LIKE :'%Agreement%') OR (NOT title LIKE : 'certificate%')) ORDER BY ContentModifiedDate Desc LIMIT 1]) { id AccId = AccIdByDocId.get(LinkedEntityIdByContentDocumentId.get(DocBody.ContentDocumentId)); AttachmentByAccId.put(AccId, DocBody.Id); } } /** * Send email with docuSign Attachement to related Accounts 'Apartment building' Email Address */ if(AttachmentByAccId.values() != NULL){ list<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> mailList = new list<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>(); emailTemplate EmailTemplt = [select id, name from EmailTemplate where name = 'Policy Issued Landlord Notification New']; for(Account account : [select Id,Name,OwnerId,Apartment_Building__r.Email_Address__c from Account where Id IN :AccIds]) { if(EmailTemplt != null){ Messaging.singleEmailMessage mail = Messaging.renderStoredEmailTemplate(EmailTemplt.Id, NULL, account.Id); mail.setToAddresses(new string[] {account.Apartment_Building__r.Email_Address__c}); mail.setEntityAttachments(new string[] {AttachmentByAccId.get(account.id)}); if(!test.isRunningTest()){ mail.setBccAddresses(new string[] {'rajendra@accelerize360.com'}); } mailList.add(mail); } } if(mailList.size() > 0){ Messaging.SendEmailResult[] Result = Messaging.sendEmail(mailList); } } } }
/** * Test Class For "DocuSignUtil" Class(which will be fired by After Trigger when the Account Stage Is Changed to "05 - Polocy Issued" * and record type is "Application") */ @IsTest(seeAllData = false) private with sharing class DocuSignUtilTest { @testSetup private static void testdata(){ DocuSignTestDataFactory.testData(5); } /** * Testing All Possible cases by providing required data */ @isTest private static void UpdateAccount_To_Test_Sending_Email_Attachments(){ list<account> accUpdatList = [select id,name from account where name LIKE : '%testing trigger%']; Test.startTest(); Integer invocations; try{ DocuSignUtil.sendAttachment(accUpdatList); invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } catch (Exception e) { invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } Test.stopTest(); system.assertNotEquals(0, invocations, 'An email should be sent'); } /** * test if content version record title is not matched */ @isTest private static void UpdateAccount_To_Test_Whether_Attachments_Filtered_Even_If_Attachment_Title_Not_matched(){ list<ContentVersion> ContentVersionList = new list<ContentVersion>(); for(ContentVersion Doc: [SELECT id,Title from ContentVersion]){ Doc.Title = 'certificate'; ContentVersionList.add(Doc); } update ContentVersionList; list<account> accUpdatList = [select id,name from account where name LIKE : '%testing trigger%']; Test.startTest(); Integer invocations; try{ DocuSignUtil.sendAttachment(accUpdatList); invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } catch (Exception e) { invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } Test.stopTest(); system.assertEquals(0, invocations, 'An email should not be sent'); } /** * testing Whether Email can be sent or not without Documents */ @isTest private static void UpdateAccount_To_Test_Whether_Email_Send_Even_If_There_Are_No_Documents_Available_For_Docusign_Related_To_Account(){ delete [SELECT id from ContentDocument]; list<account> accUpdatList = [select id,name from account where name LIKE : '%testing trigger%']; Test.startTest(); Integer invocations; try{ DocuSignUtil.sendAttachment(accUpdatList); invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } catch (Exception e) { invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } Test.stopTest(); system.assertEquals(0, invocations, 'An email should not be sent'); } /** * testing if Accounts related record -"Apartment_Building" record Email is null */ @isTest private static void UpdateAccount_To_Test_Email_Being_Sent_Even_If_Recipient_Email_Is_Null(){ account a = [select id,name,Email_Address__c from account where name LIKE : '%new apartment%']; a.Email_Address__c = ''; update a; list<account> accUpdatList = [select id,name from account where name LIKE : '%testing trigger%']; Test.startTest(); Integer invocations; try{ DocuSignUtil.sendAttachment(accUpdatList); invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } catch (Exception e) { invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } Test.stopTest(); system.assertEquals(0, invocations, 'An email should not be sent'); } }
