• The_London_Scott
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Hi All,


1. I created a child campaign where the 

Budgeted Cost = 25000


Not Checked

Actual Cost = 13000


2. I edited the campaign page layout and added the following fields:


Total Budgeted Cost in Hierarchy

Total Actual Cost in Hierarchy.


3. In the  parent campaign, I see the Hierarchy totals line summary correctly in the Campaign Hierarchy related list. (25000 and 13000). However, the "Total Budgeted Cost in Hierarchy" and the "Total Actual Cost in Hierarchy" fields that I added in Step 2 show incorrect values (15000 and 8000 respectively).


Can someone let me know what could be going wrong?



It seems very odd to me that Case.AssetId is not documented in the list of standard fields for the Case object in the Web Services API documentation. Am I missing something, or would others expect to find this documented alongside AccountId, ContactId, etc.?
I'd like to use Entitlements to manage SLAs not only on cases but also on a custom object related (master-detail) to Case. I see that I can create a lookup relationship from the custom object to Entitlement. It looks as though the difficult bit would instead be creating a custom object analagous to Case Milestone (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_casemilestone.htm?search_text=casemilestone), which functions as a timekeeping object once an entitlement is applied to a case.

Has anyone successfully used entitlements to manage SLAs on a custom object?
The code below displays eight fields from account in a Visualforce page used as a custom console component in opportunity page layouts. All but two of these fields are enabled for inline editing.

The first row of five fields displays its row of headerValue column headers correctly. The second row of three fields displays the column values, but not the headers (Vertical Tier 1, Vertical Tier 2, etc.). What am I doing wrong?

Also asked as Stackexchange question here (https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/97186/how-can-i-force-display-of-headervalue-header-in-row-2-of-pageblocktable).
<!-- render key account fields pulled by query in acctInfo method of custom extension -->
 <!-- saveAccount method of extension handles DML -->
 <apex:form >
   <apex:pageBlock title="Account Info" id="acctInfo" mode="inlineEdit" >
     <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top" >
       <apex:commandButton action="{!saveAccount}" value="Save" />
     <apex:outputPanel id="accountInformationPanel">
       <apex:pageBlockTable id="AcctTable" title="Acct Info" value="{!acctInfo}"
        var="a" columns="5" rows="2" width="100%">
         <apex:column value="{!a.Account_Type__c}"/>
         <apex:column value="{!a.BillingCountry}"/>
         <apex:column headerValue="Industry">
           <apex:outputField value="{!a.Industry}">
             <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                 hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"
         <apex:column headerValue="Subindustry">
           <apex:outputField value="{!a.Subindustry__c}">
             <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                  hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"
         <apex:column headerValue="Employees">
           <apex:outputField value="{!a.NumberOfEmployees}">
             <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                 hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"
         <apex:column breakBefore="true" headerValue="Vertical Tier 1">
           <apex:outputField value="{!a.Vertical_Tier_1__c}">
             <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                 hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"
          <apex:column headerValue="Vertical Tier 2"> 
            <apex:outputField value="{!a.Vertical_Tier_2__c}">
              <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                  hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"
          <apex:column headerValue="Vertical Tier 3">
            <apex:outputField value="{!a.Vertical_Tier_3__c}">
              <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                  hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"

I've adapted Scott Hammeter's dandy code (http://sfdc.arrowpointe.com/2009/10/06/associate-email-to-salesforce-task-to-opportunity/) so I can relate the tasks created by inbound Email-to-Salesforce emails to active campaigns rather than to open opportunities. The heart of the solution is a constructor in a class called by a beforeInsert task trigger. The construct queries for campaigns related to the contact identified in the task's WhoId:

