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popup message on navigating from a page without saving
- ksmo
- April 13, 2017
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when checkboxes are selected add time to formula field
Case( Stop_Complexity__c, "Easy",15, "Moderate",30, "Difficult",90, null)
- rornelas
- April 13, 2017
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Superbadge: Lightning Experience Specialist Step 9 (Chart)
I'm getting the following message on step 9.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.
It is ironic to get to the end and get stuck on charts which I do all the time. :) Ok, here are the instructions:
Give sales reps a visual indicator to compare product performance. First, create a summary report on opportunities named Opp Stage by Adventure. Filter it by Product Date within the past year. For the purpose of this superbadge, assume this date range is 1/1/2026-12/31/2026. Second, add a stacked vertical bar chart of the number of explorers by product name, grouped by stage, to your summary report. Finally, add this chart to your Lightning Adventure Record Page with the label Adventure Stage Comparison. To ensure that this chart isn’t accidentally displayed to customers, add it to a new section called Adventure Comparison.
And, here is what I have.
I have a Summary Report of "Opportunities with Adventures". In the data model, each Opportunnity corresponds to 1 Explorer from what I can tell per the data model. I've grouped the report by adventure and stage. I have not grouped by Explorer (which is a Contact Role on each Opportunity). I have tried that though and still got the same error. Note also that I'm using "Adventure Date" instead of Procuct Date per the instructions since Product has been renamed to Adventure.
In the Lightning Record page for Adventure, I've created a custom tab called "Adventure Comparison" and added in the chart called " Adventure Stage Comparison". I've also tried flipping those names, but I still got the same error.
Any hints would be appreciated. :)
- Charles Cummings 7
- August 01, 2016
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Lightning Experience SuperBadge Step 6 Bug?
The task is when fulfillment is Cancelled, the related OpportunityLineItem unitprice (i.e., salesprice) should be same as the Fulfillment's Deposit. Simple. I manually checked this and is working fine, but when the app checks, it fails with the error : System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Same value.
ISSUE: Now, if I see the debug logs (captured when Salesforce trailhead checks this). In below snippet (from debug logs) see the last 2 lines. There is assertEquals which checks deposit and unitprice - Match. But assertNotEqual is also checking deposit and unitPrice. It fails here. Both the values will be same, the assertNotEqual is failing because both the values are same!
Execute Anonymous: // make sure the deposit matches the unit price Execute Anonymous: System.assertEquals(f1.deposit__c, oli1.unitprice); // one way in the future Execute Anonymous: System.assertNotEquals(f2.deposit__c, oli2.unitprice); // one way in the past
How to fix this? Is this a bug?
- sfdcFanBoy
- July 11, 2016
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same method, different output
Ordered Items: 10
Cancelled Items: 3
Reviewed Items: 2
VF Page and apex code below:
Ordered Items: <apex:commandButton value="{!Count}"/> Cancelled Items: <apex:commandButton value="{!Count}" /> Reviewed Items: <apex:commandButton value="{!Count}"/> Public Integer Count(){ List<Items__c> items = [SELECT Count(ID) FROM Items__c WHERE Status == 'Ordered' OR Status == 'Cancelled' OR Status == 'Reviewed']; return items.size(); }
With the above code ofcourse, I get the following output
Ordered Items: 15
Cancelled Items: 15
Reviewed Items: 15
Im calling the same method here, but I want to return differently based on the Status. I tried to use apex:param for the commandButton, but doesn't work.
Any ideas how to implement. [I want to use only 1 SOQL, with different SOQL and different methods, I can get what I want]
- sfdcFanBoy
- March 30, 2015
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dynamic soql : unexpected token '{'
Im getting the following error
System.QueryException: unexpected token: '{'
here's the simple code.
