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How to take The Data Backup in .csv or any other format with multiple languages in records
I have some users from Japan using same Salesforce application.And they use to enter the resords in their own japanees language only. Means that i have lots of data in Japanees Language also. But when i try to take the backup of the data using data loader. My Japanees data become unreadable something like "?????" . please suggest the way should i take the backup sucessfully with no data lost.
- Sunny G
- September 30, 2010
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How to take The Data Backup in .csv or any other format of different languages
I have some users from Japan using single Salesforce application. Means that i have lots of data in Japanees Language also. But when i try to take the backup of the data using data loader. My Japanees data gets distorted & appears something like "?????" . please suggest the way should i take the backup sucessfully with no data lost.And if required i should be able to get it restored.
- Sunny G
- September 30, 2010
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How to send an Email alert to the custom lookup fields (that refers to all users)
I have a custom field in the custom object. That custom field is a lookup field that refers to all User.
On editing of a particular field I want an email should get fire to that custom field.
Although i have tried using Related Type as Related User. But its not firing email alerts.
Pls help
- Sunny G
- September 28, 2010
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How to send an Email alert to the custom field (i.e. user lookup fields)
I have a custom field in the custom object. That custom field is a lookup field that refers to the User fields.
On editing of a particular field I want an email should get fire to that custom object's field.
Although i have tried using Related Type as Related User. But its not firing email alerts.
Pls help
- Sunny G
- September 28, 2010
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Urgent How to automate uploading a .csv file data to SFDC
I have one .csv file on Server, which has few fields. I simply want to insert that .csv file data to SFDc twice in a week.
Please let me know how can i achieve this functionality. And that is ofcourse should be very practical.
- Sunny G
- September 21, 2010
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How can i show all the users with zero opportunities
Please help me to create a report that display all the users who have not created any opportunity in last 7 days.
- Sunny G
- September 20, 2010
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Dashboard is not getting emailed to the public group
I have a dashboard. And i have saved it in Public group that is accesable to every user.Now, i have the running user as one user inside the public group.
But its not working for me i.e. Dashboard is not getting emailed to anyone.
- Sunny G
- September 17, 2010
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How to send an Email alert to Custom Owner [user] field, based on another Custom field's value.
I have one custom owner field (i.e. a lookup to the user) . Where some user can manually select the owner of the record. I have another custom status field (i.e. a picklist field). Now, i want to send an email alert to the custom owner field, whenever the custom status fields gets updated.
please guide how can i achieve this functionality??
- Sunny G
- September 15, 2010
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How to send an Email alert to the Custom Owner [user] field, based on another field's value.
I have one custom owner field. Where user can manually select the owner of the record. I have another custom status field. Now, i want to send an email alert to the custom owner field, whenever the custom status fields gets changed.
please guide how can i achieve this functionality??
- Sunny G
- September 15, 2010
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How to send an Email alert to the Custom Owner [user] field, based on another Custom field's value.
I have one custom owner field (i.e. a lookup to all users). Where some user can manually select the owner of the record. I have another custom status field. Now, i want to send an email alert to the custom owner field, whenever the custom status fields gets updated.
please provide the solution on this
- Sunny G
- September 15, 2010
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Send an Email alert to the Custom Owner [user] field, based on another Custom field's value.
I have one custom owner field. Where user can manually select the owner of the record. I have another custom status field. Now, i want to send an email alert to the custom owner field, whenever the custom status fields gets changed.
Pls help id it possible?? If yes.. please guide How??
- Sunny G
- September 15, 2010
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Urgent: How to write the Test class for the trigger???
Please help me to write the test class for the following trigger that has more then 75% code coverage.
trigger change_opps on Pre_Sales_Request__c (before update)
for(Pre_Sales_Request__c a:Trigger.new)
if(system.trigger.OldMap.get(a.Id).Opportunity__c != system.trigger.NewMap.get(a.Id).Opportunity__c)
a.Previous_Stage__c = a.stage__c;
- Sunny G
- September 13, 2010
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How to Call test class from trigger??? I want to deploy trigger....
I have a trigger and i want to deploy it to production... please let me know how can i achieve that. I have both the trigger and test class. This test class covers 100% code coverage if trigger in sandbox.. but fails while deployment and remains with 0% only.
Please help me with the following trigger and test class....
