• Kumar Saurav 10
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Hi SFDC, forum-members,

I have created my id using deloper.salesforce.com and my Id is mylambo77@gmail.com and password is saibaba77. I created some objects and fields where i have used very less space. Right now my problem is i am unable to insert any record where i am geeting  Data Storage Limits Exceeded Error.
error shows below message.
Your company currently has exceeded its data storage limits including an extra overflow buffer. Per our terms and conditions, we cannot permit additional data creation within our system until your company first reduces its current data storage. Please contact your company's salesforce.com administrator to resolve this. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

so i created one more id with urs@gmail.com is also showing same error after creating same objects and fields. 
Could you please resolve my issue ASAP.

vijaya lakshmi.

when I want to create a new case chrough api, I keep receiving errors of STORAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED. I checked the ystem overview, and find that under "Schema", "DATA STORAGE" exceeds the limit. But I have no idea what this is, and I don't know what I should delete to clear this part. Is there anyone who can help me? Thanks
We are testing with larger set of data and got this message:

Data Storage Limits Exceeded
Your company currently has exceeded its data storage limits including an extra overflow buffer. Per our terms and conditions, we cannot permit additional data creation within our system until your company first reduces its current data storage. Please contact your company's salesforce.com administrator to resolve this.

Any idea how to increase storage for our developer account?
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to create a ContentVersion Object via Apex and adding a ContentDocumentLink with CommunityId as LinkEntityId . This uploads file very well and Shows a single file in "Files" Tab. But the issue is - It is getting recorded as double the size in Storage Usage for File Storage and the "Record Count" column always makes 2 entries and incremented by 2 rather then 1 (if i upload a file using Files tab).

Same is happening with the other Scenario i tried. Created ContentVersion Object and now rather then creating ContentDocumentLink i now created ContentDistribution. Still it is recorded as double the actual file size and Record Count is increment by 2.

Now the more problem arises is : When i delete the ContentDocument Object only 1 entry is decremented in "Record Count" and File Storage space is decremented by the actual file size. And now my storage limit Exceeded as the Extra Object created by salesforce is not getting delete either and there is no option to delete it either.Emptied Recycled Bin also.
I am trying to install the "Salesforce for Volunteers" package into my sandbox ("Volunteers"). I am running into the following errors "You have exceeded the maximum storage allowed for Custom Settings." I researched this problem and found that I have a custom setting that has 12K entries and is taking up my 10MB of custom setting storage space (Opportunity Rollup Errors). I want to delete all the records in this custom setting. I have tried three things:

1) Exported the Ids of the records and used LexiLoader to delete the records. All 12K failed with the error "CUSTOM_METADATA_LIMIT_EXCEEDED").
2) Delete manually in the UI. This failed with the error "Custom setting limit exceeded. You have exceeded the maximum storage allowed for Custom Settings."
3) This data is actually managed by the Households custom object. There is a page to clear all these records, but it fails because the list (12K) is greater than the DML operation can handle (10K).

How can I purge all these records?
I have a Partner Test Environment org and I am loading Knowledge Article objects using the Bulk API.  At around 450 articles, I start receiving these errors:

STORAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED:Article count limit exceeded:--

Is there a hard limit to the maximum number of articles for a Partner Test Environment?  According to http://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=limits_knowledge.htm&language=en_US there is a limit of 10k articles, so I'm not understanding why I'm getting these errors.




I wasn't able to find this info. How many account records and contact records can be imported in a Salesforce developer edition?




Hello all,


Recently I have been building a new Salesforce custom application that contains two custom objects. The purpose of these custom objects is to store questions that we pose to our contacts (Question__c), and also the answers that they provide (Answer__c). The answer object is a junction object that has master detail relationships with both the custom question object and the standard contact object.


This works well for us as a data model. We can interact with the data effectively through the standard salesforce GUI and reports. However, we are finding that our storage space is being filled up rapidly. Each answer a customer gives takes 2KB worth of storage, which seems a lot considering a large proportion of the questions require simple "Yes" or "No" answers.


Can anybody suggest a better way to model the data so that storage is not exceeded so quickly, while maintaining the usability of the data within the standard Salesforce GUI. 


Before custom fields on the contact object are suggested, we intend to store over 500 questions eventually, which would exceed the maximum amount of custom fields permitted on an object.


Wheni try to bulk upload 25,000 records of a custom (employee) object i get errors stating storage limits exceeded. I have ensured that there are no employee objects in salesforce (using data laoder delete). I ensured that recycle bin has been emptied. My batch size is 200 while using the data loader


Now, when i try the same operation using a java client and bulk upload API the upload works perfectly, with no errors upto 100,000 records.


Does anyone know why i get this error only while using the apex data loader?