Set<Id> sId = new Set<Id>{}; sId.add('a0df000000063A9AAI'); sId.add('a0df00000006P2cAAE'); String squery = 'SELECT Id, Name FROM Engagement__c WHERE Id IN:'+sId; List<Engagement__c> lst = database.query(squery); System.debug('----list size:'+lst.size());
- sfdcFanBoy
- May 07, 2014
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Pageblock Checkbox value not captured in wrapper class
In my code, the list "selectedEngs" is empty. To this list, Im adding the selected rows. But the size is zero, even after checkbox is ticked.
Did I miss anything, below is my code. Please let me know.
VF Page: 2 columns. one is checkbox
<apex:repeat value="{!Engagements}" var="item"> <apex:pageBlockSection id="Selected_PBS" columns="3" > <apex:outputPanel layout="block"> <label>Program</label> <apex:outputText value="{!item.eng.Program__c}"/> </apex:outputPanel> <apex:outputPanel layout="block"> <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!item.selected}" id="checkedone"> <apex:actionSupport event="onclick" action="{!GetSelected}" rendered="false"/> </apex:inputCheckbox> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:repeat>
Apex class
List <Engagement__c> selectedEngs = new list<Engagement__c>(); List<EngagementWrapper> engList = new List<EngagementWrapper>(); public PageReference getSelected() { selectedEngs.clear(); for(EngagementWrapper engwrapper : engList) { if(engwrapper.selected == true) selectedEngs.add(engwrapper.eng); } return null; } public List<EngagementWrapper> getEngagements() { engList.clear(); for(Engagement__c e : studentList) engList.add(new EngagementWrapper(e)); return engList; } public List<Engagement__c> GetSelectedEngs() { if(selectedEngs.size()>0) return selectedEngs; else return null; }
- sfdcFanBoy
- May 04, 2014
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Simple Maps - logic please
Hey All,
I have 3 maps of type <String,Decimal>. And the values are as below
m1 - {x1,a1; x2,a2; x3,a3}
m2 - {x1,b1; x2,b2; x3,b3}
m3 - {x1,c1; x2,c2; x3,c3}
All the strings(keys) in all the maps are same. x1, x2, x3.
I want to make a new map M of type <String,decimal,decimal,decimal> and the values should be
How to achieve this? any logic please
- sfdcFanBoy
- December 12, 2013
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'Salesforce Touch' Mobile App - Different License?
Hi All,
I have standard enterprise edition salesforce licenses. Users are now using it through browser on desktops/laptops.
Now, we are moving to mobile. We would like to use Salesforce Touch App in IPhone because we need to edit custom object records also via phone.
So, for Salesforce Touch iOS app, do we need a separate license? or the current enterprise edition salesforce license is good enough for the mobile app too?
Please let me know
Note: I have enabled the Salesforce Touch downloadable app for iPhone in Salesforce (Mobile Administration --> SalesforceTouch settings).
- sfdcFanBoy
- November 12, 2013
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Aggregate Results AVG not calculating correctly.
Hi All,
I have an aggregateResult query, which calculates the AVG of 'Segment' value (a field).
There are 4 records with Segment values as 100, 0, 0, 0. Ideally, the average should be 25 (100+0+0+0/4). But, the query is calculating the avegare as100. Since the values are 0s for 3 records, the query is not considering them. It is taking as 100/1= 100.
When the records have values, it is working fine. Ex: 100,50,50,100 - The avergare is correctly showing as 75.
How do I make it to display correct Average? Below is the query.
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [Select Customer_Name__c,AVG(Segment__c) FROM Customer__c GROUP BY Customer_Name__c];
Please help. Thanks.
- sfdcFanBoy
- November 04, 2013
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Extending Salesforce to different languages - Chinese
Hi All,
I have an enterprise edition of Salesforce currently shown in English Language to all.
Now, we would like to extend this to few Chinese Users, but the screens/layouts/field names have to be in Chinese language for these 20 new users (Note that these 20 new users belong to 5 different profiles/roles and they will be accessing it from China).
