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hide picklist value based on another picklist value selected
- ahon
- June 02, 2023
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editing an existing LWC component?
We have a LWC component built by an outside developer that needs to be edited. How do you edit an existing compenent?
- Adam Rycroft
- October 26, 2022
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Run flow from quick action on individual
I can't create a quick action to run a flow from an Individual
Is this standard or am I missing something:
- Filikin
- October 26, 2022
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Lightning select onchange not triggering
Beating my head against the wall and hoping someone can point out what I'm missing. I have a basic Lightning component with a drop-down. When that drop-down changes, I'd like the controller to make a second field visible through an aura if. But I can't even get the selection onchange to trigger.
Component is basically:
<aura:attribute name="rType" type="string"/>
<lightning:select name="rType" label="Record Type" value="{!v.rType}" required="true" onchange="{!c.syncSelection}">
With controller:
syncSelection: function (component, event, helper) {
console.log("this worked");
- Ryan Meyer
- May 01, 2022
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Delete contact from table by id
How can I delete definite contact from table by id?
public static void deleteContact(Id contactId) {
List<Contact> deleteContact =
FROM Contact
WHERE Id = :contactId
delete deleteContact;
handleDelete() {
.then(result => {
console.log(result, 'end')
this.contacts = result;
.catch(error => {
console.log(error, "err")
this.error = error;
- Mike Tol 1
- April 08, 2022
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Hi, Please help me to solve this
- Dhanalakshmi Raajasekar
- March 16, 2022
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ProcessInstanceStep Trigger
I would like to create a custom report type for Approval History(ProcessInstanceStep).
My first approach was creating a trigger or record-triggered flow on the ProcessInstanceStep object.
But for some reason, Salesforce doesn't allow me to create a trigger on the object.
Background information,
There are more than 2,000 submitted approvals daily based.
The client wants to maximize declarative tools' usability.(Not Programatical solution)
How should I resolve this issue?
Much obliged, in advance.
- Liam Jeong
- January 11, 2022
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trigger add error scenario
trigger onlyonechildactive on Opportunity (before insert,before update) {
set<Id>accountId=new set<Id>();
for(opportunity o:trigger.new){
List<Account>acclist=[select id,name,(select id,stageName,closeDate,name,Active__c from opportunities where Active__c=true)from Account where Id=:accountId];
map<id,boolean> bb=new map<id,boolean>();
//for each account
for(Account a:acclist){
bb.put(a.id,a.opportunities.size()>0 );
for(opportunity op:trigger.new){
if(bb.get(op.AccountId)==true && op.Active__c==true){
op.addError('there is already a Active opp');
Thanks in Advance
- sfdc98
- December 30, 2022
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CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, maximum trigger depth exceeded
But when an approval process updates a record, I want some records to be updated in the after update section, which is causing the recurssive error:
QuoteTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0Q05D0000007jBySAI; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, QuoteTrigger: maximum trigger depth exceeded Quote trigger event AfterUpdate Quote trigger event
How can I get around this error and implement my logic? Trigger code is below. Error occours on update qtList; line. I am trying to implement in the // If the quote is approved unmark - section.
trigger QuoteTrigger on Quote (after insert,after update) { Set<String> oppIds = new Set<String>(); for(Quote q : Trigger.New){ oppIds.add(q.opportunityId); } public static Boolean preventRecursive = true; if(preventRecursive){ preventRecursive = false; // To mark the newly inserted quote as latest and unmark the previous quote if there is any if(Trigger.isInsert && Trigger.isAfter){ List<Quote> quoteList = [select id,opportunityId,Latest_quote__c from quote where opportunityId IN :oppIds ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 2]; if(quoteList.size() == 1){ quoteList[0].Latest_quote__c = true; update quoteList; } else if (quoteList.size() > 1) { quoteList[0].Latest_quote__c = true; quoteList[1].Latest_quote__c = false; update quoteList; } } if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate){ if(trigger.new != null){ for(quote qt:trigger.new){ if(Trigger.new[0].Status== 'Approved' && qt.Quote_Link__c == Null && qt.Proposal_PDF__c == Null && qt.Site_Services_PDF__c == Null){ // Quote_Lcs.sendemailtemplate(qt.id); } } // If the quote is approved unmark all as latest and mark last updated (approved) quote as latest if(Trigger.new[0].Status== 'Approved'){ System.debug('Approved'); List<Quote> qtList = [select id,opportunityId,Latest_quote__c from quote where opportunityId IN :oppIds ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC]; if (qtList.size() > 1) { for(Integer i = 0; i < qtList.size(); i++){ // uncheck all from being latest qtList[i].Latest_quote__c = false; } } qtList[0].Latest_quote__c = true; // mark only the last updated/approved quote as latest update qtList; } } } } }
- Colbridge
- October 05, 2021
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- Luan Constâncio
- October 01, 2021
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Aura Component Help
- Wooster
- June 09, 2021
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Store JSON data in salesforce object
I have JSON data. I wish to store this JSON data in my custom object field.