/* * @Description - This test class is to provide test data for AccountTrigger & AccountTriggerHandler * This Test class Also Tests The Trigger Logic On After Update To sent Attachments To Related Account * When Stage is '05 - Polocy Issued' And Aplication Type is 'Application'. */ @isTest(seeAllData = false) private class AccountTriggerTest { @testSetup private static void testdata(){ DocuSignTestDataFactory.testData(2); } private static testMethod void getMatchingAccounts_TriggerHandlerTest(){ List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact>(); List<Account> accList = new List<Account>(); for(Integer i=0; i<=10; i++) { Contact con = new Contact(LastName = 'Application'+i, FirstName='Tenant 01', Phone='9999999999',Email='testemail@email.com',Desired_Rent_Amount__c=3000,Description='Description For Contact'); conList.add(con); } insert conList; for(Contact con: conList) { Account acc = new Account(Name = con.LastName, Tenant_1__c = con.Id,Gross_Monthly_Rent__c=2500,What_state_are_you_looking_to_live_in__c='NY'); accList.add(acc); } insert accList; List<TriggerSetting__mdt> ts = [Select DeveloperName,MasterLabel,Active__c,TriggerName__c from TriggerSetting__mdt WHERE DeveloperName = 'Account_Sync_Elegran' AND TriggerName__c = 'AccountTrigger']; Test.startTest(); update accList; if ( ts.isEmpty() || ts[0].Active__c == true) { System.AssertNotEquals(1,Limits.getQueueableJobs()); }else if(ts[0].Active__c == false){ System.AssertEquals(0,Limits.getQueueableJobs()); } Test.stopTest(); } /** * Testing Email Sending Functionality When The Stage Is Changed To '05 - Policy Issued'. */ @isTest private static void updateAccount_withChangedStage_toSendDocuSignAttachment(){ list<account> accUpdatList = new list<account>(); for(account aa : [select id,name,Stage__c from account where name LIKE : '%testing trigger%' LIMIT 1]){ aa.Stage__c = '05 - Policy Issued'; accUpdatList.add(aa); } Test.startTest(); Integer invocations; try{ update accUpdatList; invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } catch (exception e){ invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } Test.stopTest(); system.assertEquals(1, invocations, 'An email should be sent'); } }
/** * @Description: Provides Test data for DocuSignUtilTest Test Class * @Objects : Account, dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c, ContentVersion, ContentDocumentLink */ @isTest(seeAllData = false) public class DocuSignTestDataFactory { public static void testData(integer recordsCount) { id applicationRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Application').getRecordTypeId(); id AppartmentbuildingRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Building').getRecordTypeId(); // sample account(apartments building record) of recordType "Building" account appartmentBuildingAcc = new account(name='new apartment',RecordTypeId = AppartmentbuildingRecordTypeId, Email_Address__c='rajendraprasadmalla7396@gmail.com'); insert appartmentBuildingAcc; // sample account records list<account> accList = new list<account>(); for(integer i=0; i < recordsCount; i++){ account acc = new account(); acc.Name = 'testing Trigger'+i; acc.RecordTypeId = applicationRecordTypeId; acc.Stage__c = '04 - Agreement Signed'; acc.Apartment_Building__c = AppartmentBuildingAcc.id; accList.add(acc); } insert accList; // sample Docusign status record related to Account record list<dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c> docList = new list<dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c>(); for(integer i=0; i < accList.size(); i++){ dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c docSign = new dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c(); docSign.dsfs__Company__c = accList.get(i).Id; docSign.dsfs__Envelope_Status__c = 'completed'; docList.add(docSign); } insert docList; // content version record to inserting sample attachments list<ContentVersion> contentList = new list<ContentVersion>(); for(integer i=0; i < accList.size(); i++){ ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(); cv.Title = i+'Tenant Partiicpation Agreement.pdf'; cv.PathOnClient = i+'Tenant Partiicpation Agreement.pdf'; cv.VersionData = Blob.valueOf('Test Content Document'); cv.IsMajorVersion = true; contentList.add(cv); } Insert contentList; set<id> contentId = (new map<id,sObject> (contentList)).keyset(); // Get ContentDocumentsId from Content Version list<ContentVersion> conDocId = [SELECT id,ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id IN : contentId]; // ContentDocumentLink To link the Document To DocuSignStatus Record list<ContentDocumentLink> docLink = new list<ContentDocumentLink>(); for(integer i=0; i < accList.size(); i++){ ContentDocumentLink cd = New ContentDocumentLink(); cd.LinkedEntityId = docList.get(i).id; cd.ContentDocumentId = conDocId.get(i).ContentDocumentId; cd.shareType = 'V'; docLink.add(cd); } Insert docLink; } }
here it is the error im getting when deploying:
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- June 12, 2020
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Salesforce REST integration
I created connected app. So now to the client what I need to provide Just consumer id, consumer secret is enough
or I need to provide access toKen too, or provide url with acces token and sobject to access , I'm confused here, how we do in real time project's.
