• marcob
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we use the component 'apex:enhandedlist', which shows a selection checkbox on each line in the VisualForce page. However, community users do not see that checkbox. I have granted the community users all relevant permissions, but still no luck.
Any suggestions?

I have built an Approval process on a custom Object and defined a queue as an approver. When the record mets Approval Criteria It is showing Queue name in Approval history not Individual approvers. Is there any way to display approver names in the queue in approval history or users to know with whom in the queue the request is waiting for approval.


this week i have refreshed my sandbox. The sandbox is on CS17, which has been upgraded to Spring '14 last week. The production org is on EU2, which is still on Winter '14. 

Now, in my sandbox, users are kicked out (redirected to the login page) after a few clicks. Support told me that a custom button is causing the problem, won't get more hints because i don't have premium support (i'm just a poor developer :))

I have the strong feeling that Spring '14 is somehow part of the cause.



I have a custom object which contains a master detail relationship.
When I try to update records using import wizard the records are not updating ,showing 0 records updated though i used 1 digit id to update this..

Plz clarify me the below queris.

1)can we update master detail relationship with import wizard.

2)What is the main difference between import wizard and data loader other than number of records they handle.

3)what i sthe diff between Data Import WizardBETA and Import Custom Objects under Data Management.


Is it possible to do a SOQL query that allows me to obtain the SF Id of a master-detail custom field I have in a custom object?  I'm not wanting the ID for a record in the object I want the Id for the actual field.  Field API name is Opportunity__c in a custom object with an API name of Win_Form__c.


although i've studied the documentation, i can't find the answer to my question: is it allowed to call a batch class from an @future method? Maybe i can't find it because it is simply allowed, but need to be sure, for my entire design is depending on it.

Hope for some respons!

Br, Marco

HI all,


I have to insert Account,contact and Opportunity records coming from .net server as a xml string.i have created a webservice method and getting that xml as string and then parsing the xml.


I am able to it,but before inserting i have to check if those account,contact n Opp. is existing in salesfore or not.If not,then insert.I have done every thing and also achieve my goal.


But my code is working for small set of data , that is coming from extenal server.Currently i am sending 30-30 information in  xml to sfdc and its working,but more than 30 records at a time causing prblm,giving


error System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101

bcs i m using SOQL for checking the existing Account,contact and Opportunity.


Error like

System.LimitException: Too many DML statements : 151

System.LimitException: Too many code statements: 200001


Also occuring for more than 30 as i m also inserting Account,contact and Opportunity if it is not existing,


If u know any other way to do this pls share the idea,cause i have to import large data at a time from external server.


Thanx in adv


I have one requirement.

How display the data on visualforce page based on the dates between.i,e startdate and enddates are two custom fields.

depends on this values i need to display the remaining fields.






Hi ,


i wrote a query which has an inner query in it to get the child records.


i will give an example with standard objects


Account acc = [select name,(select firtsname,lastname from Contact) from account limit 1];


i am using this "acc" varibale in VF page to display the contact records.



<apex:repeat value="{!acc.contacts}" var="contact" >


<apex:outputtext value="{!contact.firstname}"/>

<apex:outputtext value="{!contact.lastname}"/>



i have around 130 contacts, but iam getting below error message when i try to open the VF page to view the results.


"Aggregate query has too many rows for direct assignment, use FOR loop "


please let me know if anyone faced this issue earlier. what is the limit of number of rows in aggregate query.

is ithis is the correct way to get this done.


actually in my query there are around 15 inner object queries. that is my parent object has 15 childs.


any help would be appreciated


thanks in advance









what are the Indexed fields in salesforce.


Which sittuation we are using INDEXED fields.


Can you explain with a small example.




in a search dialogue (pop up window), i only want to search on records that have a specific master-id.

I.e. i have employers, and each employer has multiple employees. When i have selected an employer on my VF page, and the user wants to search for an employee, he must search within that employer, so he cannot find employees that have a different employer as parent.

Thus,employee has a master-detail relationship with employer.


Is this achievable without doing anything in my VF page/controller?





I have functionality in a form so when the users click on the button, the button goes disabled. The only problem I have is that in a <apex:pageBlockButtons> block, where two sets of buttons are created, only the top set of buttons becomes disabled. This was put into place to prevent the users from double-clicking the buttons, however they end up double-clicking the lower set of buttons because those buttons do not become disabled.


         <apex:pageBlockButtons id="productButtons">
            <apex:actionStatus rendered="{!NOT(readOnly)}" id="applyButtonStatus">
               <apex:facet name="stop">
                  <apex:commandButton id="applyButtonActive" action="{!calcRevenue}" value="Apply Changes/Calculate Revenue" status="applyButtonStatus" disabled="false" rerender="productTypeSelectionBlock"/>
               <apex:facet name="start">
                  <apex:commandButton id="applyButtonDisabled" action="{!calcRevenue}" value="Applying Changes..." status="applyButtonStatus" disabled="true" rerender="productTypeSelectionBlock"/>


Is there any way to get this to work inside of the pageBlockButtons block, or do I just have to create two sets of buttons? If I create two sets, then they'll disable independently of each other, which isn't ideal.

I am trying this code to assign multiple approvers to an existing approval process


Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req1 = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();req1.


setComments('Submitting request for approval.');




req1.setNextApproverIds(new Id[] {'00590000000OYw5', '00590000000OYw5'});


 Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req1);


but its giving exception that the required field missing at line


 Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req1);


Please help me out. How to assign multiple User ids as approvers to the approval process but only through apex code



I know there is an option to specify whether the approval step "Requires UNANIMOUS

approval from all selected approvers" or "Approve or reject based on the FIRST response" for the "Automatically assign Approvers" option when multiple approvers are selected.


I have couple of questions.  Why are these options not available for the "Let the submitter choose the approver manually" and "Automatically assign to queue", becuase both are supporting multiple approvers?


The scenario is I want the user to choose a sub-set of users from a Queue while submitting for approval and also specify whether approval requires approval from all or any user in the subset.


Is this possible programmatically (via Salesforce API)?