// Associates a new Task generated by Email to Salesforce to an open opportunity, if one exists for the Account
    public void AssociateCampaign(Task[] tasks)
        * Variables
        list<Task> l_Tasks = new list<Task>(); // Tasks to update
        set<ID> s_ContactIDs = new set<ID>(); // Set of Contact IDs
        * Initial Loop
        for(Task t:tasks) {
            // Add Task to working list and collect the Contact ID
            if (t.WhatId == null && t.Subject.startsWith('Email:') && t.WhoId != null) {
                // only for Contacts
                if (String.valueOf(t.WhoId).startsWith('003')){
        * Create Maps
        // Maps Contact ID to a Campaign ID
        map<ID, ID> map_cID_to_camID = new map<ID, ID>();
            // Query for the Contact's active Campaigns. Sort CampaignMember by CreatedDate DESC so the Task gets assigned to the campaign to which contact was most recently added
            for (CampaignMember cm:[select Id, CampaignId, ContactId, CreatedDate
                                             from CampaignMember
                                             where ContactId in :s_ContactIDs
                                             AND Campaign.IsActive = TRUE
                                             order by CreatedDate DESC
                                             ]) {
                map_cID_to_camID.put(cm.ContactId, cm.CampaignId);
                System.debug('ContactId - CampaignId:' + map_cId_to_camId);
        * Process Records
        for (Task t:l_Tasks) {
            // If the Contact has a campaign mapped to it, update the Task with that campaign
            if (map_cID_to_camID.get(t.WhoId) != null) {
                t.WhatId = map_cID_to_camID.get(t.WhoId);

This works as intended in orgs where the Shared Activities feature has not been enabled: a task created from an Email-to-Salesforce email has the contact's most recent active campaign in the WhatId (label: "Related To") field.

In orgs with Shared Activities enabled, the code fails to do this and WhatId remains null. Research makes me think that the code needs to insert a TaskRelation object for each Task object, with values
AccountId = cm.Contact.AccountId
IsWhat = TRUE
TaskId = Task.Id
RelationId = cm.CampaignId.

Has anyone else experienced this issue of needing to insert or update TaskRelation objects in order to populate Task.WhatId through the API?

I've set up a workflow rule and field update to set a custom Date/Time field


Lead_Processed_Time__c to




when Lead.Status = several statuses expected to be "terminal," that is, the last status a user sets.


This works well except in the case where it matters the most: on lead conversion.


Lead statuses set on the lead-conversion screen fail to trigger the workflow rule. I've reproduced this with three different approaches to the workflow rule:


1. Lead Status = [the terminal statuses]

2. Lead Status = [the terminal statuses] OR IsConverted = TRUE

3. Lead Status <> [the non-terminal statuses]


So I assume that the problem is that the workflow fires after lead conversion, or, to put it another way, that by the time the workflow rule should fire, the field update fails because the lead has been converted and is now read-only.


Thoughts on how to overcome this bit of tedium without having to write a beforeUpdate trigger?


Scott in London

The libphonenumber code library does a good job normalising and formatting phone numbers to national or international standards - not just for the North American zone but worldwide. Has anyone incorporated the JS version into an Apex class? If so, would you be wiling to post a code sample? This topics seems a bit of a gap in developerforce.

I would like to include the parameter


&bcc=[user's Email to Salesforce address]


in a custom URL button (or Javascript for that matter).  I find no documentation for a user field representing the user's Email to Salesforce address, leading me to suspect it is not accessible via the API or for use as a merge field like this.


Has anyone succeeded in incorporating the Email to Salesforce address into a custom button or a Visualforce page?

I want to delete large numbers of obsolete list views as part of a clean-up.  Take Lead list views as an example.  I've pulled the Lead metadata into the Force.com IDE and tried deleting the definition of one of the list views (see below) and saving the src back to server.  But this does not delete the list view in question. What am I doing wrong?
















        <label>ALE Lead View</label>




I can pull out the metadata descriptions of list views in Eclipse and edit their definition that way.  But these do not include the sharing of the list views, that is, if a given list view has been made visible to 'all users' and I want to modify that, I can't see how to do that from the list view metadata.  It's not evident to me from looking at the profile metadata either.  How can I alter sharing of list view through the API?  