Hi Friends,


       I am trying to load dato of aroung 25,000 records into a custom object. It successfully uploaded upto 16,000 and then after it is showing that error that "storage limit exceeded".


       Pls let me know, how many records can load into a custom object and what is the limit?




hi all i have wqritten a controller and i am getting this error



Class.Group_Renewal.checkpdf: line 173, column 9 External entry point\

System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 006V00000029g8gIAA; first error: STORAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, storage limit exceeded: [] 


this is my controller and i am getting the error at checkpdf() method update op plz can some one tell what exactly is this error


public with sharing class Group_Renewal

    public String getUncheck() {
        return null;

public list<AggregateResult> lstAR = new list<AggregateResult>();
public Opportunity userInputAppointment {get; set;}
public List<Opportunity> opp99{get;set;} 
public List<Opportunity> op{get;set;} 
public Account userinputact {get; set;}
public String[] acts {get;set;}
Set<Id> tskNo = new Set<Id>();
public Task[] tsk ;
public string u;
public string countopp{get; set;}
Set<String> temp = new Set<String>();

public list<AggregateResult> lstARdel = new list<AggregateResult>();
public List<Opportunity> opdel{get;set;} 
public String[] actsdel {get;set;}

 public Group_Renewal()
userInputAppointment = new Opportunity();
userinputact = new Account();

 //Retrieving the Activities(Tasks)
 tsk=[select  whatid from task  where Priority='Renewal' and ActivityDate>=:userInputAppointment.From_Date__c and  
 ActivityDate<=:userInputAppointment.To_Date__c ]; 

for(Task aa: tsk)

// Spliting the user input for search cretiria.

String[] result=u.split('\\,');

for( Integer i = 0; i<result.size(); i++)

//Retrieving the opportunities and account fileds
op = [select id,name,Total__c,Account.Name,Account.Director_ID__c,Start_Issue_Qtr__c,Expire_Issue_Qtr__c,Opp_Check_to_PDF__c,
Renewal_Effort__c,Account.Bill_To__r.Name,Account.Bill_To__r.Id from Opportunity where id in:tskNo and
recordType.id=:'012V0000000CgYl' and  Account.Bill_To__r.Name!='' and Account.Bill_To__r.Name LIKE:temp  order by Account.Bill_To__r.Name];

//this query for getting Amount(SUM) on to visual force page after Grouping.
lstAR = [Select Sum(Total__c)am,Account.Bill_To__r.Id ocn,Account.Bill_To__r.Bank_Mailing_PDF__c p from Opportunity  where id in:op and
recordType.id=:'012V0000000CgYl' and Account.Bill_To__r.Name LIKE:temp   Group By Account.Bill_To__r.Id,Account.Bill_To__r.Bank_Mailing_PDF__c];

Set<String> stateSet = new Set<String>();
 for(Opportunity a : op)

   acts = new String[stateSet.size()];
  Integer i = 0;
    for (String state : stateSet)
      acts[i] = state;
   opdel = [select id,name,Total__c,Account.Name,Account.Director_ID__c,Start_Issue_Qtr__c,Expire_Issue_Qtr__c,Opp_Check_to_PDF__c,
Renewal_Effort__c,Account.Bill_To__r.Name,Account.Bill_To__r.Id from Opportunity where id in:tskNo and
recordType.id=:'012V0000000CgYl' and Opp_Check_to_PDF__c=true and  Account.Bill_To__r.Name!='' and Account.Bill_To__r.Name LIKE:temp  order by Account.Bill_To__r.Name];

//this query for getting Amount(SUM) on to visual force page after Grouping.
lstARdel = [Select Sum(Total__c)am,Account.Bill_To__r.Id ocn,Account.Bill_To__r.Bank_Mailing_PDF__c p from Opportunity  where id in:op and
recordType.id=:'012V0000000CgYl' and  Opp_Check_to_PDF__c=true and  Account.Bill_To__r.Name!='' and Account.Bill_To__r.Name LIKE:temp   Group By Account.Bill_To__r.Id,Account.Bill_To__r.Bank_Mailing_PDF__c];

Set<String> stateSetdel = new Set<String>();
 for(Opportunity adel : opdel)

   actsdel = new String[stateSetdel.size()];
  Integer idel = 0;
    for (String statedel : stateSetdel)
      actsdel[idel] = statedel;

// for displaying Amount(Sum)
    public list<Opp> getResult()  
    list<Opp> lstResult1 = new list<Opp>();  
    for (AggregateResult ar: lstAR)  
    opp objOpp= new opp(ar);  
    return lstResult1;  

// for "opp" which is used in above getResult 
class opp
public Double am{ get;set; }
public string p{ get;set; }
public string ocn{ get;set; }

public opp(AggregateResult ar)  
am = (Double)ar.get('am');
ocn = (string)ar.get('ocn');  
p = (string)ar.get('p');

 public PageReference deliverAsPDF()
        PageReference pdf = new PageReference('/apex/Group_Renewal_PDF');   
        return pdf;

 public PageReference checkpdf()
        update op;
        PageReference pdfdel = new PageReference('/apex/Group_renewal_checkbox');   
        return pdfdel;
  public void uncheck()
      for(opportunity opps1:op)



*Note before replying that I have opened a support case, and thus far customer service has been thoroughly unhelpful


Using the Salesforce IOS toolkit I created an iPad application which allows users to enter Leads into Salesforce.  Everything seemed to be working fine, so a customer started using it in the field this past weekend with disastrous results.