Is this possible in salesforce? Any idea?
Thanks in Advance.
- Poorna Developer
- April 02, 2021
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Communication using Aura:attribute
(note : I dont want aura methods or events )
- @ M Coder
- March 11, 2020
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Lightning Button Menu Items are not visible in a table
Sample Code
<div class="slds-table--header-fixed_container" style="height: 100%"> <div class="slds-card__body slds-card__body_inner slds-scrollable--y" style="height: 100%"> <table class="slds-table slds-table--bordered slds-table--header-fixed"> <thead> <tr class="slds-text-title--caps"> <aura:iteration items="{!v.columns}" var="col"> <th scope="col"> <div onclick="{!c.updateColumnSorting}" class="slds-truncate slds-cell-fixed" title="{! col.fieldName}" data-field="{! col.fieldName}"> {! col.label } <span> <aura:if isTrue="{!v.sortedBy == col.fieldName}"> {! v.sortAsc ? '↑' : '↓'} </aura:if> </span> </div> </th> </aura:iteration> <th scope="col"></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <aura:iteration items="{!v.data}" var="record" indexVar="indexVar"> <tr> <th data-label="Title" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id +' cell-solution-title-width'}"> <div class="slds-truncate cell-solution-title-width" title="{!record.Solution_Title__c}" data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record}"> {!record.Solution_Title__c} </div> </th> <th data-label="Category" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id +' cell-solution-number-width'}"> <div class="slds-truncate cell-solution-number-width" title="{! record.Solution_Sub_Category__c}" data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record.Solution_Sub_Category__c}"> {! record.Solution_Sub_Category__c} </div> </th> <th data-label="Status" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id}"> <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!record.Status__c}" data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record}"> {!record.Status__c} </div> </th> <th data-label="Author" class="{! 'popover_'+record.Id}"> <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!record.CreatedBy.Name}" data-recordid="{!record.Id}" data-record="{! record}"> {!record.CreatedBy.Name} </div> </th> <th> <lightning:buttonMenu aura:id="menu" onselect="{! c.handleSelect }" alternativeText="Menu" value="{!record.Id}" menuAlignment="right"> <lightning:menuItem value="{! 'E,'+record.Id +','+indexVar}" label="Edit"/> <lightning:menuItem value="{! 'A,'+record.Id +','+indexVar}" label="Approve"/> </lightning:buttonMenu> </th> </tr> </aura:iteration> </tbody> </table> </div> </div>
- Yuen Lye Kon
- September 16, 2019
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In Lightning app builder custom option is not available to add it on Lightning page?
Greetings of the day...
I am designing a Lightning component using Developer console and on adding it to Lightning App Builder, I am not finding any custom tab to add my component to the Lightning page.
Plz. help us to add a lightning component in the custom section.
- Shivendra Singh Pawar
- September 16, 2019
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When changing status of Booking (Opportunity) to 'closed', I'm getting the error: 'Object (id = 0060I00000dElwv) is currently in trigger OpportunityTrigger, therefore it cannot recursively update itself'
I'm a green Salesforce Admin.
I'm trying to close this Booking (Opportunity) by changing the stage fom 'Closed Won' to 'Closed', but gettign the error:
Object (id = 0060I00000dElwv) is currently in trigger OpportunityTrigger, therefore it cannot recursively update itself
I can see the Apex Trigger in the Object Manager, but I don't have any experience with development, so I can;t tell why this error is occuring.
- Bobby Yung
- September 16, 2019
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How to Restrict the Look-Up field to create the Record in Lightning View
In my project i have the urgent requirement.
At the lookup Field we have an option to create New Record in Lightning View.
Creating the New Record at Look-Up Field is a Standard Salesforce Out of the box functionality.