or I need to provide access toKen too, or provide url with acces token and sobject to access , I'm confused here, how we do in real time project's.
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- May 13, 2020
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- Rajendra Prasad 44
- October 21, 2019
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Sobject doubt
I am confused by fallowing Sobject statement
'Account a = (Account)s' . Could you explain it?
'Account a = (Account)s' . Could you explain it?
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- July 20, 2019
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deployment issue with ant and field level access
I just deployed one object from one org to another through ant tool. now i could see that object thats fine. but the problem is i cannot see the all fields.i know its field level sucurity issue, but i have full access in profile because i am admin. i can go manually to each field and set field level access. but is there any other way. i dont understand one thing admin can do access anything without giving any access particulartly. but why i cannot access those fields automatically.
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- July 17, 2019
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Validation rules with trigger scenario doubt
If the amount__c > 100. Show error by validation rule. If I update the value from 90 to 120. What happens in before update trigger scenario and after update scenario. is it will show error in both scenario? I think it will show error on both scenarios
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- July 15, 2019
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Sandbox login issue?
I have created two sandboxes at a time in free 30 days trail edition. But even though I successfully created I cannot login to sandboxes by username suffixed with '.Sandbox name' and used production password.
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- July 15, 2019
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i need to show error message when duplicate account record is created based on account Name
trigger acctrigger on Account (before insert) {
list<Account> acc = [SELECT Id,Name from Account];
for(Account ta: trigger.new){
for(Account a: acc){
if(ta.Name == a.Name){
newval.addError('sorry you cannot add this account its already been in database');
list<Account> acc = [SELECT Id,Name from Account];
for(Account ta: trigger.new){
for(Account a: acc){
if(ta.Name == a.Name){
newval.addError('sorry you cannot add this account its already been in database');
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- June 29, 2019
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cannot connect to UAT sandbox from VS code
When I try to authorize ORG from vs code. getting this exception
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- May 24, 2021
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can anyone help me with this test class
@isTest public class TestDataFactory { public static testMethod void testdata_for_manipulateDataForInviteBlast(){ insert new Pardot_Settings__c(Name = 'Pardot User Key', User_Key__c ='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'); Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MockHttpResponseGeneratorpost()); Account a = new Account(); a.Name = 'Test Account'; Insert a; Contact con1 = new Contact(); con1.FirstName='Seema'; con1.LastName= 'singh'; con1.AccountId = a.Id; con1.Email='seemax1.singh@accelerize360.com'; insert con1; Analyst__c an= new Analyst__c(); an.Name='asdf122345'; an.Order_of_Precedence__c = '1'; insert an; Custom_Event__c cEvent = new Custom_Event__c(); cEvent.name = 'testingEvent'; cEvent.CAT_external_event_name__c = 'testing External Event'; cEvent.Type_of_Meeting__c = 'Analyst Marketing'; cEvent.Start_Date__c = DateTime.Now().AddDays(10); cEvent.End_Date__c = DateTime.Now().AddDays(13); insert cEvent; Campaign com = new Campaign(); com.Analyst__c=an.id; com.Related_Event__c = cEvent.Id; com.Name='test'; insert com; CampaignMember cm = new CampaignMember(); cm.ContactId=con1.id; cm.CampaignId=com.id; cm.CampaignId = com.id; insert cm; EmailMessage incomingMail = new EmailMessage(); incomingMail.fromaddress='test@email.com'; incomingMail.toAddress = 'test@test.com'; incomingMail.subject = ' Test Message'; incomingMail.TextBody= 'This is the message body '; incomingMail.RelatedToId = cEvent.id; insert incomingMail ; } }
here I'm not testing integration directly, but it was like whenever contact is created it happens, so its making callout indirectly that's why I have to use more class.