I've adapted Scott Hammeter's dandy code (http://sfdc.arrowpointe.com/2009/10/06/associate-email-to-salesforce-task-to-opportunity/) so I can relate the tasks created by inbound Email-to-Salesforce emails to active campaigns rather than to open opportunities. The heart of the solution is a constructor in a class called by a beforeInsert task trigger. The construct queries for campaigns related to the contact identified in the task's WhoId:

// Associates a new Task generated by Email to Salesforce to an open opportunity, if one exists for the Account
    public void AssociateCampaign(Task[] tasks)
        * Variables
        list<Task> l_Tasks = new list<Task>(); // Tasks to update
        set<ID> s_ContactIDs = new set<ID>(); // Set of Contact IDs
        * Initial Loop
        for(Task t:tasks) {
            // Add Task to working list and collect the Contact ID
            if (t.WhatId == null && t.Subject.startsWith('Email:') && t.WhoId != null) {
                // only for Contacts
                if (String.valueOf(t.WhoId).startsWith('003')){
        * Create Maps
        // Maps Contact ID to a Campaign ID
        map<ID, ID> map_cID_to_camID = new map<ID, ID>();
            // Query for the Contact's active Campaigns. Sort CampaignMember by CreatedDate DESC so the Task gets assigned to the campaign to which contact was most recently added
            for (CampaignMember cm:[select Id, CampaignId, ContactId, CreatedDate
                                             from CampaignMember
                                             where ContactId in :s_ContactIDs
                                             AND Campaign.IsActive = TRUE
                                             order by CreatedDate DESC
                                             ]) {
                map_cID_to_camID.put(cm.ContactId, cm.CampaignId);
                System.debug('ContactId - CampaignId:' + map_cId_to_camId);
        * Process Records
        for (Task t:l_Tasks) {
            // If the Contact has a campaign mapped to it, update the Task with that campaign
            if (map_cID_to_camID.get(t.WhoId) != null) {
                t.WhatId = map_cID_to_camID.get(t.WhoId);

This works as intended in orgs where the Shared Activities feature has not been enabled: a task created from an Email-to-Salesforce email has the contact's most recent active campaign in the WhatId (label: "Related To") field.

In orgs with Shared Activities enabled, the code fails to do this and WhatId remains null. Research makes me think that the code needs to insert a TaskRelation object for each Task object, with values
AccountId = cm.Contact.AccountId
IsWhat = TRUE
TaskId = Task.Id
RelationId = cm.CampaignId.

Has anyone else experienced this issue of needing to insert or update TaskRelation objects in order to populate Task.WhatId through the API?

We want to use success, warning and violation action used in milestone[Entitlement Process] programmatically. Is this possible in salesforce? How to call this event programmatically for the specific conditions on the milestone.

  • January 16, 2018
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I'd like to use Entitlements to manage SLAs not only on cases but also on a custom object related (master-detail) to Case. I see that I can create a lookup relationship from the custom object to Entitlement. It looks as though the difficult bit would instead be creating a custom object analagous to Case Milestone (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_casemilestone.htm?search_text=casemilestone), which functions as a timekeeping object once an entitlement is applied to a case.

Has anyone successfully used entitlements to manage SLAs on a custom object?
The code below displays eight fields from account in a Visualforce page used as a custom console component in opportunity page layouts. All but two of these fields are enabled for inline editing.

The first row of five fields displays its row of headerValue column headers correctly. The second row of three fields displays the column values, but not the headers (Vertical Tier 1, Vertical Tier 2, etc.). What am I doing wrong?

Also asked as Stackexchange question here (https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/97186/how-can-i-force-display-of-headervalue-header-in-row-2-of-pageblocktable).
<!-- render key account fields pulled by query in acctInfo method of custom extension -->
 <!-- saveAccount method of extension handles DML -->
 <apex:form >
   <apex:pageBlock title="Account Info" id="acctInfo" mode="inlineEdit" >
     <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top" >
       <apex:commandButton action="{!saveAccount}" value="Save" />
     <apex:outputPanel id="accountInformationPanel">
       <apex:pageBlockTable id="AcctTable" title="Acct Info" value="{!acctInfo}"
        var="a" columns="5" rows="2" width="100%">
         <apex:column value="{!a.Account_Type__c}"/>
         <apex:column value="{!a.BillingCountry}"/>
         <apex:column headerValue="Industry">
           <apex:outputField value="{!a.Industry}">
             <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                 hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"
         <apex:column headerValue="Subindustry">
           <apex:outputField value="{!a.Subindustry__c}">
             <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                  hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"
         <apex:column headerValue="Employees">
           <apex:outputField value="{!a.NumberOfEmployees}">
             <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                 hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"
         <apex:column breakBefore="true" headerValue="Vertical Tier 1">
           <apex:outputField value="{!a.Vertical_Tier_1__c}">
             <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                 hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"
          <apex:column headerValue="Vertical Tier 2"> 
            <apex:outputField value="{!a.Vertical_Tier_2__c}">
              <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                  hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"
          <apex:column headerValue="Vertical Tier 3">
            <apex:outputField value="{!a.Vertical_Tier_3__c}">
              <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
                  hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick"


I know there's an app called Field Trip that will tell you how many records havea givern object's field populated for each field in that object.

