• digamber.prasad
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I have a schedulable class that copys the standard Account data into a custom Account object. My schedulable class code is as follows:

className implement Schedulable {
List<Account> currentAcnts = [Select field1, field2,...FROM Account Limit 500];
Code to copy data goes here
}//end class

Lets say I have 100,000 Account I need to be copied into an Account object. Here is the preferred scenario:
• 1st run: copy accounts[1-500]
• 2nd run: copy accounts[501-1000]
• 3rd run: copy accounts [1001-1500]
• .........
• .......
• Last run: copy accounts [995,001-100,000]

How can I be sure that the scenario above will occur? Does the SOQL query return random 500 accounts or does it know that it needs to pick 500 different Accounts that have not been selected before?
  • January 04, 2014
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Hello.  i have class which performs round-robin assignment of records.  until recently, i was able to control the calls to this code - so i knew there would never be more than one record processed at a time.  but now we had to build a web service interface on it - and the calling system can make two calls concurrently - which can cause a conflict with the round robin setup (the code will assign the same owner to both records, then they both try to update the RoundRobin config record - and one of those updates fails).  


question is - what are the best approaches to sharing context across concurrent transactions?  as far as i know there's no way to communicate directly between transactions.  could use the db but i don't really want to add a handful of db reads/writes for each transaction.  maybe a custom setting that i maniuplate from the code - but i'm not that's any faster than the db.  what else?


thanks for your time.




I am fairly new to APEX and have recently ran into an error when trying to do a mass upload using dataloader.  I have found that the error is because I have an IF statement within a FOR loop and was hoping someone could help me take the IF statement out with different logic?  My code is below and I have highlighted the IF statement in red that is looping through.  Thanks in advance.



trigger ImplementationCaseforIntegrationProducts on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {

string recordtype = Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Implementation').getRecordTypeId();
List<Case> cases = new List<Case>();
List<Task> tasksList = new List<Task>();
for (Opportunity opp: Trigger.New){
case newcase= new case();
if(opp.AccountId != null){
Account a = [select id,name,Closed__c,ImplementationCaseCreated__c,Implementation_Specialist__c from Account where id =: opp.AccountId limit 1]; //This line more than enough to check in common, because if account id in opportunity is not null means only one value going to be there.

if((trigger.isInsert && (opp.StageName.toLowerCase().equals('closed won'))&&(opp.Type.toLowerCase().equals('adjustment'))&& opp.Integration_Product_Attached__c == True)||
(trigger.isUpdate && (opp.StageName != Trigger.oldMap.get(opp.Id).StageName && opp.StageName.toLowerCase().equals('closed won'))&&(opp.Type.toLowerCase().equals('adjustment')) && opp.Integration_Product_Attached__c == True))
if ((a.Closed__c == TRUE && a.implementationcasecreated__c == TRUE) || (a.ImplementationCaseCreated__c == False)){
newcase.Subject='New Implementation case for '+opp.Account_Name__c;
newcase.Origin='Sign Up Form';
newcase.Billing_Email__c = opp.Billing_Email__c;
newcase.ContactID = opp.PrimaryContactID__c;
Task t = new Task(ownerId = a.Implementation_Specialist__c, Subject = 'Integration Sale', status = 'Not Started',
Priority = 'High', whatID = opp.Accountid, ActivityDate = Date.Today()); //You can change values accordingly

if(cases.size() > 0){
insert cases;
if(tasksList.size() > 0){
insert tasksList;

Please does anyone know if the Salesforce Connect for Office now support MS Office 2010 package. If not, when is the release due? Thanks!



I am having trouble changing the CampaignId in CampaignMember object. I get the following error: Field is not writeable: CampaignMember.CampaignId. The error comes from the for loop at the very bottom.

Any ideas???

Thanks, Michele


public class CloneClassAttendance {
    private final Campaign camp;
    public CloneClassAttendance(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){
        this.camp = (Campaign)stdController.getRecord();

    public void insertRecord(){
// Clone the campaign record
        Campaign NewCamp = new Campaign(Name = 'Test Campaign record');
        insert NewCamp;

        Campaign NewCamp1 = [SELECT Type, Status FROM Campaign WHERE Name = 'Test Campaign record'];
        NewCamp1.Type = 'Class Attendance';
        NewCamp1.IsActive = true;      
        NewCamp1.Name = camp.name + camp.startdate + 7;
        NewCamp1.Parentid = camp.id;
        NewCamp1.Startdate = camp.startdate + 7;
        NewCamp1.teacher__c = camp.teacher__c;
        NewCamp1.Day_of_Week__c = camp.Day_of_Week__c;
        NewCamp1.Hours_Per_Class__c = camp.Hours_Per_Class__c;
        NewCamp1.Location__c = camp.Location__c;
        NewCamp1.End_Time__c = camp.End_Time__c;
        NewCamp1.Description = camp.Description;
        update NewCamp1;

// Clone all records in CampaignMember
// Select records in CampaignMember from new campaign
//Create list of members for new campaign above.

