• Pratik_M
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My org alredy have 800k+ Opportunities and OpportunityLineItems. I can see only opportunities records sum on data usage page. Why it doesn't count OpportunityLineItems?
Hi All,

I am asking you this question after doing so much resarch on file functionality of SFDC.

I want to know when we upload a file in salesforce through chatter, In actully where this files stroes in salesforce.

Content document only has the information about the file not the body of the file. I want to know where the acturl body of the file is saved. 

After uploading file when I goes to file and open in salesforce I see thir record Id '069R00000009ICF'   In this Id 069 is the Id of content document objecy but when i see structure of content document in SFDC Doc I don't see any body field over there.

Please let me know how acturlly it's working.

Thank You very much in advance.


Iam trying to hide chatter as my legal team don't want the internal users to use it but it must be enabled to portal users.

How to hide chatter as there is no html area now for html component.


From new release we dont have html area anybody help me with vf page or any othe option to hide on home page and also hide chatter box on right side down on every page.

I am a new Salesforce Partner and I had questions about the cost to license the software for development and when I build an app, how much will it cost my customers to use the app? Most do not have salesforce so wanted to see if they had to buy salesforce then the app etc.
My org alredy have 800k+ Opportunities and OpportunityLineItems. I can see only opportunities records sum on data usage page. Why it doesn't count OpportunityLineItems?

How do I get a workflow rule to fire when I have criteria such as...

(Account: Activation DateEQUALSTODAY) AND (Account: Provider StatusEQUALSInactive)

and for it to evaluate when...

Evaluate the rule when a record is created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria

It needs to perform a field update to make the Provider Status Active whenever Today matches the Activation Date.  The rule is active and I thought this would work but it doesn't seem to be.

I was hoping not to have to write code for it.

Any ideas on the matter would be appreciated.

Lance Cresswell
Hi All..!

              I’m trying to setup a report that shows Lead Campaign History and Lead Activity History. I am trying to determine the total amount of interactions our leads have had with specific campaigns.

I’ve tried pulling the following reports to get to this data:

· Activities with Leads

· Activities with Campaigns

· Lead History

The problem is that none of the above reports allow me to select the Campaign / Activity History I would like to track. Here is what I would like to track:

Campaigns: All created this year

Activity History: any relating to LinkedIn, email etc.

Any help / clarification on how to get to this data would be great!

Thanks in advance!
  • October 07, 2014
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Hi All,

I am asking you this question after doing so much resarch on file functionality of SFDC.

I want to know when we upload a file in salesforce through chatter, In actully where this files stroes in salesforce.

Content document only has the information about the file not the body of the file. I want to know where the acturl body of the file is saved. 

After uploading file when I goes to file and open in salesforce I see thir record Id '069R00000009ICF'   In this Id 069 is the Id of content document objecy but when i see structure of content document in SFDC Doc I don't see any body field over there.

Please let me know how acturlly it's working.

Thank You very much in advance.

I have been trying to deploy .workflow files retrieved from a Salesforce org using ant back to the same Salesforce org using ant. It doesn't work. No matter what I try, Salesforce says that all of the names of the alerts, rules, fieldUpdates, etc. in the .workflow files are missing from the package.xml. I've tried both "*" and listing every single name in the package.xml. I've tried adding objectName. qualifications to the names in the .workflow file and the package.xml file. Same error, only with the qualifiers added to the "missing" names. I've tried deploying the workflows back using Eclipse (with the Force.com IDE). Same errors, differently phrased by the IDE.

These are freshly retrieved .workflow files, no alterations to either the .workflow or the package.xml used to retrieve them.