Can anyone please brief me, what are the areas I need to take into consideration for the language change and how do I start with? Below are my few questions. But please do let me knwo others aspects that I need to look into?
- Can language be changed for an entire profile/role ? Or is it specific to each user? (I think it is user based. Please confirm). What are the steps to follow?
- Can I mass change the language settings of certain users?
- Apart of changing the language settings, what other settings do I need to change?
- Once I change the language settings, all the fields(standard and custom) of all the objects (standard and custom) will be directly translated? or do I need to manually change few fields?
- Can I include the new users in existing profiles/roles? (The only difference the new users have is that they need to see the screens in Chinese and i will add few sharing rules to give access to data)
Please explain. Thanks.
- sfdcFanBoy
- October 29, 2013
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for loop a map
Hey All,
I have a map 'm' <String,Decimal> with Values
'xyz', 200;
I need to add up the values if the key matches. So the map should be like below after processing the above map
Abc and qwe are repeating, for them the values should be added. (abc: 1000+100 and qwe: 600+800)
'xyz', 200;
How to achieve this?
- sfdcFanBoy
- October 22, 2013
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Bar Chart Horizontal?
Hi All,
I have created a vertical bar chart in visualforce page without any issues. Now I would like to do the same with 'horizontal' orientation.
What changes do I need to make apart from changing the Orientation,xField,yField to make a vertical chart to horizontal one?
Below are the 2 codes and outputs.
VERTICAL <apex:chart height="250" width="350" data="{!GenerateChart}"> <apex:axis type="Numeric" position="left" fields="data" title="MT WON" /> <apex:axis type="Category" position="bottom" fields="name" title="Month"/> <apex:barSeries orientation="vertical" axis="left" xField="name" yField="data" /> </apex:chart> HORIZONTAL <apex:chart height="250" width="350" data="{!GenerateChart}"> <apex:axis type="Numeric" position="left" fields="data" title="MT WON" /> <apex:axis type="Category" position="bottom" fields="name" title="Month"/> <apex:barSeries orientation="horizontal" axis="left" xField="data" yField="name" /> </apex:chart>
The horizontal one is weird!
Let me know. Thanks
- sfdcFanBoy
- October 11, 2013
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Flows - Make them publicly available
Hi There,
I have created a flow which basically takes feedback from the user with different questions in different screens. All the responses are captured in Salesforce object. This is all fine.
How do I make this flow publicly available, I dont want users to login to Salesforce to access this feedback flow. This is more like a survey, so I would like to place it in my website, but the responses still need to be captured with in Salesforce for our review.
Any thoughts?
- sfdcFanBoy
- September 25, 2013
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Aggregate Results Order By
Hello All,
I have the below aggregate Results query which is working fine.
public List <AccountPDF> getAccountsSnapshotYearly(){ AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT Customer_Name__c,MAX(Segment__c),SUM(Load_Count__c) FROM Snapshot__c GROUP BY Customer_Name__c ORDER BY Customer_Name__c ASC]; for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) { snapshotResult.add(new AccountPDF(String.valueOf(ar.get('Customer_Name__c')), String.valueOf(ar.get('expr0')), String.valueOf(ar.get('expr1')))); } return snapshotResult; }
The result of the above code is something like this. Grouped and ordered by Customer Name.
Customer Name Max(segment) sum(load count)
ABC 7 40
XYZ 3 10
CAB 2 30
QWE 9 20
Now I want to order/sort this table by Sum(load count) - Should display in this order 10, 20, 30, 40 of load count. not in customer name order.
But when I include that 'ORDER BY Load_Count__c' in the aggregate result query, it throws error - Ordered field must be grouped or aggregated: Load_Count__c. The Load_Count__c field is already aggregated in the query but still it shows the same error.
Cant we order by an aggregated field?
Any other alternatives available?
- sfdcFanBoy
- September 20, 2013
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Count of all relevant Events for an Account?