I certainly do not know how do that. Please help me with one trigger and class.. like i have the following trigger:
trigger updaterequestowner on Pre_Sales_Request__c (before insert)
Profile auth_profile = [select id from profile where name='HS_StandardUser_Presales'];
Id v_User = UserInfo.GetProfileId();
for(Pre_Sales_Request__c ob : Trigger.new)
if(v_User != auth_profile.Id)
ob.Request_Owner__c = Userinfo.getUserId();
and i have the following test class :
private class TriggerTests {
public static testmethod void testTrigger() {
Pre_Sales_Request__c psrc=new Pre_Sales_Request__c( name = 'a' );
insert psrc;
psrc.name = 'b';
update psrc;
- Sunny G
- September 12, 2010
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Code coverage is 100% in Sandbox.. But while deploy to prod. it become 0%??
I have a trigger and a test class... the code coverage for trigger is 100% in sandbox.. but when i tried deploying it to production.. it gives an error saying that minimum 1% code coverage for the trigger??? I am noty able to understand why is it so...
Although i tried deploying test class first but it says that the custom object is missing???
I am using Eclipse as well as Setup -> Deploy... for deployment.
- Sunny G
- September 12, 2010
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Please help me with one trigger and class.. like i have the following trigger:
trigger updaterequestowner on Pre_Sales_Request__c (before insert)
Profile auth_profile = [select id from profile where name='HS_StandardUser_Presales'];
Id v_User = UserInfo.GetProfileId();
for(Pre_Sales_Request__c ob : Trigger.new)
if(v_User != auth_profile.Id)
ob.Request_Owner__c = Userinfo.getUserId();
and i have the following test class :
private class TriggerTests {
public static testmethod void testTrigger() {
Pre_Sales_Request__c psrc=new Pre_Sales_Request__c( name = 'a' );
insert psrc;
psrc.name = 'b';
update psrc;
am i missing anything in trigger or test class?? Also, please let me know when i tried deploying these i always get an error somthing like "minimum 1% code coverage is required for the trigger" although it covers 100% in sandbox...
- Sunny G
- September 12, 2010
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Pls help > How to achieve minimum 1% code coverage for the trigger?????
Hi All,
I certainly do not know how do do that. Please help me with one trigger and class.. like i have the following trigger:
trigger updaterequestowner on Pre_Sales_Request__c (before insert)
Profile auth_profile = [select id from profile where name='HS_StandardUser_Presales'];
Id v_User = UserInfo.GetProfileId();
for(Pre_Sales_Request__c ob : Trigger.new)
if(v_User != auth_profile.Id)
ob.Request_Owner__c = Userinfo.getUserId();
and i have the following test class :
private class TriggerTests {
public static testmethod void testTrigger() {
Pre_Sales_Request__c psrc=new Pre_Sales_Request__c( name = 'a' );
insert psrc;
psrc.name = 'b';
update psrc;
How to go to achive the code coverage while deployment, i.e. how to push test class from my trigger??
- Sunny G
- September 09, 2010
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URGENT: Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required
Hi Sir,
I have created an apex test class the covers four trigger named: (1) updaterequestowner (2) change_opps (3) initialstage (4) previousstage . After doing Run All Test i have the following code coverage for the following trigger. Although all of them are more than 1%.
Trigger Name Coverage %
UpdateResourceReqDates 75
DefaultTitle 50
updaterequestowner 100
AccountDuplicateTrigger 80
ContactDuplicateTrigger 100
change_opps 66
initialstage 100
previousstage 75
But when i try deploying them in production an error appears for each of the trigger. However in sandbox it shows more than 1%.
previousstage | Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required | |||
updaterequestowner | Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required | |||
initialstage | Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required |
Here, is the test class:
@isTest private class TriggerTests { public static testmethod void testTrigger() { Pre_Sales_Request__c psrc=new Pre_Sales_Request__c( name = 'a' ); insert psrc; psrc.name = 'b'; update psrc; } } |
am i missing something else?? please help...its very urgent...
- Sunny G
- September 09, 2010
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Urgent: deployment fails error: "Must specify a non-empty label for the CustomObject"
I have a custom object. And i want to deploy only selected fields and validation of that custom object. I selected those using by selected the meta data component. But my deployment fails with an error saying "Must specify a non-empty label for the CustomObject".
Although i am using the Eclispe 3.5 with all the latest updated from Force.com IDE (using check for updates)
But nothing seems working??
Please help ....
- Sunny G
- September 08, 2010
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eclipse deployment fails error: "Must specify a non-empty label for the CustomObject"
I have a custom object. And i want to deploy only selected fields and validation of that custom object. I selected those using by selected the meta data component. But my deployment fails with an error saying "Must specify a non-empty label for the CustomObject".