here when I run the test I'm getting error:
System.CalloutException: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out
and when I remove emailmessage record insertion part its working. but I need that
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- August 05, 2020
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i am getting error when deploying test class to production, but not failing in sandbox
accont trigger handler:
here it is the error im getting when deploying:
public with sharing class AccountTriggerHandler extends TriggerHandler { /** * @Description : 1. Calls queuable class to set the request with the matched accounts 2. Calls DocuSignUtil class when account stage is "Application" and Stage is "05 - Polocy Issued" */ protected override void onAfterUpdate() { if (!isTriggerActive()) return; System.enqueueJob(new AccountPartnerSyncQueueable(getElegranMatchingAccounts(Trigger.New),'Elegran','PUSH')); // send attachment if RecordType is "Application", account stage is changed to '05-polocy issued' List<Account> docuSignAccounts = getDocuSignMatchingAccounts(Trigger.New, Trigger.oldMap); if (!docuSignAccounts.isEmpty()) { DocuSignUtil.sendAttachment(docuSignAccounts); } } /** * check Trigger_Settings__mdt to see if the Active__c flag is set for this trigger * @return true if active else return false */ private static Boolean isTriggerActive() { List<TriggerSetting__mdt> triggerMute = new List<TriggerSetting__mdt>(); triggerMute = [Select DeveloperName,MasterLabel,Active__c,TriggerName__c from TriggerSetting__mdt WHERE DeveloperName = 'Account_Sync_Elegran' AND TriggerName__c = 'AccountTrigger' Limit 1]; if(triggerMute.size()>0 ){ return triggerMute[0].Active__c; }else{ return true; } } /** * @Description : Calls queuable class to set the request with the matched accounts * @param1 : accounts will be the Trigger.new records * @return : returns the matched accounts that meets the conditions. */ public static Boolean ranElegranIntegration = false; private List<Account> getElegranMatchingAccounts(List<Account> accounts){ List<Account> accs = new List<Account>(); if(ranElegranIntegration == false){ ranElegranIntegration = true; Set<Id> tenant1Ids = new Set<Id>(); for(Account acc: accounts) { tenant1Ids.add(acc.Tenant_1__c); } List<Contact> tenant1List = [SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName,Risk_Class__c,Desired_Rent_Amount__c,Description FROM Contact where Id IN: tenant1Ids]; Map<Id,Contact> accVsTenant1Map = new Map<Id,Contact>(); for(Account acc:accounts) { if(acc.Tenant_1__c !=null) { for(Contact con: tenant1List) { accVsTenant1Map.put(acc.Id,con); } } } for(Account acc: accounts){ if((accVsTenant1Map.keySet().contains(acc.Id) && accVsTenant1Map.get(acc.Id).Risk_Class__c == null) && acc.What_state_are_you_looking_to_live_in__c == 'NY' && ((acc.Gross_Monthly_Rent__c != null && acc.Gross_Monthly_Rent__c >= 2500) || (accVsTenant1Map.keySet().contains(acc.Id) && accVsTenant1Map.get(acc.Id).Desired_Rent_Amount__c != null && accVsTenant1Map.get(acc.Id).Desired_Rent_Amount__c >= 2500) )) { accs.add(acc); } } } return [SELECT Id,Name,Tenant_1__c,Tenant_1__r.Email,Tenant_1__r.Phone,Tenant_1__r.FirstName,Tenant_1__r.LastName, Gross_Monthly_Rent__c,Tenant_1__r.Desired_Rent_Amount__c,Tenant_1__r.Description FROM Account Where Id IN: accs and Tenant_1__c != null]; } /** * @Description : To Filter The Accounts to Send DocuSign Attachments To Accounts Related Apartment_Building Email Adress * @param1 : accounts will be the Trigger.new records * @Param2 : oldAccountById be the Trigger.oldMap * @return : returns the matched accounts that meets the conditions. */ private list<account> getDocuSignMatchingAccounts(list<account> accounts, map<id,sObject> oldAccountsMap){ Map<Id, account> oldAccountById = (Map<Id, account>) oldAccountsMap; list<account> filteredAccounts = new list<account>(); // get Record type to filter the accounts Map<ID,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rt_Map = Account.sObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosById(); for(account acc : accounts){ boolean recordType = rt_Map.get(acc.recordTypeID).getName().containsIgnoreCase('Application'); if( recordType && acc.Stage__c != oldAccountById.get(acc.id).Stage__c && acc.Stage__c == '05 - Policy Issued'){ filteredAccounts.add(acc); } } return filteredAccounts; } }DocuSignUtil