Hi All,
Below is the code for Counting the no of events for a particular Account.
for(Account Acc: [SELECT Id,(SELECT Id,WhatId FROM Events) FROM Account WHERE Id=:'xxxxxxxxxx']){ intMgmtEngmtCount=0; for(Event e:Acc.Events){ intMgmtEngmtCount+=1; } }
But this Count doesn't include all the relevant Events. This count includes only those Events where 'Related To' field of Event is Customer or 'Name' field contact belongs to this customer.
I have an Account "ABC" and a contact under it - Mr.X. I have created an event for the customer 'ABC' using the 'New Event' button in open activities related list.
There are 2 fields of concern in Events. One is 'Related To' and other is 'Name'.
For this event, I have chosen, Related To as 'ABC' account and Name as 'Mr.X'. By doing this, this event appears in Customer page itself in the Open activites related list. So, the count is 1 (as per the code and also in activities related list), which is correct.
If I change, the 'Related To' an opportunity say, 'XYZ', the activity still appears in 'ABC' customer page because, Mr.X belongs to 'ABC' account. But through the above Code, the count is "0" even though it appears in customer page open activities related list.
How do I get the count of all these? So the code has to check for Related To and Name fields and see if the opportunity or Contact belongs to that customer and then count. How can I do it through inner join ?
- sfdcFanBoy
- September 06, 2013
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apex code coverage %
My overall apex code coverage is 86% in production (With around 35 apex classes and triggers).
Now when I am trying to deploy 3 new classes with the code coverages of (100, 88 and 9), it is throwing the error.
Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 73%, at least 75% test coverage is required.
Why is the overall coverage dropping to such a low %. How is it calculated?
Im struggling to increase the percentage for 9% covered apex class. Is there any way to deploy it ?
Also, I have tried adding 2 dummy classes with test classes of both 100%, still it remains at 73% !
Any workaround? Let me know.
- sfdcFanBoy
- August 29, 2013
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Create dummy response in test class for webservice callout class
Test.StartTest(); //setting the static variable to true, so it wont enter in the real webservice class BatchKeyAccountsWS.testmode_con=true; //calling the webservice class BatchKeyAccountsWS d = new BatchKeyAccountsWS('select id FROM Account Order by CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 1'); ID scheduleC = Database.executeBatch(d,1); //instantiating the wsdl2apex class nshSalesforce.SF_InPort stub = new nshSalesforce.SF_InPort(); //Creating dummy response List List<nshSalesforce.Item_element> responseList = new List<nshSalesforce.Item_element>(); nshSalesforce.Item_element response = new nshSalesforce.Item_element(); response.ZTERM='1000'; response.PP='1000'; response.GUEBG=System.today(); responseList.add(response); Test.StopTest();
- sfdcFanBoy
- August 22, 2013
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Test method for batch class with webservice callouts
I have a batch class with callouts made to external webservice in the execute method. A schedular class passes records to this batch class at batch size of 1.
I am trying to write test method only for batch class. How do I call webservice methods inside the execute method? I used database.executeBatch method in test method, it covers part the execute method.. but stops at the line where the webservice call is made.
This is the webservice call made in the execute method. Passing the SoldCode to webservice and processing the response. The 2nd line is not covered in the code coverage part as I am not sure how to call this in the test method.
SalesforceCom_Live.SFDSPort stub_DS = new SalesforceCom_Live.SFDSPort();
SalesforceCom_Live.SFResponse_SFDS response_difot = stub_DS.SFDS(SoldCode);
SalesforceCom_Live is the Apex2WSDL Class.
SFDSPort is the method that has the endpoint, request and response elements.
SFResponse_SFDS is the response method in it.
In the test method, I have started with this.
Batch_DIFOT d = new Batch_DIFOT('select id .........); ID scheduleDIFOT = Database.executeBatch(d,1);
How do I call the 2nd line to proceed ?
help ?