1)How can i restrict the user while trying to create the Record at Look-Up in lightning View ?
Thanks in Advance...
- venkat bojja
- September 13, 2019
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Display data in Column using LWC
HTML Component : <template> <lightning-card class="slds-text-title_bold" title = "Activity Information"> <div class="slds-p-around_medium lgc-bg" style="height: 300px;"> <lightning-datatable key-field="id" data={data} columns={columns}> </lightning-datatable> </div> </lightning-card> </template>
JS File: import { LightningElement,api,wire,track} from 'lwc'; import ActivitySearchController from '@salesforce/apex/ActivityLeadPage.ActivitySearchController' const columns = [ { label: 'Subject', fieldName: 'Subject' }, { label: 'Due Date', fieldName: 'ActivityDate' }, { label: 'Status', fieldName: 'Status' }, ]; export default class ActivityLeadPageComponent extends LightningElement { @api recordId; @track data = []; @track columns = columns; @wire(ActivitySearchController, { currentID: '$recordID'}) TaskList; }
Controller : public class ActivityLeadPage{ @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static List<Task> ActivitySearchController(String currentID){ List<Task> TaskList = new List<Task>(); Map<Id,Lead> leadMap = new Map<Id,Lead>(); if(currentID.startsWith('00Q')){ try{ List <Lead> leadList = [SELECT id, Email FROM Lead WHERE ID=:currentId]; String ldEmail = leadList[0].Email; Set<String> emailIds = new Set<string>(); if(ldEmail!=null){ emailIds.add(ldEmail); } TaskList = getTaskList(emailIds); } catch(Exception e){ system.debug('getlinenumber-->'+ e.getMessage() +' line '+ e.getLineNumber()); } } return TaskList; } public static List<Task> getTaskList (Set<String> emailIds) { Map<Id,Lead> leadMap = new Map<Id,Lead>(); leadMap = new Map<Id,Lead>([SELECT id, Email FROM Lead Where Email IN:emailIds]); Set<Id> leadID = new Set<Id>(); for(Lead lE : leadMap.values()){ leadID.add(lE.id); } List<Task> TaskList = [Select id, Subject, Description, who.Type, What.Type, Priority, Status, ActivityDate,CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate FROM Task WHERE whoId IN:leadID ORDER BY createddate DESC LIMIT 20]; if(TaskList.size() == 0){ Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,''+'No Tasks to Display')); } return TaskList; } }
- Shravan Kumar 71
- September 08, 2019
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Email is not available, contact your administrator for help
- Elisheva Dujovne
- July 16, 2019
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Toast event is not firing and the Save button is not getting disabled after clicking on it
I have created a lightning component to display a public site from which we can get customers sigup.
I have created the Lightning component for this and able to view the page but, I am unable to fire the toast messages in this.
And also my Save button is not getting disabled after clicking on it.
This is my code. Any help to solve this is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Lightning component:
<aura:component controller="CreateContactrecordController"
access="global" >
<!-- Include Static Resource-->
<ltng:require styles="/resource/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"
<!--aura:attribute name="isSpinner" type="boolean" default="false"/-->
<aura:attribute name="FirstName" type="String" default="" />
<aura:attribute name="LastName" type="String" default="" />
<aura:attribute name="Mobile" type="String" default="" />
<aura:attribute name="Email" type="String" default="" />
<aura:attribute name="Store" type="String" />
<aura:attribute name="LanguageList" type="List" />
<aura:attribute name="SelectedLanguage" type="String" />
<aura:attribute name="isHide" type="Boolean" default="false" />
<aura:handler name="onSaveSuccess" event="force:recordSaveSuccess" action="{!c.handleSaveSuccess}"/>
<force:recordEdit aura:id="edit" recordId=""/>
<ui:button label="Save" press="{!c.save}"/>
<div class="slds-page-header">
<div class="slds-align_absolute-center">
<div class="slds-text-heading_large">
<div class="slds-m-top_xx-large">
Customer Subscription Form
<aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.doinIt}" value="{!this}"/>
<div class="slds-form-element__control">
<lightning:input label="First Name" name="firstname" type="text" required="true" value="{!v.FirstName}" />
<lightning:input label="Last Name" name="lastname" type="text" required="true" value="{!v.LastName}" />
<lightning:input label="Mobile" type="tel" value="{!v.Mobile}"/>
<lightning:input label="Email" name="email" type="email" required="true" value="{!v.Email}" />
<lightning:input label="Store" type="Text" name="Store" value="{!v.Store}" />