List<CampaignMember> Members = [SELECT id, contactid,status from CampaignMember where campaignid = :camp.id ];

// Change campaign ids to the newly cloned campaign id
// This loop below gives me error msg: Field is not writeable: CampaignMember.CampaignId
for(CampaignMember m : members){
   m.Campaignid = Newcamp1.id;

// Update the database
 insert members;



Hi..It may sound silly but this is my trigger.I have written a test class for this.It shows all the values in debug log.But still trigger test coverage is 0%

Any help please.


I have fedex application installed in my org.when i create a shipment and ship it,it generates a master tracking number.

Due to security issues i created a custom object and a trigger to copy tracking number in to my custom field on custom object.




trigger shippinginfoupdate on zkfedex__Shipment__c (after update) {
    List<customobject__c> shipList =new List<customobject__c>();
    for(zkfedex__Shipment__c zfs :trigger.new){

    customobject__c s1 =new customobject__c();
        if(zfs != null){

            s1.Tracking_Number__c = zfs.zkfedex__MasterTrackingId__c;
            s1.Ship_Date__c       = zfs.zkfedex__ShipDate__c;
            s1.Lead__c = zfs.zkfedex__RecipientLead__c;
            s1.FedexShipment__c =   zfs.id;
    insert shipList;


Thanks in advance!!!

hello Everyine,





global class RollUpSummaryMaps implements Database.Batchable<sObject>

public list<OpportunityLineItem> opporto { get; private set; }
List<Opportunity> OptyList=new List<Opportunity>();
Opportunity optyupdate= new Opportunity();
public Double curecy=0;

global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
// Access initialState here
String lineitem='SELECT id,ListPrice, OpportunityId, PricebookEntryId FROM OpportunityLineItem';

// Database.ge
System.debug('The Query@@@@@@@@'+lineitem);
return Database.getQueryLocator(lineitem);

global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,List<Sobject> batch)

Map<ID, OpportunityLineItem> iMap = new Map<ID, OpportunityLineItem>([SELECT id,UnitPrice, OpportunityId, PricebookEntryId FROM OpportunityLineItem]);
//List<OpportunityLineItem> lineitem= [SELECT id,UnitPrice, OpportunityId, PricebookEntryId FROM OpportunityLineItem];
system.debug('The LIne Item@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'+IMap);

List<Opportunity> optylist= new List<Opportunity>();
optylist=[select Id,testvantage__TrackingNumber__c From Opportunity where Id =:iMap.keySet()]; //Error at this Line like
System.debug('OptyList @@@@@@@@@@@@@@############'+optylist);

for(Id accId:iMap.keySet())
for(OpportunityLineItem lineitem:opporto)
system.debug('TOTAL VALUES OF LIST PRICE@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'+curecy);



update OptyList;



global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){



Please help me out how to resolve this 


Thanks in advance.




  • December 05, 2013
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I have 3 custom objects with Object A parent of Object B(lookup) and Object B parent of Object C(lookup)


I want to display the related list of object C on Object A's page layout .Is there a way to do so, I can do one level deep ie uptil Object B but not the second level.


Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Friends,


how can look like a trigger that fires in the Object Opportunity on the field Probability = 100%???






Where do I find all the supported locales of salesforce  and associated date and currency formats?

below link provides the list of locale, how do I get the date and currency format associated to particular locale?




http://www.interactiveties.com/b_locale_datetime.php provides the date format, but not for all locale.





can someone please help me in writing test class for this class:

public with sharing class BigMachinecls { 

public static double getU(String BB, String Rools, String Foo, double qty, String teks){

double UQty = 0.0;

If ( (BB == null || BB == 'N') && (Rolls == null || Rolls == 'N') && (Foo == null || Foo == 'N') ){

UQty = qty /double.valueof(teks);

System.debug('@@@@@ inside getU method U : - Quantity - ' + UQty);

return UQty;

}//End of getU() method

public static double getMachineDetail( String machine1, String machineGroup, decimal qty, String checks){

double MachineDetailQuantity = 0;