public class DocuSignUtil { /** @ this class will be called when the account record type = 'application' and stage = '05 - polocy issued' @ if so then sends the attachment of 'docusign status' to the 'land lord' of current account. */ public static void sendAttachment( list<account> acclist){ set<id> AccIds = (new map<id, account> (acclist)).keySet(); /** * Query To get Latest record of docusign based on docusign status( dsfs__Envelope_Status__c ) related to Accounts @Docusign relationship name = R00N80000002eb1GEAQ__r */ list<account> accountDocuSignsList = [ select id,name,(select id,dsfs__Envelope_Status__c from R00N80000002eb1GEAQ__r where dsfs__Envelope_Status__c = 'completed' ORDER BY lastmodifieddate DESC limit 1) from account where id IN : AccIds ]; /** * creating map of Docusign id, related account */ map<id,id> AccIdByDocId = new map<id,id>(); for(account a: accountDocuSignsList){ for(dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c docSign : a.R00N80000002eb1GEAQ__r){ AccIdByDocId.put(docSign.id,a.Id); } } /** @ Map of content document Id(attachment id), key('docusign status' obj id) of related account id */ map<id,id> LinkedEntityIdByContentDocumentId = new map<id,id>(); /** * Map of Id(LinkedEntityId) , values(set of ContentDocumentId's related to LinkedEntityId) */ map<id,set<id>> ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId = new map<id,set<id>>(); for(ContentDocumentLink DocLink : [select id,LinkedEntityId,ContentDocumentId from ContentDocumentLink where LinkedEntityId IN : AccIdByDocId.keyset()]){ LinkedEntityIdByContentDocumentId.put(DocLink.ContentDocumentId, DocLink.LinkedEntityId); if(ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId.containsKey(DocLink.LinkedEntityId)){ ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId.get(DocLink.LinkedEntityId).add(DocLink.ContentDocumentId); }else{ ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId.put(DocLink.LinkedEntityId, new set<id>{DocLink.ContentDocumentId}); } } /** Map of Account ids and Docusign attachment body */ Map<id,id> AttachmentByAccId = new Map<id,id>(); for(id Key: ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId.keySet()){ for(ContentVersion DocBody : [ SELECT id,title,VersionData,ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId IN : ContentDocumentIdByLinkedEntityId.get(key) AND ( (title LIKE : '%Tenant%' AND title LIKE :'%Partiicpation%' AND title LIKE :'%Agreement%') OR (NOT title LIKE : 'certificate%')) ORDER BY ContentModifiedDate Desc LIMIT 1]) { id AccId = AccIdByDocId.get(LinkedEntityIdByContentDocumentId.get(DocBody.ContentDocumentId)); AttachmentByAccId.put(AccId, DocBody.Id); } } /** * Send email with docuSign Attachement to related Accounts 'Apartment building' Email Address */ if(AttachmentByAccId.values() != NULL){ list<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> mailList = new list<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>(); emailTemplate EmailTemplt = [select id, name from EmailTemplate where name = 'Policy Issued Landlord Notification New']; for(Account account : [select Id,Name,OwnerId,Apartment_Building__r.Email_Address__c from Account where Id IN :AccIds]) { if(EmailTemplt != null){ Messaging.singleEmailMessage mail = Messaging.renderStoredEmailTemplate(EmailTemplt.Id, NULL, account.Id); mail.setToAddresses(new string[] {account.Apartment_Building__r.Email_Address__c}); mail.setEntityAttachments(new string[] {AttachmentByAccId.get(account.id)}); if(!test.isRunningTest()){ mail.setBccAddresses(new string[] {'rajendra@accelerize360.com'}); } mailList.add(mail); } } if(mailList.size() > 0){ Messaging.SendEmailResult[] Result = Messaging.sendEmail(mailList); } } } }