<lightning:select label="Language" name="Language" value="{!v.SelectedLanguage}">
<aura:iteration items="{!v.LanguageList}" var="Language">
<option value="{!Language}" text="{!Language}"></option>
<lightning:button variant="brand" disabled="{!v.isHide}" label="{!v.isHide == true ? 'Save' : 'Save'}" onclick="{!c.savecustomerForm}" />
<!--lightning:button variant="brand" disabled="{!v.isSpinner}" label="{!v.isSpinner == true ? 'Saving...' : 'Save'}" onclick="{!c.savecustomerForm}" /-->
doinIt: function(component, event, helper){
var action = component.get('c.getPickListValuesIntoList');
// method name i.e. getEntity should be same as defined in apex class
// params name i.e. entityType should be same as defined in getEntity method
//action.setParams({ "entityType" : component.get('v.componentString') });
action.setCallback(this, function(a){
var state = a.getState(); // get the response state
if(state == 'SUCCESS') {
savecustomerForm: function(component, event, helper) {
console.log('Create record');
var action = component.get("c.save");
//Setting the Apex Parameter
action.setParams({"FirstName":component.get("v.FirstName"), "LastName":component.get("v.LastName"),
"Email":component.get("v.Email"), "Mobile":component.get("v.Mobile"),
"Store":component.get("v.Store"), "Language":component.get("v.Language")
//Setting the Callback
//get the response state
var state = a.getState();
var isContactexists = a.getReturnValue();
//check if result is successfull
if(state == "SUCCESS"){
//Reset Form
var newContact = {'sobjectType': 'Contact','FirstName': '','LastName': '','Email': '',
'Mobile': '', 'Store__C': '','Language__c' : ''};
//resetting the Values in the form
//alert('Record Created Successfully');
component.find("edit").get("e.recordSave").fireeSuccess : function(cmp, event) {
// Display the save status
var toastEvent = $A.get("e.force:showToast");
"title": "true!",
"message": "My Custom Record Saved Successfully"
component.set('v.isHide', true);
else {
alert('Record already exists');
else if(state == "ERROR"){
alert('Error in calling server side action');
Apex controller:
public class CreateContactrecordController {
public static List<String> getPickListValuesIntoList()
List<String> pickListValuesList= new List<String>();
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Contact.Language__C.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
for( Schema.PicklistEntry pickListVal : ple){
return pickListValuesList;
public static Boolean save(String FirstName, String LastName, String Email, String Mobile, String Store, String Language )
List<Contact> Contact = [SELECT Id, Email From Contact WHERE Email=:Email];
if(contact.size() > 0){
return false;
Contact con=new Contact();
con.FirstName = FirstName;
con.LastName = LastName;
con.Email = Email;
con.MobilePhone = Mobile;
con.Store__c = Store;
con.Language__c = Language;
insert con;
return true;
- Satyavathi Polepally
- March 15, 2019
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Is it possible to calculate the sum of two columns in the reports?
shown below in the screenshot
this is the exported report from salesforce.
Now we have a requirement to display pending column after Due column in the above-shown screenshot and the value of the pending column is calculated by the subtraction of Due and delivered columns. how to achieve this?
Appreciate your inputs on this.
- Naveen K N
- Naveen KN
- July 23, 2019
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Is there any predefined sequence order for standard button placement on Salesforce page layouts?
Is there any predefined sequence order for standard button placement on Salesforce page layouts?
Thanks and Regards,
- Lakshya Kanchan
- June 05, 2023
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hide picklist value based on another picklist value selected
- ahon
- June 02, 2023
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I have a requirement i need to add couple of columns in Recently viewed cases list view
Please help me
- Viswa Prasad
- May 26, 2023
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Show Rich Text Area Image in Community Page
- Sejal Agrawal
- May 25, 2023
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- Rohit Vaidya 3
- May 06, 2023
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pass Collection record Values from LWC to Flow
How we pass record collection variable from LWC to Flow Collection Variable?
I have array of collection defined in LWC.
Need to pass this collection to Flow variable.
I added this in xml
<property name="editableproductstoflow
" type="{T[]}" label="Passing Records to Flow" role="outputOnly" />
In Flow, I need to get these values in a Variable. What type of variable do I need to set here to get array collection from LWC?