If ( machine1.contains('tata') && (machine1.contains('Tek') || 
machine1.contains('X1')) && !machine1.contains('23HP') && 
!machine1.contains('125HP') && !machineGroup.contains('MECH_ALEN')){

MachineDetailQuantity = qty;

System.debug('@@@@@ inside getMachineDetail Qty : ' + MachineDetailQuantity );

return MachineDetailQuantity;

} // end of getMachineDetailQuantity method 

Thanks in advance

We are using the standard Account.ParentId field to relate parent Accounts to child Accounts. I'd like to add a related list on the Account detail page to show the related Accounts but am not finding a list that I can add on the Edit Layout page. Where can I find the related list? If this isn't possible Im guessing I'll need to add a new custom field in order to get the related list. Hopefully this isn't the case. All suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!


Hello, I've written the following trigger to create a Payment__c record when a Deal_Participation__c record is created where RecordType = 'Seller Participation.' The trigger is behaving correctly for after insert BUT when an existing Deal_Participation__c record is updated, it creates another new Payment__c record instead of updating the Payment__c record. I think I need to rewrite the payments.add(new.Payments__c)... bit but I'm not sure how to do it. Any help is greatly appreciated!



trigger createSellerPayments on Deal_Participation__c (after Insert, after Update) {


List<Payments__c> payments = new List<Payments__c>();
ID rtId = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = 'Seller Participation'].Id;
List<RecordType> PmntRecordType = [Select Id from recordType where Name = 'Outgoing Seller Payment' AND SobjectType= 'Payments__c'];


for (Deal_Participation__c newPayment: Trigger.New) {

if (newPayment.Deal_Relationship__c != null) {

if(newpayment.RecordTypeId == rtId){

payments.add(new Payments__c(

RecordTypeId = PmntRecordType[0].id,
Deal_Participation_Relationship__c = newPayment.Id));

insert payments;


  • December 02, 2013
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I want to execute the below code if VPA(custom field on Account of type checkbox) is true

trigger AccountTeam on Account (before insert,after update) {
if(trigger.isafter && Account.VPA__c!=null)
 Integer newcnt=0;
 Integer newcnt0=0;
 AccountTeamMember[] newmembers = new AccountTeamMember[]{};
  //list of new team members to add
  AccountShare[] newShare = new AccountShare[]{};
   //list of new shares to add
   Account a1 = [select id, parent.Id,OwnerId from account Where Id=:trigger.new[0].ParentID];
   ID uid =  a1.OwnerId;
   //get the user id of the parent Account, anyone that changes the Account will added to the account team
   for(Account a:trigger.new)
    AccountTeamMember Teammemberad=new AccountTeamMember();
     Teammemberad.TeamMemberRole = 'Account Modifier';
        Database.SaveResult[] lsr = Database.insert(newmembers,false);
     //insert any valid members then add their share entry if they were successfully added Integer newcnt=0;
     for(Database.SaveResult sr:lsr)
     Database.Error emsg =sr.getErrors()[0];
      system.debug('\n\nERROR ADDING TEAM MEMBER:'+emsg);
       newShare.add(new AccountShare(UserOrGroupId=newmembers[newcnt].UserId, AccountId=newmembers[newcnt].Accountid, AccountAccessLevel='Read',OpportunityAccessLevel='Read'));
        Database.SaveResult[] lsr0 =Database.insert(newShare,false);
         //insert the new shares Integer newcnt0=0;
         for(Database.SaveResult sr0:lsr0)
         Database.Error emsg0=sr0.getErrors()[0];
         system.debug('\n\nERROR ADDING SHARING:'+newShare[newcnt0]+'::'+emsg0); } newcnt0++; }

But this is executing though VPA==null.

Quick response highly appriciated

Hi All,


I am trying to use JavaScript Remoting to access an endpoint in a package but it is not working.  Is it possible to access a remote action in a package?  The class and the remote action are both global.


I can access remote actions deployed with my code but I can't seem to access those in packages.  Can this be done or am I just doing something wrong with my calls?


Many Thanks,


  • November 29, 2013
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I am trying to insert some data into SalesForce and I am getting this error when running it. It seems that the OwnerId is null if anyone with more expertise in apex programming could give a clue on how to solve this or print the value that is on Owner ID line 33, do a check or something.


