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Hi All

The 'Define Forecast Rollups and Default Date Ranges' unit is giving me the following error when I have done exactly what is asked in the challenge, hence an apparent error in the Trailhead checking process:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Couldn’t find default forecast display period 'Monthly', starting on '1 month ago', display '4 months'. Please double check the instructions.

Is there some apparently irrelevant setting I need that is not specified? It's not as if this is a complex unit!

The apex trigger was created a few years back and it currently updates the contact owner when the account owner is updated. It is no longer valid. Can I have some steps to action please? 
The steps in somewhere over the rainbow don't work.  
Note: You must create at least one new Communication record in order to complete this step.
Click  and select Communications.
Click New.
Give the record any name, and fill out all fields with values you choose. Click Save & New.
Create a few more records with different options. Be sure to select a different number each time.
Click and select Groups.
Select Life on Mars.
View the Chatter posts that the rover created.

I get the following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find a record in the Communications object. Ensure that you insert at least one record before attempting this challenge.

The 2nd module asks for an object called communication or plural communications.  I generated various records and nothing works including updating the group publisher layout to add records.  Please advise.
I have started using Salesforce in my new company but for now the use is very basic- feeding/pulling out customer database. I want to learn full-fledged Saelsfroce and excel in it, I am from non-developer/non-coding background. I have started learning the Salesforce Admin modules viaTrail Head.
It will be great if somebody can guide me since Salesforce is huge and I want to go step-by-step and learn each and every component of Salesforce applications. What could be the best way? What should I follow excatly?
Thank you
Please tell me if this will cause an issue:
  1. Using Force.com IDE delete a bad test class (associated with a trigger in step 2) by changing status to deleted in the XML file and deploy from Force.com IDE
    1. All Apex tests will run in Production and when they validate will delete the test class
  2. Using Force.com IDE deactivate/delete a bad trigger in Production by changing the status in the XML file to either inactive or deleted and deploy from Force.com IDE
    1. All Apex tests will run in Production and when they validate will inactivate/delete the trigger
My question is after deleting the Test Class in Step 1, when I try to deactivate my trigger will the Apex Tests try to "test my trigger" before deactivating it and won't be able to do so because of a missing test class.  I can't deactivate the trigger (Step 2) first, as it runs the bad test class and fails there. Please let me know.  Thank you!

Kindly suggest the best practice to configure Authentication details (like username / password) inside Salesforce for REST call out using HttpRequest class.

User-added image



i have a pageblock table  which has columns


one of the column has data coming from field whose data type is text(256)


i have fixed the width of the column as

<apex:column width="30%" >


but when i write a long text value in the field.........the column width goes beyond 30%


so i want to wrap the text to second line when the width is 30% so that it cannot go beyond 30%


please provide me way of doing it !!!!!!



i have a pageblock table  which has columns


one of the column has data coming from field whose data type is text(256)


i have fixed the width of the column as

<apex:column width="30%" >


but when i write a long text value in the field.........the column width goes beyond 30%


so i want to wrap the text to second line when the width is 30% so that it cannot go beyond 30%


please provide me way of doing it !!!!!!



I am trying to enable text wrapping in the following code .  Any and all help is appreciated.  I have tried:


overflow: hidden



<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!WrapSPConditionList}" var="u" style="width:900px;">
 <apex:column >
         <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!u.isSelected}" disabled="false"/>
        <apex:column style="width:100%">
                <apex:inputText value="{!u.ConditionText}" style="word:wrap:break-word; width: 100%"  />               






Is it possible to stop a user from updating/deleting a record when a certain checkbox is true?

For example i have field approved. if the field is false, user can edit that record but if its true they cant?

Probably have to use a trigger and see if approved field is false then allow update and true not but i cant put it in code?




I know there are some other posts about this, but I cannot make much sense of them I am new to apex and salesforce, learned a considerable amount in the time I've been working with it, but right now Im up against a wall, and its BAD


I, for whatever reason, could not make opportunities in my sandbox, could not figure out why, but wanted to try this trigger. So like a fool I put it to production. No nobody can create or edit anything [a Work order - custom object we use to project details]  We NEED this to work. My company is at a halt, I NEED to remove or disable this trigger asap.


I tried to mark it as inactive in sandbox, and push it to production, but it says "Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 72%, at least 75% test coverage is required." I have NOO idea what this means and no time to figure anything out. Needless to say - I am freaking out. PLEASE someone help.



is there a way to authenticate an application for using the salesforce rest api with just the normal username / password credentials from

the basic http authentication?

I know thats not safe but its just for testing the functionality of my application.


best regards


Hello, I spend a lot of time in search how to use the rest api, but only i find information to use the rest api with oAuth, but in dont want to use oauth, i want to type the username and password in the code and this is all, i want to make an app where the client dont see any rest api comunication, I mean execute the apex code in background.


I find a code in



But show me a error [{"message":"Session expired or invalid","errorCode":"INVALID_SESSION_ID"}]



Hi all, Any hints on how to get person accounts made available?


From the documentation I've read it looks like I need to request it from SF directly, but for the life of me I can't seem to locate a method to make that request.






I want to lock particular Record on some condition.


Ex: I will include one custom field(check box) in Opportunity as "Lock". If this is checked for any Opportunity, then that Opportunity should not be accessible by any other group (Ex: Sales, Marketing).

How can I achieve this?


Thanks for any help.....



Hello folks,

I have a requirement to word-wrap and display the column header names of a pageBlockTable. Any idea how to achieve this ? Thanks.




Yesterday I had deployed aan apex trigger from sandbox to production env. The trigger is an "before insert, before update" to check for duplicate account names. The trigger works fine in prodiuction for preventing duplicate Account names.
But today when I tried to mass update Accounts for some other field using Apex Data Loader, I get the following error:

Apex script unhandled trigger exception by user/organization: 00530000000nHi3/00D300000006QZD

Trg_Account_Name_Dedup: execution of BeforeUpdate

caused by: System.Exception: Too many SOQL queries: 21

Trigger.Trg_Account_Name_Dedup: line 1, column 143

Can anyone please advise on how to disable triggers in production env so that I can carry out other mass updates in Account using Apex Data loader tool.

Thanks and regards,

Maybe I'm missing the obvious here, but I can't figure out how to deactivate a trigger in a production environment. I created a simple trigger in the sandbox, tested and deployed it to production. Everything works fine and the trigger works as expected in production. However now I would like to deactivate and/or undeploy it from production. In the sandbox I can edit the trigger and uncheck the IsActive field, but I can't edit the trigger in production (I am the system administrator) because there is no Edit link.

I tried deactivating in the sandbox and then redeploying to production, but that didn't work either. Do I need to write a deployment script, access the metadata, use Ant? Without the ability to roll back triggers from production, I can't use Apex. What am I missing? I searched all the documentation and this forum and didn't find anything other than references to the UI checkbox, which doesn't exist in production.


Message Edited by MarkL on 02-21-2008 09:48 AM