- Sanjana Rajasekar
- April 15, 2023
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Apex Class not saving - 'duplicate value found: <unknown> duplicates value on record with id: <unknown>'
I am trying to write an Apex test Class for a Trigger that I want to deploy. However, when I receive the 'duplicate value found' error:
private class ProphixFieldsTest {
static testMethod void testProphixFields() {
// Create test data
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='Test Opp', StageName='Prospecting', CloseDate=System.today().addDays(30), ForecastCategoryName='Pipeline');
insert opp;
Product2 prod = new Product2(Name='Test Product', ProductCode='123', Budget_Code__c='327 - RPD');
insert prod;
OpportunityLineItem oli = new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId=opp.Id, Product2Id=prod.Id, UnitPrice=100, Start_Date__c=System.today(), End_Date__c=System.today().addDays(30), Fiscal_Months__c=12);
insert oli;
// Test insert trigger
opp = [SELECT Products_opp1__c, Product_Codes__c, Budget_Code__c, Amount, Current_Fiscal_Revenue__c, QuoteBeginDate__c, QuoteEndDate__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:opp.Id];
System.assertEquals(prod.Name, opp.Products_opp1__c);
System.assertEquals(oli.ProductCode, opp.Product_Codes__c);
System.assertEquals(oli.Budget_Code__c, opp.Budget_Code__c);
System.assertEquals(oli.UnitPrice, opp.Amount);
System.assertEquals(oli.Fiscal_Revenue__c, opp.Current_Fiscal_Revenue__c);
System.assertEquals(oli.Start_Date__c, opp.QuoteBeginDate__c);
System.assertEquals(oli.End_Date__c, opp.QuoteEndDate__c);
// Test update trigger
prod.Name = 'Test Product Updated';
update prod;
opp = [SELECT Products_opp1__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:opp.Id];
System.assertEquals(prod.Name, opp.Products_opp1__c);
// Test delete trigger
delete oli;
opp = [SELECT Products_opp1__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:opp.Id];
System.assertEquals(null, opp.Products_opp1__c);
- Ryno Lourens
- March 22, 2023
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Simple Flow help needed-- Sending multiple emails
I have a record triggered flow ,which send emails to 3 fields (x,y,z )that are lookup fields to account to User object when Account.Verified= true.
Decision element code:
Verified__c==True &&(NOT(ISBLANK({!$Record.Account__r.Vat__c.Id})) && NOT(ISBLANK({!$Record.Account__r.y__r.Id})) && NOT(ISBLANK({!$Record.Account__r.z_Owner__r.Id})))
Mailing i am using send action and i am calling all email values data in Recipient Email Addresses (comma-separated) as {!$Record.Account__r.x__r.Email},{!$Record.Account__r.y__r.Email},{!$Record.Account__r.z__r.Email}
criteria 1:
if record has both x,y,z lookups available : I have no problem as all emails are present so emails are flowing.
criteria 2: if record has only x lookup and rest yand z have no values then null will be passed from y,z lookup to Recipient Email Addresses (comma-separated) to send email action which cause the flow to fail .
can you tell me how to send emails with out any issue if there is 1 email or 2 emails please
- Lwc Seekar
- February 18, 2023
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Component Error Surfaced for 1st Time
- Umair Mohammad 10
- February 15, 2023
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there is the email field if one email record is created in that field ,when the same mail is repeated again it should not saved
the same email record user123@gmail.com is typed for anotheer record it should not beeen saved the error message want to be displayed.
- Nithish Krishnasamy
- February 15, 2023
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Record Triggered flow - Task Object - $Record.Id variable is not accessible.
A record triggered flow is triggered by a change in a bolean field named "Start Automated Process" to TRUE. Triggers whenever the record is updated and that field's value is TRUE. The record triggered flow has two elements in it, first, sets bolean Start... field back to False, and then calls a subflow. The subflow's job is to set another field on the task object to a specific value based on computation within the flow (exact function not as important - it has been debugged and is working correctly) - this is done based on passing the $record.id variable to an input variable in the subflow.
When testing by changing the Start Automated Process field on the task object, upon save, the Start Automated Process field goes back to FALSE (as expected) meaning that the record triggered flow is being triggered, but the expected update on the task object does NOT occur.
So I attempted to debug the record triggered field, and this could be crucial, I received an error message saying "Object Task is not supported in UI API."