Error Message:


UpdateUserQuota: execution of BeforeInsert

caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

Trigger.UpdateUserQuota: line 33, column 1";s:10:"statusCode";s:36:"CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY";}s:2:"id";N;s:7:"success";b:0;}}'




Trigger.UpdateUserQuota :



trigger UpdateUserQuota on Opportunity (before update, before insert) {

    if(OpportunityTriggerController.testTrigger != null && OpportunityTriggerController.testTrigger != 'updateUserQuota')
    //if(OpportunityTriggerController.testTrigger == null)
    QuotaManager quotaManager = new QuotaManager();
    List<Id> ownerIds = new List<Id>();
    for(Opportunity opp: trigger.new)
    Map<Id, User> owners = new Map<Id, User>([SELECT Id, Name, Enable_Targets__c FROM User WHERE Id IN :ownerIds]);
    List<User_Quota__c> allExistingQuotas = [
    //List<Opportunity> oppsToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();
    for(Opportunity opp: trigger.new)
        if(!owners.get(opp.OwnerId).Enable_Targets__c)   /* <- Line 33 */ 
        integer minMonth = 1;
        integer todayMonth = Date.today().month();
        if(todayMonth >= 1 && todayMonth <= 3)
            minMonth = 1;
        else if(todayMonth >= 4 && todayMonth <= 6)
            minMonth = 4;
        else if(todayMonth >= 7 && todayMonth <= 9)
            minMonth = 7;
        else if(todayMonth >= 10 && todayMonth <= 12)
            minMonth = 9;
        Date minDate = Date.newInstance(Date.today().year(), minMonth, 1);
        if(opp.CloseDate <= minDate && opp.User_Quota__c == null)
        User_Quota__c quota = quotaManager.getQuota(opp.CloseDate, opp.OwnerId, opp.Owner.Name, allExistingQuotas);
        if(quota != null)
            if(opp.User_Quota__c == null || opp.User_Quota__c != quota.Id)
                opp.User_Quota__c = quota.Id; 
            opp.User_Quota__c = null;
    //update oppsToUpdate;




I am new to Apex and SalesForce so I am struggling to solve this, could be a stupid thing but I don't see to solve you guys from the community could help me I would be glad !  Thank you.


Hi All,


I have some records type on Case object each and also have some picklist type field on Case.  I needed to change all picklist type field on and sandbox according to another sandbox for that I copy  picklist type field and RecodType metadata from one to another. That's fine by doing this I'm able to change all my picklist type field according to the records type , but the value of Status on Case which is a standard field is not updated.


Please suggest me some solution so that I can updated Case:Status this field.


Any help is Appreciated

hi all

can anyone tell me the

Best practices for Test coverage and for writing test classes...pls

Hello guys

hope all doing well

i have a small scenario pls help me out.

I have 10000 Accounts in my organisation and my question is , i want to update country field to 'USA'  to all my 10000 Accounts at a time..how do i achieve this...


//Here my code logic is when i search the a perticualr account name in my account obj ..in reply i will gate the name & phone number of that perticular record.  but while running the code it  shows error like......:


Error: controller1 Compile Error: Illegal assignment from LIST<Account> to LIST<Account> at line 8 column 10



so anyone plz help me in this regard.....

                                                                                                                       .Thanx in advance..:)  //






public with sharing class Controller


      public string acName {get; set;}
       public List<Account> acc {get;set;}
        public List<Account> search()

               acc= new list<Account>();
               acc=[select name, phone, rating from account where name =: acName];
                return null;




//...............................................................visualforce page....................................................................................//

<apex:page controller="Controller2">
      <apex:form >
                 <apex:pageblock title="Account info">
                             Account Name: <apex:inputtext value="{!acName}"/>
                                    <apex:pageblockSection >
                                           <apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!search}"/>
                                                  <apex:outputPanel >
                                                          <apex:pageblocktable value="{!acc}" var="a">
                                                           <apex:column value="{!a.Name}"/>
                                                      <apex:column value="{!a.phone}"/>

Hi all,

We are using SF public site for one of the use case to capture some information. We can't use community because of licensing aspect. Also, we don't want people outside of certain area to access our site. We can't use IP restriction as people might be using the site on mobile from different IP. To control the access we want to put geo fencing say limiting access of the public site only to a city. 

If you have done anything similar please let me know.

Digamber Prasad

We have number of Topic records in one of org created in span of last 2 months. However, we have noticed that if we assign a topic to some FeedItem, it causes SystemModStamp field of all Topic records of org get updated with current datetime value. Our assumption is that, SystemModStamp of only assigned Topic record should be updated.


Looks like bug. Any fix?


Your reply appreciated!


Hi All,


We are using following chatter REST API to create TopicAssignment





With v28.0, sending topicName in query string was working fine. This weekend salesforce had release of Winter'14 (v29.0) and now we need to send 'TopicName' as body and its working fine.