/** * Test Class For "DocuSignUtil" Class(which will be fired by After Trigger when the Account Stage Is Changed to "05 - Polocy Issued" * and record type is "Application") */ @IsTest(seeAllData = false) private with sharing class DocuSignUtilTest { @testSetup private static void testdata(){ DocuSignTestDataFactory.testData(5); } /** * Testing All Possible cases by providing required data */ @isTest private static void UpdateAccount_To_Test_Sending_Email_Attachments(){ list<account> accUpdatList = [select id,name from account where name LIKE : '%testing trigger%']; Test.startTest(); Integer invocations; try{ DocuSignUtil.sendAttachment(accUpdatList); invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } catch (Exception e) { invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } Test.stopTest(); system.assertNotEquals(0, invocations, 'An email should be sent'); } /** * test if content version record title is not matched */ @isTest private static void UpdateAccount_To_Test_Whether_Attachments_Filtered_Even_If_Attachment_Title_Not_matched(){ list<ContentVersion> ContentVersionList = new list<ContentVersion>(); for(ContentVersion Doc: [SELECT id,Title from ContentVersion]){ Doc.Title = 'certificate'; ContentVersionList.add(Doc); } update ContentVersionList; list<account> accUpdatList = [select id,name from account where name LIKE : '%testing trigger%']; Test.startTest(); Integer invocations; try{ DocuSignUtil.sendAttachment(accUpdatList); invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } catch (Exception e) { invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } Test.stopTest(); system.assertEquals(0, invocations, 'An email should not be sent'); } /** * testing Whether Email can be sent or not without Documents */ @isTest private static void UpdateAccount_To_Test_Whether_Email_Send_Even_If_There_Are_No_Documents_Available_For_Docusign_Related_To_Account(){ delete [SELECT id from ContentDocument]; list<account> accUpdatList = [select id,name from account where name LIKE : '%testing trigger%']; Test.startTest(); Integer invocations; try{ DocuSignUtil.sendAttachment(accUpdatList); invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } catch (Exception e) { invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } Test.stopTest(); system.assertEquals(0, invocations, 'An email should not be sent'); } /** * testing if Accounts related record -"Apartment_Building" record Email is null */ @isTest private static void UpdateAccount_To_Test_Email_Being_Sent_Even_If_Recipient_Email_Is_Null(){ account a = [select id,name,Email_Address__c from account where name LIKE : '%new apartment%']; a.Email_Address__c = ''; update a; list<account> accUpdatList = [select id,name from account where name LIKE : '%testing trigger%']; Test.startTest(); Integer invocations; try{ DocuSignUtil.sendAttachment(accUpdatList); invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } catch (Exception e) { invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } Test.stopTest(); system.assertEquals(0, invocations, 'An email should not be sent'); } }
/* * @Description - This test class is to provide test data for AccountTrigger & AccountTriggerHandler * This Test class Also Tests The Trigger Logic On After Update To sent Attachments To Related Account * When Stage is '05 - Polocy Issued' And Aplication Type is 'Application'. */ @isTest(seeAllData = false) private class AccountTriggerTest { @testSetup private static void testdata(){ DocuSignTestDataFactory.testData(2); } private static testMethod void getMatchingAccounts_TriggerHandlerTest(){ List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact>(); List<Account> accList = new List<Account>(); for(Integer i=0; i<=10; i++) { Contact con = new Contact(LastName = 'Application'+i, FirstName='Tenant 01', Phone='9999999999',Email='testemail@email.com',Desired_Rent_Amount__c=3000,Description='Description For Contact'); conList.add(con); } insert conList; for(Contact con: conList) { Account acc = new Account(Name = con.LastName, Tenant_1__c = con.Id,Gross_Monthly_Rent__c=2500,What_state_are_you_looking_to_live_in__c='NY'); accList.add(acc); } insert accList; List<TriggerSetting__mdt> ts = [Select DeveloperName,MasterLabel,Active__c,TriggerName__c from TriggerSetting__mdt WHERE DeveloperName = 'Account_Sync_Elegran' AND TriggerName__c = 'AccountTrigger']; Test.startTest(); update accList; if ( ts.isEmpty() || ts[0].Active__c == true) { System.AssertNotEquals(1,Limits.getQueueableJobs()); }else if(ts[0].Active__c == false){ System.AssertEquals(0,Limits.getQueueableJobs()); } Test.stopTest(); } /** * Testing Email Sending Functionality When The Stage Is Changed To '05 - Policy Issued'. */ @isTest private static void updateAccount_withChangedStage_toSendDocuSignAttachment(){ list<account> accUpdatList = new list<account>(); for(account aa : [select id,name,Stage__c from account where name LIKE : '%testing trigger%' LIMIT 1]){ aa.Stage__c = '05 - Policy Issued'; accUpdatList.add(aa); } Test.startTest(); Integer invocations; try{ update accUpdatList; invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } catch (exception e){ invocations = Limits.getEmailInvocations(); } Test.stopTest(); system.assertEquals(1, invocations, 'An email should be sent'); } }