Is there an app or someother way to determine the date upon which a given object's field was last populated though?
  • January 20, 2015
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Hey community,

I'm struggling with the logic of the task...

To complete this challenge, add a validation rule which will block the insertion of a contact if the contact is related to an account and has a mailing postal code (which has the API Name MailingPostalCode) different from the account's shipping postal code (which has the API Name ShippingPostalCode).Name the validation rule 'Contact must be in Account ZIP Code'.

A contact with a MailingPostalCode that has an account and does not match the associated Account ShippingPostalCode should return with a validation error and not be inserted.

The validation rule should ONLY apply to contact records with an associated account. Contact records with no associated parent account can be added with any MailingPostalCode value. (Hint: you can use the ISBLANK function for this check)

Here is what I got so far:

 MailingPostalCode  <>  Account.ShippingPostalCode )

I THINK I know how to see if the contact mailing zip is not the same as the account shipping zip, and only if the is not blank.

The part I am stuck on is if the "Contact records with no associated parent account can be added with any MaiilingPostalCode value"...

I don't know what to do with that.

Also, I am now getting the error message when I recheck challenge:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Contact_must_be_in_Account_ZIP_Code: [] 

Double help, please.

Hi Team,
We are getting the following error while deploying
Custom console component contains an invalid location.

Any pointers/suggestions are welcome

Many Thanks :)

I've set up a workflow rule and field update to set a custom Date/Time field


Lead_Processed_Time__c to




when Lead.Status = several statuses expected to be "terminal," that is, the last status a user sets.


This works well except in the case where it matters the most: on lead conversion.


Lead statuses set on the lead-conversion screen fail to trigger the workflow rule. I've reproduced this with three different approaches to the workflow rule:


1. Lead Status = [the terminal statuses]

2. Lead Status = [the terminal statuses] OR IsConverted = TRUE

3. Lead Status <> [the non-terminal statuses]


So I assume that the problem is that the workflow fires after lead conversion, or, to put it another way, that by the time the workflow rule should fire, the field update fails because the lead has been converted and is now read-only.


Thoughts on how to overcome this bit of tedium without having to write a beforeUpdate trigger?


Scott in London

Hi ,

I want to create a gmail gadget which will show th salesforce data into that gadget - now i want to authenticate salesforce from google how will i authnticate this? please tell me...

Hey all - 


I've searched google and the dev boards for a solution to this, but I'm struggling to figure out what is wrong with my visualforce code to open a subtab within the Service Cloud console. I've built a VisualForce table (apex:pageBlockTable) that displays a list of Cases and I'd like the "Case Number" column to be a link that opens that particular Case in a subtab. Anytime I try to click the hyperlink, it loads a 'URL No Longer Exists' error within the same frame (no subtab is opened). I'm trying to call the javascript subtab function as an onClick within the apex:outputlink tag - is this even possible?


Here's my current code - any help would be greatly appreciated!


<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="CaseRecentCasesController">
    <apex:form >
    <apex:includeScript value="/support/console/22.0/integration.js"/>
    	<script type="text/javascript">
    		function parentTab() {
				//Get the ID of the primary tab
				var openSubtab = function openSubtab(result) {
					//Open subtab in primary tab
					var primaryTabId = result.id;
					sforce.console.openSubtab(primaryTabId, '/' + {!Case.id}, false, {!Case.CaseNumber});
    <apex:inputHidden value="{!Case.Customer_Subscription__c}"/>
        <apex:pageBlock mode="maindetail">
            <apex:pageMessage escape="false" severity="info" strength="2" summary="The 10 most recent Cases are displayed for {!Case.Customer_Subscription__r.Name}." rendered="{!NOT(Case.Customer_Subscription__c = '')}"/>
            <apex:pageMessage severity="info" strength="2" summary="There are no recent Cases to display because a Customer Subscription is not associated with this Case. Please set one if applicable."  rendered="{!Case.Customer_Subscription__c = ''}" /> 
            <apex:outputPanel layout="block" style="overflow:auto; height:550px"  rendered="{!NOT(Case.Customer_Subscription__c = '')}">
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!RelatedCases}" var="rCase" style="overflow:auto">

