• Rahul_sg
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Hello There!

We have started automating our sfdc scripts using Ruby, Watir & Cucumber. The scripts are working fine in our dev sandbox.
Currently we are referencing the records using record name/Id but we afraid once we refresh our sandbox from the production our scripts will stop working.
Can someone please share best practices using the Ruby cucumber tool to 1) generate test records 2) Reference test records in scripts?


Hi all,

Need help on getting help text with out using any objects or fields. Please look in to this code snippet

 <apex:page controller="ActionSupFunController">
    <apex:form >
        Click me to call action function method  
        <apex:inputcheckbox onmouseover="openMemberPop()" /><br></br> <br></br>  
        <apex:image onmouseover="openMemberPop()" onmouseout="clearMemberPop()" url="http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=jdG1dmgwZ2M29M&tbnid=cv1BApg8TUznjM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbyronmiki.com%2F%3Fp%3D432&ei=jvvhU4rTOpKyyATyqoDQDA&bvm=bv.72197243,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNHTmRYsHjNp76Hvb89XUGuYxNJbKw&ust=1407405327250741 (http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=jdG1dmgwZ2M29M&tbnid=cv1BApg8TUznjM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbyronmiki.com%2F%3Fp%3D432&ei=jvvhU4rTOpKyyATyqoDQDA&bvm=bv.72197243,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNHTmRYsHjNp76Hvb89XUGuYxNJbKw&ust=1407405327250741)" />
            function openMemberPop()
                document.getElementById('MemberPopUp').style.display = 'block';
                document.getElementById('MemberPopUpText').innerHTML = "Commercial associates must authenticate with 2 of the following and Medicare associates must authenticate with 3 ";
            function clearMemberPop()
                document.getElementById('MemberPopUp').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('MemberPopUpText').innerHTML = "";

Hi all,

I'm having this issue with my users not being able to sign in to android with SSO. Everytime I have to reset and set their user account to generic Salesforce.com site to have them login in. My users are using Android phone.

Is anyone else having this issue?
hi all,
whenever opportunity is created, then automatically send that record to the external system using outbound messages. is it possible? if it is possible, give some guideline to solve. thanks in advnce
is there any limit for Passing parameters from visualforce controller to apex method??
Our Standard Opportunity has a Master-Detail relationship our Custom Object, Hi-Level.  The Record Type on Hi-Level is used to change page layouts.  We can successfully get the Record Type to update via workflow when the field changes take place on Hi-Level, but are stumped when our criteria lies on the Opportunity.  When the Standard Field, ‘Stage’, on the Opportunity is changed from ‘Stage A’ to ‘Stage B’, we need the Record Type on Hi-Level to change from 'Private' to ‘Released’. 

Things I've attempted:

1) Created a formula field on Hi-Level that references the Stage field on the Opportunity, and created a workflow on Hi-Level to update Record Type  to 'Released' when the formula field equals 'Stage B'.  The formula field works perfectly, but it appears that workflows cannot update from formula fields.  Is that correct, or I'm a missing a key component?

2) Created a workflow on Hi-Level with a field update to mark a checkbox as True when Stage moves to 'Stage B'.  Cannot get the checkbox marked as True because its appears that Cross-Object workflows will not perform field updates from parent to child.  Am I enterpreting this correctly, or could I be missing something simple?

3) Attempted to created my second option using a workflow on the Opportunity instead of Hi-Level, but fields from Hi-Level are not available when I try to create a field update.

Is there any other way I can accomplish this without an Apex trigger?
Hi , 

i have a custom object PROJECT . I created a visual force page which is a mirror of PROJECT page layout .
now I want the required field validations on the object to be displayed on visual force page. 

I used "required = true" on my input field , it gave me the red bar in the field but when I click save without filling the required field the page does not show error message and the record is not saved. 

Can an any body help me?
I am referencing the following field on a VisualForce page:

Field Label: Approval Status
Field Name: Traffic_Light
API NAme: Traffice_Light__c
Data Type: Formula    
Formula: IF (AND(Submitted__c, Discount_Approved__c), IMAGE("servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=01580000001RppU", "Discount Approved"),
IF (AND(Submitted__c, Discount_Denied__c ), IMAGE("servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=01580000001RppZ", "Discount Denied"), null))

This is what I have on my VF page:
<br></br><b> Approval Status: </b> <apex:outputText value="{!Opportunity.Traffic_Light__c}" />

However, when I launch the visualforce page, the following is populating for the Apporval Status field: 
<img src="servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=01580000001RppU" alt="DiscountApproved" border="0"/>

But the attached image should be appearing.

I need the image to appear on the VF page. 

I appreciate the help!
User-added image

Hello there!

I've created a VF page to create an Opportunity record. I've added this VF page as publisher action on the Account Object.
This VF page is working properly on the browser. However, in the Salesforce1 app the lookup functionality is not working.
The lookup icon is available but after clicking on that icon it opens the lookup page in browser mode and if I select any record on the pop up It takes me directly to that record instead of populating that value in the lookup field.

We have some other publisher actions like creating the Task record where we are not using a VF page. for such standard actions the lookup functionality is working as expected.

Has anyone encountered similar issue? if yes, how to resolve this issue?

Hello Helper

I am curious  if is possible  to retrieve the Salesforce ID of a field  of a custom object  throught apex  code (not metadata API)

How can I delete all the records of a custom object in Developer Edition?

Hi , I am using Enterprise Licensed version. Currently it is spring 13. How to activate this to Winter 14. and how to test  the testing and de[loyement for this?

Hi There,


Guess its simple but I am a bit confused here.



Kindly let me know is it possible to customise the pages or build fully custom VF pages in Sales,Service and Marketing clouds of Salesforce.


Also let me know if we can implement custom business logic in the above metioned clouds ?



SFDC Beginner

Is there any limit on number of report folders?

The following outbound change set upload failed due to a system error:

Change set: NER change set1 (04tL0000000DV7R)

Organization: NER (Developer Sandbox) (00DL00000028Ftd)

User: Vinay Chaturvedi (005L0000000nU55) Error Number: 1625664562-40227 (152101301)

Please try to upload your change set again. If it does not succeed, contact Customer Support and provide the error number listed above.



please suggest.

I have a custo object  Business. and i have a field  'Amount' on this object. On Account i want to display average of this  'Amount' field. I have created a Roll Up on Account but it was giving only Count , SUM,MIN,MAX. Then How to calculate Average? for this

Can any recommend a free SOAP UI tool?



Can someone please clarify this ? Thanks


Does the following line  'but exclude all your organization’s standard and custom object records, documents, and attachments.' means in Developer Sandbox it is included. ?


Configuration-only sandbox

Configuration-only sandboxes copy all your production organization’s reports, dashboards, price books, products, apps, and customizations, but exclude all your organization’s standard and custom object records, documents, and attachments.


Developer sandbox

Developer sandboxes are special configuration-only sandboxes intended for coding and testing by a single developer. They provide an environment in which changes under active development can be isolated until they are ready to be shared. Just like configuration-only sandboxes, developer sandboxes copy all application and configuration information to the sandbox.

When we will click on New button under Contact tab,this meassage (Contacts not associated with accounts are private and cannot be viewed by other users or included in reports.) will be displayed at the top.


Please suggest that How to remove that message??.

Hi All, I wanted to retrieve Salesforce Id of a field in Apex code. Any Idea? Thanks