Has anyone out there done this successfully?
Question: The developer console indicates that  I need to test every if statment in my for loop below.  Can you suggest how to do that?  Thanks in advance for your help!


    global static list <Marketing_Material__c> retrieveAllMaterialsList(String userDivision)
    List<String> imgAudience = new List<String> {'AMC', 'WMC'};
    List<String> jnldAudience = new List<String> {'AMC', 'WMC'};
    List<String> jnlAudience = new List<String> {'AMC', 'WMC'};
    List<String> jnldgAudience = new List<String> {'AMC', 'WMC'};
    List<String> rbdAudience = new List<String> {'AMC', 'WMC'};
    List<String> cclAudience = new List<String> {'CURIAN', 'CURIAN RIA', 'CURIAN SELECT'};
    List<String> siiAudience = new List<String> {'NPH'};
    List<String> npcAudience = new List<String> {'NPH'};
    List<String> icaAudience = new List<String> {'NPH'};
    List<String> investAudience = new List<String> {'NPH'};
    List<String> wAudience = new List<String> {'NPH'};
    Map<String, List<String>> audienceMap = new Map<String, List<String>>();
    audienceMap.put('IMG', imgAudience);
    audienceMap.put('JNLD', jnldAudience);
    audienceMap.put('JNL', jnlAudience);
    audienceMap.put('JNLDG', jnldgAudience);
    audienceMap.put('RBD', rbdAudience);
    audienceMap.put('CCL', cclAudience);
    audienceMap.put('SII', siiAudience);
    audienceMap.put('NPC', npcAudience);
    audienceMap.put('ICA', icaAudience);
    audienceMap.put('INVEST', investAudience);
    audienceMap.put('W1', wAudience);

     List <String> finalAudienceListB = new List <String> (audienceMap.get(userDivision)); //e.g. 'WMC, AMC'

     Map <Id, Marketing_Material__c> materialListC = new Map <Id, Marketing_Material__c> ();
     List <Marketing_Material__c> finalMaterialList = new List <Marketing_Material__c> ();
         for (Marketing_Material__c mmmm: [SELECT Name, Marketing_Material_Name__c, Form_Number__c, PieceLink__c, PictureLink__c, Approved_Firms__c, Not_Approved_Firms__c, Approved_States__c, Not_Approved_States__c, Item_Cost__c, Audience__c, Product_Line__c, Audience_Groups_Multi_picklist__c, IsObsoleted__c FROM Marketing_Material__c WHERE IsObsoleted__c = false AND(Viewabillity__c = 'Viewable And Orderable' OR Viewabillity__c = 'Viewable Not Orderable')])
             String audC = mmmm.Audience_Groups_Multi_picklist__c; //e.g. 'WMC, AMC, SSU'
             if (!String.isBlank(audC))
                 Integer audienceMatchesC = 0;
                 for (String tt: finalAudienceListB)
                     //you're finding a matching in the Audience_Groups_Multi_picklist__c(aud) with each item the user is qualified to see based on the user division in the
                     //above hard-coded map.
                     audienceMatchesC = audienceMatchesC + audC.countMatches(tt);
                 if (audienceMatchesC > 0) //if there's a match then we're good to return the record for the user to see
                     materialListC.put(mmmm.Id, mmmm); //we add to a map which, by default, prevents duplicates from being added;
         finalMaterialList = materialListC.values();
     catch (Exception e)
     return finalMaterialList;
We would like the report to filter 11am Yesterday – 11am Today. We also need a weekend report that shows 11am Friday – 11am Monday. Is this possible?
Is there a way to create an alpha-numeric auto generated ID consisting of random letters and numbers?
Hi All, 

How can we display external image in chatter post?


Today we’re excited to announce the new Salesforce Developers Discussion Forums. We’ve listened to your feedback on how we can improve the forums.  With Chatter Answers, built on the Salesforce1 Platform, we were able to implement an entirely new experience, integrated with the rest of the Salesforce Developers site.  By the way, it’s also mobile-friendly.

We’ve migrated all the existing data, including user accounts. You can use the same Salesforce account you’ve always used to login right away.  You’ll also have a great new user profile page that will highlight your community activity.  Kudos have been replaced by “liking” a post instead and you’ll now be able to filter solved vs unsolved posts.

This is, of course, only the beginning  and because it’s built on the Salesforce1 Platform, we’re going to be able to bring you more features faster than ever before.  Be sure to share any feedback, ideas, or questions you have on this forum post.

Hats off to our development team who has been working tirelessly over the past few months to bring this new experience to our community. And thanks to each of you for helping to build one of the most vibrant and collaborative developer communities ever.