- sfdcFanBoy
- August 07, 2013
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Get chatter feed of all my followers in single VF page?
I want to get the feed of all my followers in a single VF page. So, I can send it to myself as a daily digest email.
How do I do that?
- sfdcFanBoy
- July 05, 2013
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Email with PDF attachment - Error Opening the PDF
Hi All,
I need to send an email with a PDF attachment. I have developed a normal visualforce page (didn't render as PDF). And then using apex code, am getting the body of it, and sending it as PDF attachment.
I am receving the email with the PDF attachment, but when I try to open the PDF, it isn't opening. It gives the following decode error - "Adobe reader cannot open the PDF because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)"
Below is the Apex class that is taking the body of vf page and making it a PDF attachment. Please let me know if I am missing anything. Thanks.
global class CustomersPDF_SendEmail implements Schedulable { global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) { PageReference pdf = Page.CustomersPDF; pdf.getParameters().put('id','001O000000ECvg4'); Blob body; try { body = pdf.getContent(); } catch (VisualforceException e) { body = Blob.valueOf('Some Text'); } Messaging.EmailFileAttachment attach = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); attach.setContentType('application/pdf'); attach.setFileName('KeyCustomers.pdf'); attach.setInline(false); attach.Body = body; Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setUseSignature(false); mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {'abc@gmail.com'}); mail.setSubject('Customers PDF - Demo'); mail.setHtmlBody('Check the attachment!'); mail.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] { attach }); // Send the email Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } }
- sfdcFanBoy
- July 04, 2013
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Chatter daily email digest - Updates from users I follow?
I have set up chatter daily email digests in Salesforce.
I followed few records, and setup feed tracking fields. If any updates are made to that records, I am getting them in my daily email digest. This is fine. Every day I get emails of different records with the changes.
I have also followed few users in Salesforce. But when these users make any updates/any changes to any records (which I am not following), I do not get those updates in the daily digest email. When I follow a user, I expect all his updates to come to me in the daily digest email. That's the whole point of following users.
How do I set up this? I couldn't find any such setting. Please help.
- sfdcFanBoy
- July 03, 2013
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Webservice Callout failed. Bad Request - Invalid Header.
My webservice callout failed giving the following error.
Bad Request - Invalid Header
HTTP Error 400. The request has an invalid header name.
What does it mean by Invalid header?
Here's my code. I have used similar code for my other webservices which works fine. Not sure what is wrong here. Can anyone please highlight? Thanks.
String username='abc'; String password='abc'; tempuriOrg.BasicHttpBinding stub = new tempuriOrg.BasicHttpBinding(); stub.timeout_x=120000; stub.inputHttpHeaders_x = new Map<String, String>(); Blob headerValue = Blob.valueOf(username + ':' + password); String authorizationHeader = 'Basic '+ EncodingUtil.base64Encode(headerValue); stub.inputHttpHeaders_x.put('Authorization', authorizationHeader); stub.inputHttpHeaders_x.put(username,password); String response = stub.LoadSalesForceData('0000100005'); System.debug('NDS Response--------'+response);
- sfdcFanBoy
- July 01, 2013
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Bar Chart Horizontal?
Hi All,
I have created a vertical bar chart in visualforce page without any issues. Now I would like to do the same with 'horizontal' orientation.
What changes do I need to make apart from changing the Orientation,xField,yField to make a vertical chart to horizontal one?
Below are the 2 codes and outputs.
VERTICAL <apex:chart height="250" width="350" data="{!GenerateChart}"> <apex:axis type="Numeric" position="left" fields="data" title="MT WON" /> <apex:axis type="Category" position="bottom" fields="name" title="Month"/> <apex:barSeries orientation="vertical" axis="left" xField="name" yField="data" /> </apex:chart> HORIZONTAL <apex:chart height="250" width="350" data="{!GenerateChart}"> <apex:axis type="Numeric" position="left" fields="data" title="MT WON" /> <apex:axis type="Category" position="bottom" fields="name" title="Month"/> <apex:barSeries orientation="horizontal" axis="left" xField="data" yField="name" /> </apex:chart>
The horizontal one is weird!