The customer created approximately 3500 leads, and apparently they ran out of storage after around 2600.  However the toolkit (and probably the API under the hood) never returned an error, and now they want to know where their other 900 leads went.


So here are my questions:


1) Are those 900 leads absolutely gone forever, or are they recoverable from the server logs or something?

2) Since when is there a storage limit on a developer account (the account they were putting leads into) and what exactly is it?

3) Can the per user storage limit be raised or is the only way around the limit to have multiple users

4) Is this a known IOS toolkit/API bug (no error on storage exceeded) or do I need to file one, etc.


Any help is appreciated.








We have a process where customers need to submitted / upload scanned documents via a force.com app

Is it possible to store the documents externally via Google Docs OR Amazon S3 services?


There will be 100's of jpg scanned docs per week uploaded via the application.


Appreciate any advise on best practice.


Many thanks


Hey friends,


Not able to delete feed tracked changes.

My development sandbox is just 10 MB

but due to some programmatic upload of Contacts and Accounts to the sandbox

back and forth, since the chatter was enabled it has generated around some 42,351 feed tracked changes

where as my contact records count is just 476 and my account records count is also just 172

which has totally occupied only some 1 MB exactly,

where as these 42,351 feed tracked changes have occupied 10.3 MB space.

Sicne my sandbox is only 10 MB size, whenever i try to create even a test record for the custom object that i have created am not able to do this because now the total storage is : 11.6 MB and am getting this error :-


Data Storage Limits Exceeded, Additional Data Creation Not Allowed!

Your company currently has exceeded its data storage limits including an extra overflow buffer. Per our terms and conditions, we cannot permit additional data creation within our system until your company first reduces its current data storage. Please contact your company's salesforce.com administrator to resolve this. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Tried all possibilities.

I tried deleting data from all feed related objects through data loader (after exporting).

Also have disabled chatter, waited for some days, enabled it back and deleted feeds. Nothing worked out.


Can some body help?






Is it possible to limit the file attachment size on a custom object? 


I believe I read that the current Salesforce limit is either 5 or 10mb but I'd like to limit it to only 2mb per attachment as I have users that will be uploading multiple pictures and I don't want my file storage usage limits to be exceeded as some people are capturing images on their 13 megapixel cameras at 6mb a picture. I want to be able to limit these types of people uploading images to just the 2mb.


I'm currently working through a developer edition account and my file storage limit is 20mb, but in the future I'll be upgrading but will be having hundreds of users uploading images and cannot afford to take up storage space. As also each user is displayed on a search page I created with one of their images they've uploaded and I need to cut down on the page's loading time too.


Also, is it possible to limit the number of attachments that can be uploaded, to say 7 attachments?


Thanks for any ideas you might be able to share!!  

My production instance exceeded my data storage limits, but since I never received any notifications this went unnoticed until I refreshed my FULL sandbox. This full sandbox was unusable because I kept getting the "Data Storage Limit Exceeded" exception.


I've since deleted objects from Production to bring the total storage in compliance with limits, but I CANNOT refresh my sandbox for another 29 days! Thus, my full sandbox sits useless, cause it still reflects a data storage limit exceeded state.


What's the resolution? Wait patiently for 29 days before I can get to use my full sandbox again? Thanks.



Is Custom Settings 10MB counted as part of the Org Size Limit or is it added on top of the Org Size Limit? The documentation does not state anything regarding it. Thanks
Message Edited by NinoJose on 02-05-2010 01:41 AM
So I never thought I would be hitting this limit but here I am. I did a search on this and nothing came up so it looks like I'm one of the few to hit this limit.

Maximum view state size limit (128K) exceeded. Actual viewstate size for this page was 174.281K.

Hmm. So what can I do to measure this and control it. Is there any field I can output to monitor what my viewstate while developing?


Message Edited by TehNrd on 08-26-2008 03:03 PM
I've been getting email about storage limits on an sforce developer account. The storage usage reports that I have 6M in events. When I try to mass delete activities nothing shows, and none of the six contacts in the account have any event data associated with them. My recycle bin is empty, and there is only one user on this account.

I'm not really sure how to fix it...???