/** * @Description: Provides Test data for DocuSignUtilTest Test Class * @Objects : Account, dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c, ContentVersion, ContentDocumentLink */ @isTest(seeAllData = false) public class DocuSignTestDataFactory { public static void testData(integer recordsCount) { id applicationRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Application').getRecordTypeId(); id AppartmentbuildingRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Building').getRecordTypeId(); // sample account(apartments building record) of recordType "Building" account appartmentBuildingAcc = new account(name='new apartment',RecordTypeId = AppartmentbuildingRecordTypeId, Email_Address__c='rajendraprasadmalla7396@gmail.com'); insert appartmentBuildingAcc; // sample account records list<account> accList = new list<account>(); for(integer i=0; i < recordsCount; i++){ account acc = new account(); acc.Name = 'testing Trigger'+i; acc.RecordTypeId = applicationRecordTypeId; acc.Stage__c = '04 - Agreement Signed'; acc.Apartment_Building__c = AppartmentBuildingAcc.id; accList.add(acc); } insert accList; // sample Docusign status record related to Account record list<dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c> docList = new list<dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c>(); for(integer i=0; i < accList.size(); i++){ dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c docSign = new dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c(); docSign.dsfs__Company__c = accList.get(i).Id; docSign.dsfs__Envelope_Status__c = 'completed'; docList.add(docSign); } insert docList; // content version record to inserting sample attachments list<ContentVersion> contentList = new list<ContentVersion>(); for(integer i=0; i < accList.size(); i++){ ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(); cv.Title = i+'Tenant Partiicpation Agreement.pdf'; cv.PathOnClient = i+'Tenant Partiicpation Agreement.pdf'; cv.VersionData = Blob.valueOf('Test Content Document'); cv.IsMajorVersion = true; contentList.add(cv); } Insert contentList; set<id> contentId = (new map<id,sObject> (contentList)).keyset(); // Get ContentDocumentsId from Content Version list<ContentVersion> conDocId = [SELECT id,ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id IN : contentId]; // ContentDocumentLink To link the Document To DocuSignStatus Record list<ContentDocumentLink> docLink = new list<ContentDocumentLink>(); for(integer i=0; i < accList.size(); i++){ ContentDocumentLink cd = New ContentDocumentLink(); cd.LinkedEntityId = docList.get(i).id; cd.ContentDocumentId = conDocId.get(i).ContentDocumentId; cd.shareType = 'V'; docLink.add(cd); } Insert docLink; } }
here it is the error im getting when deploying:
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- June 12, 2020
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- Rajendra Prasad 44
- October 21, 2019
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Sandbox login issue?
I have created two sandboxes at a time in free 30 days trail edition. But even though I successfully created I cannot login to sandboxes by username suffixed with '.Sandbox name' and used production password.
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- July 15, 2019
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i need to show error message when duplicate account record is created based on account Name
trigger acctrigger on Account (before insert) {
list<Account> acc = [SELECT Id,Name from Account];
for(Account ta: trigger.new){
for(Account a: acc){
if(ta.Name == a.Name){
newval.addError('sorry you cannot add this account its already been in database');
list<Account> acc = [SELECT Id,Name from Account];
for(Account ta: trigger.new){
for(Account a: acc){
if(ta.Name == a.Name){
newval.addError('sorry you cannot add this account its already been in database');
- Rajendra Prasad 44
- June 29, 2019
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