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I have a question regarding email alerts.

If I have a case open I would like to be notified if an email comes into it (we use email2case so the emails automatically goes against the ticket).

Does anyone else have this working. I have started looking at a Konfabulator widget as in the example http://blog.sforce.com/sforce/2005/08/ajax_toolkit_ko.html i need to get my head around the coding to see if i can work with this.

Does anyone know of an off the shelf solution or process to fix this?

Thanks for your help



We are thinking of using EmailToCase Agent and we were wondering about how this application should run in the background (it can't be a scheduled task?). Is it just clicking the bat file?  What happens when server is to be rebooted? 

Readme.txt has following:

To run the Email Agent now, on win32 you can use the supplied bat file
  email2case.bat and the agent will start polling your mail servers.

Any help would be appreciated.


We are experimenting with the email-to-case agent.

Is there a way to stop the creation of the follow-up task when the case is created from the email?