• Rima
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Hi All,


I am using Salesforce enterprise edition.I am a system administrator.I am trying to create a new user with "standard user" profile. In the  user license drop down list, I can see only three options chatter free, force.com free and salesforce platform.I do not see salesforce user license. It is preventing me from creating a user with standars user profile.Could anyone please let me know what could be the issue? Your help is greatly appreciated.



Hi All,


I am checking for the duplicate records using trigger. I have a VF page and controller extension to save the page.Could anyone please let me know how to capture trigger error in controller extension save method? When I enter duplicate record record is not saving, but  it is not displaying error message defined in the trigger. I am using  <apex:pageMessages to display error messages. Error message will be displayed only if I use standard "save" method , but not when I use controller extension "save" method. Could anyone please let me know what I need to change in the controller extension "save" method. I greatly appreciate your help.



public PageReference mysaveexit() {
      Sample__c individual = new Sample__c ();
    //  insert individual; 
     PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/a07/o');
     return pageRef;



Hi All,


I am doing cloud deployment from sandbox to production. I have all the user permisiions needed to upload changes from sandbox to production. I am using Entrtprise edition. When I check setup-->app setup-->deploy-> in the sandbox,I do not see "outbound change set" here. I can see only inbound change set. Could anyone please let me know how to get "outbound change set" in sandbox? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Hi All,

I have created two objects student and attendance. Student is a master object and attendance is a detail object. I would like to pass some field value from Attendance to Student master object. Is it possible to update a field in a master object with the value from detail object? Could anyone please let me know weather I am in the right direction? Your help is greatly appreciated.


Hi All,


Could anyone please give me an example of how to pass two parameters in a hyperlink formula field? For ex: I can able to pass student name to the hyperlink, I would like to send student age as a second argument to the url.Your help is greatly appreciated.

Hi All,


I do not see "Add to campaign" button on standard report results. Could any one please let me know what am I missing here? Do I need to give any permission for that to visible in the standard report results? Your help is greatly appreciated.



I exported one record using Apex dataloader and saved it in excel. Now, I am triying to import the same record into Salesforce using dataloader, but I am getting following error.


Invalid Session ID found in SesionHeader:Illegal Session, session not found,
missing session key:


Could anyone please let me know how to handle this? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Hi All,


I want to mass delete some of custom object records. I would like to know how can I take the backup of the records and succesfully restoring it.Any guidance on this is greatly appreciated.

Hi All,

I need to create a custom link from standard object to custom object which is developed with visualforce page.I would like to populate few feilds from standard object to the custom object. Could anyone please give me an example of how to acheive this using custom link? Your help is greatly appreciated.



Hi All,


I am trying to login to sandbox from Force.com IDE. I am getting the following error:


Unable to connect to hostname 'test.salesforce.com':
Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.
Please verify and/or change your credentials


When I entered Force.com IDE, I selected the environment "Sandbox" and gave the required credentials.


I could able to login from www.salesforce.com.


Coul anyone please help me to fix this? Your help is greatly appreciated.






Hi All,


Following is my Apex code:


Public class SOQLController{
  public String objectName { get {return objectName ;}set{ objectName = value ;}}
  public String zipCode { get { return zipCode ;} set { zipCode=value ; } }     
  public List<sObject> queryResult { get{return queryResult;}set{ queryResult = value ;}}
    public PageReference query(){
        String zipFieldName ;       
        if( objectName == 'Account' ){
                zipFieldName = 'BillingPostalCode' ;
        // create the query string 
        String qryString = 'SELECT Id FROM ' + objectName + ' WHERE ' + objectName + '.' + 
                    zipFieldName + '=' + '\'' + zipCode + '\'' ; 
        // execute the query
        queryResult = Database.query(qryString) ; 
       return null;

 Following is my reference link :




I am not able to disply retrieved id's when I give value to Zip code and click on query button. Could anyone please let me know how to display query result? Your help is greatly appreciated.


Hi All,


I want to allow only some profiles to view different record types, and it should not be accessible to some profile. I am wondering how to set security to record types based on profiles. Could any one please give me direction on this? Your helpis greatly appreciated.