Let me know. Thanks
- sfdcFanBoy
- October 11, 2013
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Forecast Settings Error with Trailhead - 'Define Forecast Rollups and Default Date Ranges' Unit
The 'Define Forecast Rollups and Default Date Ranges' unit is giving me the following error when I have done exactly what is asked in the challenge, hence an apparent error in the Trailhead checking process:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Couldn’t find default forecast display period 'Monthly', starting on '1 month ago', display '4 months'. Please double check the instructions.
Is there some apparently irrelevant setting I need that is not specified? It's not as if this is a complex unit!
- Keith Price 6
- November 23, 2017
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I need to deactivate an apex trigger in production
- Olivera Milevska
- June 15, 2017
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Mars Rover Final Step Error
Note: You must create at least one new Communication record in order to complete this step.
Click and select Communications.
Click New.
Give the record any name, and fill out all fields with values you choose. Click Save & New.
Create a few more records with different options. Be sure to select a different number each time.
Click and select Groups.
Select Life on Mars.
View the Chatter posts that the rover created.
I get the following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Could not find a record in the Communications object. Ensure that you insert at least one record before attempting this challenge.
The 2nd module asks for an object called communication or plural communications. I generated various records and nothing works including updating the group publisher layout to add records. Please advise.
- Justin DiGrazia
- April 04, 2017
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How a beginner should start with Sales-force Learning?
It will be great if somebody can guide me since Salesforce is huge and I want to go step-by-step and learn each and every component of Salesforce applications. What could be the best way? What should I follow excatly?
Thank you
- NAM1
- January 25, 2017
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Deactivating a Bad Test Class and Bad Trigger in Production
- Using Force.com IDE delete a bad test class (associated with a trigger in step 2) by changing status to deleted in the XML file and deploy from Force.com IDE
- All Apex tests will run in Production and when they validate will delete the test class
- Using Force.com IDE deactivate/delete a bad trigger in Production by changing the status in the XML file to either inactive or deleted and deploy from Force.com IDE
- All Apex tests will run in Production and when they validate will inactivate/delete the trigger
- Mike Fuchs
- August 02, 2016
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- KMK91
- December 28, 2016
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- Nicole Young
- January 05, 2015
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Managing Authentication in REST Callout
Kindly suggest the best practice to configure Authentication details (like username / password) inside Salesforce for REST call out using HttpRequest class.
- September 02, 2014
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how to wrap text in a column of pageblock table??
i have a pageblock table which has columns
one of the column has data coming from field whose data type is text(256)
i have fixed the width of the column as
<apex:column width="30%" >
but when i write a long text value in the field.........the column width goes beyond 30%
so i want to wrap the text to second line when the width is 30% so that it cannot go beyond 30%
please provide me way of doing it !!!!!!
- aaaaaaaaaaa
- September 23, 2013
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how to wrap text in a column of page block table??
i have a pageblock table which has columns
one of the column has data coming from field whose data type is text(256)
i have fixed the width of the column as
<apex:column width="30%" >
but when i write a long text value in the field.........the column width goes beyond 30%
so i want to wrap the text to second line when the width is 30% so that it cannot go beyond 30%
please provide me way of doing it !!!!!!
- aaaaaaaaaaa
- September 23, 2013
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How to achieve word wrapping for columns in Apex:dataTable
I am trying to enable text wrapping in the following code . Any and all help is appreciated. I have tried:
overflow: hidden
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!WrapSPConditionList}" var="u" style="width:900px;">
<apex:column >
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!u.isSelected}" disabled="false"/>
<apex:column style="width:100%">
<apex:inputText value="{!u.ConditionText}" style="word:wrap:break-word; width: 100%" />
- Vibrate
- July 22, 2013
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Lock an Record From Updating
Is it possible to stop a user from updating/deleting a record when a certain checkbox is true?