Figuring that this was just for debugging, I was still puzzled that the subflow did NOT appear to be running at all and setting the other value.
To further debug, I set an element in the record triggered flow that will write the value for $Record.Id into an un-used text field on the task record. When I then triggered the flow by setting the Start Automated Process field to TRUE, the SAP field sets to FALSE as expected, but the $Record.id field does NOT set to the value of the record ID.
My conclusion at this point is that the $record.id field is NOT accessible in a record triggered flow. I attempted to assign the $Record.Id field to another declared variable, and had the same result.
I used Process builder to then set the SAP field on Task to false, using the same triggers that I used on the record triggered flow, and to then run the subflow.I set the SAP field on task to TRUE. Process builder launches correctly, setting the SAP field to false, and updated the other field correclty with the subflow called. Clearly, it was able to pass through the Task ID.
I attempted some more debuggiing using the field on task $Record.CallType - and using the record triggered flow, the record triggered flow does not appear to have access to that field either.
Curious if anyone else has run into this?
- Craig Woodman
- October 25, 2021
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- Rohit Vaidya 3
- May 06, 2023
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pass Collection record Values from LWC to Flow
How we pass record collection variable from LWC to Flow Collection Variable?
I have array of collection defined in LWC.
Need to pass this collection to Flow variable.
I added this in xml
<property name="editableproductstoflow
" type="{T[]}" label="Passing Records to Flow" role="outputOnly" />
In Flow, I need to get these values in a Variable. What type of variable do I need to set here to get array collection from LWC?
- Sanjana Rajasekar
- April 15, 2023
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Is it possible to bring the Attach Article button out from under the dropdown arrow from the case view?
We would like to make the Attach Article button available for our engineers/analysts to click a single time. OOTB, the Knowledge component on the Case page hides the Attach Article button within a dropdown and it is not immediately obvious:
- Pat Power
- December 05, 2022
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Issue on Save and cancel button, want to coommunicate lwc to vf
I have created an LWC component to create a new Quote. Created an Aura Application and called a component from the Visualforce page. I have created a List button and called the visualforce page.
The issue is when clicking on the list button lightning record edit form is showing but the Save & Cancel buttons are not working. If I use lwc alone it is working but within the VF page, it is not working.
Any idea what I missed here?
- Shubham Patil 74
- November 28, 2022
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I want to store a list of key value pairs in salesforce and check these values in a formula field
Account Name and Account Alias
I have a list of Account names and their Aliases that I would like to be able to store in salesforce somewhere to reference.
I want a formula field check box that checks these values against the list.
I want the formula to find the Account Name Field in the Account Name keys from the list and check if the value = the Alias field and if so return true.
- Kiyana Dunlock
- November 04, 2022
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Run flow from quick action on individual
I can't create a quick action to run a flow from an Individual
Is this standard or am I missing something:
- Filikin
- October 26, 2022
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Display fields from two different objects in a single column of a datatable?
task1 ActivityDate task2 ActivityDate event1 ActivityDate task3 ActivityDate event2 ActivityDate event3 ActivityDate
For now I created a code that shows both tasks and events but in two seperated areas, but I really do not know what approach I should take to combine the results of these two. Maybe you could help me with this topic. So my Controller now is like that:
public class ApexActivityWrapper { @AuraEnabled public static wrapper method1 (){ string userId = UserInfo.getUserId(); List<Task> getTask = [SELECT Subject, ActivityDate FROM Task WHERE OwnerId=:userId ORDER BY ActivityDate]; List<Event> getEvent = [SELECT Subject, ActivityDate FROM Event WHERE OwnerId=:userId ORDER BY ActivityDate]; wrapper wrp = new wrapper(); wrp.taskList = new List<Task>(getTask); wrp.eventList = new List<Event>(getEvent); return wrp; } public class wrapper{ @AuraEnabled public List<Task> taskList ; @AuraEnabled public List <Event> eventList; } }
- Jonathan Wolff 7
- August 04, 2022
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Lightning select onchange not triggering
Beating my head against the wall and hoping someone can point out what I'm missing. I have a basic Lightning component with a drop-down. When that drop-down changes, I'd like the controller to make a second field visible through an aura if. But I can't even get the selection onchange to trigger.
