• Naveen KN
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  • codekiat.com

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Is there any predefined sequence order for standard button placement on Salesforce page layouts?

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Thanks and Regards,
Is there a way, without creating a new record type, to hide a picklist value (not entire field) if another picklist value is selected?
I have a requirement i need to add couple of columns in Recently viewed cases list view.i'm unable to edit

Please help me 
I want to show an image which is stored in rich text area field of an object using LWC on community page for guest users.
i have an 1000 users out of which i want to restrict the access to 400 users to an object how can i do it.
How we pass record collection variable from LWC to Flow Collection Variable?
I have array of collection defined in LWC.
Need to pass this collection to Flow variable.
I added this in xml
        <property name="editableproductstoflow
" type="{T[]}" label="Passing Records to Flow" role="outputOnly" />
Js File

I am trying to write an Apex test Class for a Trigger that I want to deploy. However, when I receive the 'duplicate value found' error:

private class ProphixFieldsTest {
    static testMethod void testProphixFields() {
        // Create test data
        Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='Test Opp', StageName='Prospecting', CloseDate=System.today().addDays(30), ForecastCategoryName='Pipeline');
        insert opp;
        Product2 prod = new Product2(Name='Test Product', ProductCode='123', Budget_Code__c='327 - RPD');
        insert prod;
        OpportunityLineItem oli = new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId=opp.Id, Product2Id=prod.Id, UnitPrice=100, Start_Date__c=System.today(), End_Date__c=System.today().addDays(30), Fiscal_Months__c=12);
        insert oli;

        // Test insert trigger
        opp = [SELECT Products_opp1__c, Product_Codes__c, Budget_Code__c, Amount, Current_Fiscal_Revenue__c, QuoteBeginDate__c, QuoteEndDate__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:opp.Id];
        System.assertEquals(prod.Name, opp.Products_opp1__c);
        System.assertEquals(oli.ProductCode, opp.Product_Codes__c);
        System.assertEquals(oli.Budget_Code__c, opp.Budget_Code__c);
        System.assertEquals(oli.UnitPrice, opp.Amount);
        System.assertEquals(oli.Fiscal_Revenue__c, opp.Current_Fiscal_Revenue__c);
        System.assertEquals(oli.Start_Date__c, opp.QuoteBeginDate__c);
        System.assertEquals(oli.End_Date__c, opp.QuoteEndDate__c);

        // Test update trigger
        prod.Name = 'Test Product Updated';
        update prod;
        opp = [SELECT Products_opp1__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:opp.Id];
        System.assertEquals(prod.Name, opp.Products_opp1__c);

        // Test delete trigger
        delete oli;
        opp = [SELECT Products_opp1__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:opp.Id];
        System.assertEquals(null, opp.Products_opp1__c);

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I have a record triggered flow ,which send emails to 3 fields (x,y,z )that are lookup fields to account to User object when Account.Verified= true.

Decision element code: 
Verified__c==True &&(NOT(ISBLANK({!$Record.Account__r.Vat__c.Id})) && NOT(ISBLANK({!$Record.Account__r.y__r.Id})) && NOT(ISBLANK({!$Record.Account__r.z_Owner__r.Id})))

Mailing i am using send action and i am calling all email values data in Recipient Email Addresses (comma-separated) as {!$Record.Account__r.x__r.Email},{!$Record.Account__r.y__r.Email},{!$Record.Account__r.z__r.Email}

criteria 1: 
if record has both x,y,z lookups available : I have no problem as all emails are present so emails are flowing.

criteria 2: if record has only x lookup and rest yand z have no values then null will be passed from y,z lookup to Recipient Email Addresses (comma-separated) to send email action  which cause the flow to fail

can you tell me how to send emails with out any issue if there is 1 email or 2 emails please 
One of the team is getting a component error.  I am still a new virgin SF admin.  I encloised a screen shot of the message and the component error.  Any help would be appreciated.

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for example we created email record  named as user123@gmail.com.
the same email record user123@gmail.com is typed for anotheer record it should not beeen saved the error message want to be displayed.
Ran into this last night in working a flow. I wonder if anyone else has run into it, or if it is a bug with Winter 2022.

A record triggered flow is triggered by a change in a bolean field named "Start Automated Process" to TRUE. Triggers whenever the record is updated and that field's value is TRUE.  The record triggered flow has two elements in it, first, sets bolean Start... field back to False, and then calls a subflow. The subflow's job is to set another field on the task object to a specific value based on computation within the flow (exact function not as important - it has been debugged and is working correctly) - this is done based on passing the $record.id variable to an input variable in the subflow.

When testing by changing the Start Automated Process field on the task object, upon save, the Start Automated Process field goes back to FALSE (as expected) meaning that the record triggered flow is being triggered, but the expected update on the task object does NOT occur.

So I attempted to debug the record triggered field, and this could be crucial, I received an error message saying "Object Task is not supported in UI API."

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Figuring that this was just for debugging, I was still puzzled that the subflow did NOT appear to be running at all and setting the other value.

To further debug, I set an element in the record triggered flow that will write the value for $Record.Id into an un-used text field on the task record. When I then triggered the flow by setting the Start Automated Process field to TRUE, the SAP field sets to FALSE as expected, but the $Record.id field does NOT set to the value of the record ID.

My conclusion at this point is that the $record.id field is NOT accessible in a record triggered flow. I attempted to assign the $Record.Id field to another declared variable, and had the same result.

I used Process builder to then set the SAP field on Task to false, using the same triggers that I used on the record triggered flow, and to then run the subflow.I set the SAP field on task to TRUE. Process builder launches correctly, setting the SAP field to false, and updated the other field correclty with the subflow called. Clearly, it was able to pass through the Task ID.

I attempted some more debuggiing using the field on task $Record.CallType - and using the record triggered flow, the record triggered flow does not appear to have access to that field either.

Curious if anyone else has run into this?