For example i have field approved. if the field is false, user can edit that record but if its true they cant?
Probably have to use a trigger and see if approved field is false then allow update and true not but i cant put it in code?
- Uves Ravat
- September 13, 2012
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HELP! I need to disable apex trigger already in production
I know there are some other posts about this, but I cannot make much sense of them I am new to apex and salesforce, learned a considerable amount in the time I've been working with it, but right now Im up against a wall, and its BAD
I, for whatever reason, could not make opportunities in my sandbox, could not figure out why, but wanted to try this trigger. So like a fool I put it to production. No nobody can create or edit anything [a Work order - custom object we use to project details] We NEED this to work. My company is at a halt, I NEED to remove or disable this trigger asap.
I tried to mark it as inactive in sandbox, and push it to production, but it says "Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 72%, at least 75% test coverage is required." I have NOO idea what this means and no time to figure anything out. Needless to say - I am freaking out. PLEASE someone help.
- TLeahy
- July 05, 2012
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Basic http authentication for Salesforce?
is there a way to authenticate an application for using the salesforce rest api with just the normal username / password credentials from
the basic http authentication?
I know thats not safe but its just for testing the functionality of my application.
best regards
- Elmar
- June 27, 2012
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Access to REST API SALESFORCE using username and password?
Hello, I spend a lot of time in search how to use the rest api, but only i find information to use the rest api with oAuth, but in dont want to use oauth, i want to type the username and password in the code and this is all, i want to make an app where the client dont see any rest api comunication, I mean execute the apex code in background.
I find a code in
But show me a error [{"message":"Session expired or invalid","errorCode":"INVALID_SESSION_ID"}]
- conpas
- September 08, 2011
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Enable Person Accounts in Dev edition
Hi all, Any hints on how to get person accounts made available?
From the documentation I've read it looks like I need to request it from SF directly, but for the life of me I can't seem to locate a method to make that request.
- mchristian
- September 01, 2010
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How to lock the Record?
I want to lock particular Record on some condition.
Ex: I will include one custom field(check box) in Opportunity as "Lock". If this is checked for any Opportunity, then that Opportunity should not be accessible by any other group (Ex: Sales, Marketing).
How can I achieve this?
Thanks for any help.....
- skumar123
- March 13, 2009
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Word wrapping PageBlockTable column headers ..
Hello folks,
I have a requirement to word-wrap and display the column header names of a pageBlockTable. Any idea how to achieve this ? Thanks.
- Attack
- February 03, 2009
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How to disable Apex triggers in production? need to carry out mass updates using Apex Data Loader
Apex script unhandled trigger exception by user/organization: 00530000000nHi3/00D300000006QZD
Trg_Account_Name_Dedup: execution of BeforeUpdate
caused by: System.Exception: Too many SOQL queries: 21
Trigger.Trg_Account_Name_Dedup: line 1, column 143
Can anyone please advise on how to disable triggers in production env so that I can carry out other mass updates in Account using Apex Data loader tool.
Thanks and regards,
- arasu
- February 12, 2008
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Force.com IDE deactivating triggers in production
I tried deactivating in the sandbox and then redeploying to production, but that didn't work either. Do I need to write a deployment script, access the metadata, use Ant? Without the ability to roll back triggers from production, I can't use Apex. What am I missing? I searched all the documentation and this forum and didn't find anything other than references to the UI checkbox, which doesn't exist in production.
Message Edited by MarkL on 02-21-2008 09:48 AM
- MarkL.ax269
- February 07, 2008
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How a beginner should start with Sales-force Learning?
It will be great if somebody can guide me since Salesforce is huge and I want to go step-by-step and learn each and every component of Salesforce applications. What could be the best way? What should I follow excatly?
Thank you
- NAM1
- January 25, 2017
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