Component is basically:
<aura:attribute name="rType" type="string"/>
<lightning:select name="rType" label="Record Type" value="{!v.rType}" required="true" onchange="{!c.syncSelection}">
With controller:
syncSelection: function (component, event, helper) {
console.log("this worked");
- Ryan Meyer
- May 01, 2022
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ProcessInstanceStep Trigger
I would like to create a custom report type for Approval History(ProcessInstanceStep).
My first approach was creating a trigger or record-triggered flow on the ProcessInstanceStep object.
But for some reason, Salesforce doesn't allow me to create a trigger on the object.
Background information,
There are more than 2,000 submitted approvals daily based.
The client wants to maximize declarative tools' usability.(Not Programatical solution)
How should I resolve this issue?
Much obliged, in advance.
- Liam Jeong
- January 11, 2022
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Dropbox for Salesforce - Package trigger error
It would help us to know what this exception is about and what we can do to avoid it. Thank you in advance.
Failed to process Queueable job for class Dropbox_for_SF.HandleConvertQueue for job ID 7073f00000F75nl.
caused by: Dropbox_for_SF.DropboxClient.UserNotConnectedException: Script-thrown exception
Class.Dropbox_for_SF.DropboxClient.createHttpRequest: line 74, column 1
Class.Dropbox_for_SF.DropboxClient.httpCallout: line 99, column 1
Class.Dropbox_for_SF.DropboxClient.httpCallout: line 96, column 1
Class.Dropbox_for_SF.DropboxClient.httpCallout: line 93, column 1
Class.Dropbox_for_SF.DropboxClient: line 327, column 1
Class.Dropbox_for_SF.RootFinder.findRecordRoot: line 247, column 1
Class.Dropbox_for_SF.RootFinder.findRecordRoot: line 214, column 1
Class.Dropbox_for_SF.RootFinder.findRecordRoot: line 199, column 1
Class.Dropbox_for_SF.HandleConvertQueue.moveFiles: line 32, column 1
Class.Dropbox_for_SF.HandleConvertQueue.execute: line 13, column 1
- Juan Vaccaro
- April 24, 2020
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Lightning datatable error
<lightning:datatable style="width: 50%" data="{! v.ContactList }"
columns="{! v.mycolumns }"
keyField="Id" onsave ="{!c.onSave}" hideCheckboxColumn="false" onrowaction="{!c.viewRecord }"
<lightning:button variant="Brand" label="Delete Selected Contacts" title="Success" onclick="{! c.handleSelectedRowdelete }"/>
JS Controller :
handleSelectedRow: function(component, event, helper){
var abc = event.getParam('selectedRows');
var setRows =[];
for(var i = 0;i<abc.length;i++ ) {
handleSelectedRowdelete: function(component, event, helper){
var conList=component.get("v.selectedRows");
var conIds =[];
for(var i = 0;i<conList.length;i++ ) {
var action = component.get("c.DeleteContactlist");
'listcon' : conIds
action.setCallback(this,function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
//if update is successful
I want on click of Delete Selected Contacts , all selected contact should deleted. I have use onselected attribute of datatable and on selestion, I am updating selectedRows. On button click I am using SelectedRows and trying to get the id but getting error.
Error: Action failed: c:getContactComp$controller$handleSelectedRowdelete [Cannot read property 'id' of undefined]
- Surinder Singh 51
- April 21, 2020
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Getting Error while inserting a record with out Non-Mandatory Fields in Contact Object using Lightning WebComponents
I had written code for 3 fileds (FirstName,LastName,PhysicalAttributes) for inserting record in Contact Object.It was successfully Saving Record.
But when i am trying to insert Record using FirstName and LastName i am getting error like
Error creating record
Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_TYPE_ON_FIELD_IN_RECORD, Physical Attributes: value not of required type: : [Physical_Attributes__c]
Because while Inserting Records we can skip some Fields(i.e;Non-Mandatory)Fields.Can any one Plz suggest me.