However, all of a sudden above TopicAssignment call has stopped working for v28.0. Now it also asking for 'TopicName' in body and when we send 'TopicName' as body, it gives below error:-


    • errorCode: JSON_PARSER_ERROR
    • message: Unrecognized field "topicName" at [line:1, column:15]

Looks like, Winter'14 release has broken existing functionality.


Any body who faced this also?



Digamber Prasad

Hi All,
     I have created a web services for one organisation, and I want to use the same web service in some other organisation in SFDC itself. Please let me know how to achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to write a trigger that calls a method for a specific set of records. I'm pretty new to Apex, so sorry if this is a dumb question! I'm getting a Compile Error: Invalid Type: ReversalUtils (which is my class) at line 15 column 27. The class I'm trying to call (ReversalUtils) isn't editable to me.

trigger testrev on Opportunity (after update) {

String datestr = '01/01/2011';
Date datestr2 = date.ValueOf(datestr);

Map<Id, Opportunity> oppsmap = new Map<Id, Opportunity>();

   //put them all in a list
   List<Opportunity> results = new List<Opportunity>();
   for (Opportunity o: [SELECT Id, cv__Posted__c, CloseDate 
                       FROM Opportunity
                       WHERE Id in :oppsmap.keySet()AND cv__Posted__c = true]) {
cv.ReversalUtils rs = new ReversalUtils();


Thank you!!

How to implement autocomplete lookup in visualforce page.
I have come across many links where the autocomplete is shown with standard object. But in my case i need to do with webservice call.
i.e When i start typing in input textbox , after typing atleast 3 characters it should hit the webservice call.


How can I delete a job schedulable via Apex?

This does not work: https://developer.salesforce.com/forums?id=906F00000008xfXIAQ

Thank you
I have created one secetion on the Account Object.Section name is "Account Order Info",In that secetion I have attached to one VF page in sandbox.Now my question is how to deploy the my section to Production? I know how to deploy the VF page to Production. Suppose I deploy VF page to Production it show's section on the Account? Otherwise we will create new section then attached to my VF page?in the Production.

Thanks & Best Regards,

access modifiers in salesforce with examples?


  • January 04, 2014
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  What are the keywords there in salesforce?exapmles

  • January 04, 2014
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Failed to convert property value of type [org.apache.commons.collections.map.LinkedMap] to required type [java.util.HashMap] for property 'sqlParams'] Error In Command line data loader. when running from unix.

Urgent help needed.Any help will be highly appreciate able

Thanks in advance.
Hello All,

Can someone please provide their inputs on these ?

a) Can we call a Apex Web service from a custom button's on click event via Javascript/AJAX toolkit  ?

b) Can we make a record read only using a custom button's click via Javascript/AJAX ?

Thanks for your time !!!

Consider 2 picklists

<apex:inputfield value="controller.picklist1__c"/>
and the second picklist, 'picklist2__c' has some values in it, Is there any way to check if selected value in picklist1__c is in picklist2__c. Thanks.

Like, IF(Selectedvalue(picklist1) is one of the field values of (picklist2))
  • January 04, 2014
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I have a schedulable class that copys the standard Account data into a custom Account object. My schedulable class code is as follows:

className implement Schedulable {
List<Account> currentAcnts = [Select field1, field2,...FROM Account Limit 500];
Code to copy data goes here
}//end class

Lets say I have 100,000 Account I need to be copied into an Account object. Here is the preferred scenario:
• 1st run: copy accounts[1-500]
• 2nd run: copy accounts[501-1000]
• 3rd run: copy accounts [1001-1500]
• .........
• .......
• Last run: copy accounts [995,001-100,000]

How can I be sure that the scenario above will occur? Does the SOQL query return random 500 accounts or does it know that it needs to pick 500 different Accounts that have not been selected before?
  • January 04, 2014
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The old developer forum had private messages, but the new forum doesn't appear to. Ironically, I got a message on the 23rd of December saying that I had a new private message. Clicking on the link results in an error page. Are there private messages, and if so, how do we get to them? Furthermore, if not, when will they be available?

Has anyone experienced problems with IE 11 and Salesforce? I realize it isn't officially supported, but I've experienced minimal hiccups with IE 10 - am considering the upgrade to IE 11

  • December 16, 2013
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We have number of Topic records in one of org created in span of last 2 months. However, we have noticed that if we assign a topic to some FeedItem, it causes SystemModStamp field of all Topic records of org get updated with current datetime value. Our assumption is that, SystemModStamp of only assigned Topic record should be updated.


Looks like bug. Any fix?


Your reply appreciated!