                    <apex:column headerValue="Case Number">
                        <apex:outputlink onClick="openCaseSubtab()">{!rCase.CaseNumber}</apex:outputlink>
                    <apex:column value="{!rCase.Subject}"/>
                    <apex:column value="{!rCase.Status}"/>
                    <apex:column value="{!rCase.Owner.Name}" headerValue="Case Owner"/>
                    <apex:column value="{!rCase.CreatedDate}"/>
                <br />
                <apex:outputlink target="_blank" value="/500?rlid=00N70000002JlrX&id={!Case.Customer_Subscription__r.Id}">View all Cases</apex:outputlink>



The libphonenumber code library does a good job normalising and formatting phone numbers to national or international standards - not just for the North American zone but worldwide. Has anyone incorporated the JS version into an Apex class? If so, would you be wiling to post a code sample? This topics seems a bit of a gap in developerforce.

I need to create test classes to do some stuff on cases, entitlements, entitlement processes, and milestones.  I understand that my case will map to an entitlement, and my entitlement maps to an entitlement process (SlaProcess), but I can't figure out how milestones connect to my entitlement process.  My cases get CaseMilestones based on entering the entitlement process, but where are the generic defined milestones that are supposed to be attached to the entitlement process?  


Anyone know?

I would like to include the parameter


&bcc=[user's Email to Salesforce address]


in a custom URL button (or Javascript for that matter).  I find no documentation for a user field representing the user's Email to Salesforce address, leading me to suspect it is not accessible via the API or for use as a merge field like this.


Has anyone succeeded in incorporating the Email to Salesforce address into a custom button or a Visualforce page?



We would like to reset the entitlement countdown time when a case is set in status "On Hold" and then put in "In progress" again. Time should stop counting when put in "On Hold" and then restart when not "On Hold".


I have set up Milestones, entitlement process and entitlements that are linked to Accounts and cases. Everything works fine.

I think that it is the "Case enters the process" and "Case exits the process" that is the key to set this up?


Any ideas on how to configure those so that the process restarts on "On Hold" status change?

My VP does not like the current process he uses to approve contracts and other objects.  He uses the "Items to Approve" component on the home page, but for each item, he clicks to go view the actual record with all the details.  Then he approves or denies, then has to click the home tab again to see the next item in his list.


I would like to add a similiar widget to the sidebar instead so that he doesn't have to click the home tab every time to see his list.


Has anyone done anything like this already?  I'm sure it's possible, but have no idea how to do it.


It doesn't have to look exactly like the current component, all I need is a list to show up on the sidebar.




is it possbile to delete custom fields from a custom objects by using the metadata api in eclipse ? 

Currently when I do this, the .object files is refreshed with the previous content.


Thanks in advance


while working quite a lot with campaigns and opportunities, I'm faced with the problem to create campaign influence records for opportunities in batch (not manually)

Adding an influence for an contact or lead is quite easy; add a record to the table CampaignMember and that's it... 


But - in which table are records stored that define a relationship between an opportunity and a campaign? Can't find it - the prefix is 0BG - if this might help anybody.


Many thanks in advance!

  • March 02, 2009
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Hi, I am trying to add the "opportunity forecast" related list to my tabbed opportunity page, but cannot find the name for it in apex explorer.

There are two forecast there: quantity forecast & revenue forecast. Either can work.

Also, the "opportunity field history" related list is not available.

Any hint?

  • January 19, 2009
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I'm constantly unable to complete tests because of this error in our sandboxes. If I keep running them over and over they usually complete normally eventually, but it can waste a half hour of my time to get them to complete so I have an accurate test coverage percentage on the class in question.

This has been a problem for over a year, but has been getting worse in the last few months.