Here is my code:
<lightning-card title="Insert Contact" icon-name="standard:contact">
<div class="slds-p-around_x-small">
<lightning-input label="FirstName" value={rec.FirstName} onchange={handleFirstNameChange}></lightning-input>
<lightning-input label="LastName" value={rec.LastName} onchange={handleLastNameChange}></lightning-input>
<lightning-input type="text" label="PhysicalAttributes" value={rec.Physical_Attributes__c} onchange={handlePhysicalAttributesChange}></lightning-input><br/>
<lightning-button label="Save" onclick={handleClick}></lightning-button>
import { LightningElement,track } from 'lwc';
import createContact from '@salesforce/apex/insertContactApexWeb.saveContactRecord';
import {ShowToastEvent} from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
import FIRSTNAME_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.FirstName__c';
import LASTNAME_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.LastName__c';
import PHYSICALATTRIBUTES_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.Physical_Attributes__c';
export default class InsertContact extends LightningElement {
@track firstname = FIRSTNAME_FIELD;
@track lastname = LASTNAME_FIELD;
@track physicalattributes = PHYSICALATTRIBUTES_FIELD;
@track rec = {
FirstName : this.firstname,
LastName : this.lastname,
Physical_Attributes__c: this.physicalattributes
handleFirstNameChange(event) {
this.rec.FirstName = event.target.value;
handleLastNameChange(event) {
this.rec.LastName = event.target.value;
handlePhysicalAttributesChange(event) {
this.rec.Physical_Attributes__c= event.target.value;
handleClick() {
createContact({ con : this.rec })
.then(result => {
// Clear the user enter values
this.rec = {};
window.console.log('result ===> '+result);
// Show success messsage
this.dispatchEvent(new ShowToastEvent({
title: 'Success!!',
message: 'Contact Created Successfully!!',
variant: 'success'
.catch(error => {
this.error = error.message;
window.console.log('error body--'+error.body.message);
new ShowToastEvent({
title: 'Error creating record',
message: error.body.message,
variant: 'error',
window.console.log("error", JSON.stringify(this.error));
Apex Class:
public with sharing class insertContactApexWeb {
public static void saveContactRecord(Contact con){
insert con;
catch(Exception ex) {
throw new AuraHandledException(ex.getMessage());
- Sowmya Yakkala
- March 06, 2020
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Can a customer community licensed user own an account?
In the documentation, I found this statement: "Community Users can't own community-enabled accounts". Is that my issue? What does it mean for an account to be "community-enabled"? Is there a work-around? My goal here is to have a community licensed user that can own accounts that are outdated/inactive.
- Randy Trigg
- rtrigg
- September 17, 2019
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How do I invalidate the built-in Lightning Data Service caching mechanism in a Lightning Web Component?
I have a custom Lightning Web Component that allows modification of multiple records inside of modal. Once a record is updated, I reload that same record-id, but the old data shows up instead of the new data. After thorough research, I have concluded that the Lightning Data Service is at fault here. It is caching the data in the built-in ViewState most likely. The only way to get a data refresh is by refreshing the entire web page. I found multiple articles that explain how to turn off Secure and Persistent Browser Caching, but this is an unacceptable solution, as the entire Organization will take a performance hit, to support my little Lightning Web Component. Also salesforce insists that you don't do it production:
How do I invalidate or send a ChangeNotify Event to the Lightning Data Service (in the context of Lightning Web Components), so my lightning-record-edit-form shows the updated data, instead of the old data (without refreshing the entire web page of course)?
- Brooks Kreutzer 10
- September 13, 2019
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Process Builder Flow causes Package to fail
We built a Flow Definition with the Process Builder and Added it to our Managed Package
Then we decided to Deactivate the Flow before uploading the Package as some orgs that we support may not use it.
When we tried to install our Managed Package, it failed, saying that the Flow had been Deleted.
It clearly had NOT been deleted, so we were stumped. Salesforce Support couldn't help us and escalated the Case.
I began studying the Setup Audit Trail and noticed strange entries that happened at the same time I Activated and Deactivated the Flow:
When my Flow was "Activated", the system was creating a 'Flow Trigger" and a "Workflow Rule" behind the scenes with the same name as my flow, though adding a long id number at the end.
The PROBLEM is that when I deactivated the Flow, the system didn't just deactivate the "backend" Workflow Rule, but THEN it DELETED both the 'Flow Trigger' and the "backend" Workflow Rule! I don't understand why it was actually deleted? THIS deleted hidden Trigger and Workflow is what caused the package install to fail.
On a hunch I decided to Activate the Flow and build a new package again. Sure enough, the package uploaded and installed perfectly.
Salesforce needs to put some documentation around this, or at least have a warning popup when you try to Deactivate a Flow that is already in a package.
How are we supposed to know that deactivation is deleting components that we didn't even know were there in the first place?
Hope this saves someone else some time.
- Kristi Ward
- July 16, 2019
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