Although i am using the Eclispe 3.5 with all the latest updated from Force.com IDE (using check for updates)
But nothing seems working??
Please help ....
- Sunny G
- September 08, 2010
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How to deploy a trigger in production? Pls Help....
I have some very simple trigger in sandbox. Something like to update a particular field value to another value for custom objects.
Now, i want to deploy my custom object to production.. but it is giving me an error saying that "Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required"
I am not able to understand why is it coming up??Since my trigger is working fine in sandbox.
what to do in that case?? please help.
If i need to write an some apex class and all.. then i am not totally aware of how to go about and it and where and what has to be written in that class. Please see the following trigger:
trigger updaterequestowner on Pre_Sales_Request__c (before insert)
Profile auth_profile = [select id from profile where name='HS_StandardUser_Presales'];
Id v_User = UserInfo.GetProfileId();
for(Pre_Sales_Request__c ob : Trigger.new)
if(v_User != auth_profile.Id)
ob.Request_Owner__c = Userinfo.getUserId();
can somebody please help in this....
- Sunny G
- September 08, 2010
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How to take The Data Backup in .csv or any other format of different languages
I have some users from Japan using single Salesforce application. Means that i have lots of data in Japanees Language also. But when i try to take the backup of the data using data loader. My Japanees data gets distorted & appears something like "?????" . please suggest the way should i take the backup sucessfully with no data lost.And if required i should be able to get it restored.
- Sunny G
- September 30, 2010
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Urgent How to automate uploading a .csv file data to SFDC
I have one .csv file on Server, which has few fields. I simply want to insert that .csv file data to SFDc twice in a week.
Please let me know how can i achieve this functionality. And that is ofcourse should be very practical.
- Sunny G
- September 21, 2010
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How to send an Email alert to Custom Owner [user] field, based on another Custom field's value.
I have one custom owner field (i.e. a lookup to the user) . Where some user can manually select the owner of the record. I have another custom status field (i.e. a picklist field). Now, i want to send an email alert to the custom owner field, whenever the custom status fields gets updated.
please guide how can i achieve this functionality??
- Sunny G
- September 15, 2010
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How to send an Email alert to the Custom Owner [user] field, based on another field's value.
I have one custom owner field. Where user can manually select the owner of the record. I have another custom status field. Now, i want to send an email alert to the custom owner field, whenever the custom status fields gets changed.
please guide how can i achieve this functionality??
- Sunny G
- September 15, 2010
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Urgent: How to write the Test class for the trigger???
Please help me to write the test class for the following trigger that has more then 75% code coverage.
trigger change_opps on Pre_Sales_Request__c (before update)
for(Pre_Sales_Request__c a:Trigger.new)
if(system.trigger.OldMap.get(a.Id).Opportunity__c != system.trigger.NewMap.get(a.Id).Opportunity__c)
a.Previous_Stage__c = a.stage__c;
- Sunny G
- September 13, 2010
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Code coverage is 100% in Sandbox.. But while deploy to prod. it become 0%??
I have a trigger and a test class... the code coverage for trigger is 100% in sandbox.. but when i tried deploying it to production.. it gives an error saying that minimum 1% code coverage for the trigger??? I am noty able to understand why is it so...
Although i tried deploying test class first but it says that the custom object is missing???
I am using Eclipse as well as Setup -> Deploy... for deployment.
- Sunny G
- September 12, 2010
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How to deploy a trigger in production? Pls Help....
I have some very simple trigger in sandbox. Something like to update a particular field value to another value for custom objects.
Now, i want to deploy my custom object to production.. but it is giving me an error saying that "Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required"
I am not able to understand why is it coming up??Since my trigger is working fine in sandbox.
what to do in that case?? please help.
If i need to write an some apex class and all.. then i am not totally aware of how to go about and it and where and what has to be written in that class. Please see the following trigger:
trigger updaterequestowner on Pre_Sales_Request__c (before insert)
Profile auth_profile = [select id from profile where name='HS_StandardUser_Presales'];
Id v_User = UserInfo.GetProfileId();
for(Pre_Sales_Request__c ob : Trigger.new)
if(v_User != auth_profile.Id)
ob.Request_Owner__c = Userinfo.getUserId();
can somebody please help in this....
- Sunny G
- September 08, 2010
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Need help to write test class for the trigger
Please provide any test class that will cover atleast 75% code area for the following trigger
trigger Duplicate on Account (before insert, before update)
Map<String, Account> accountMap = new Map<String, Account>();
for (Account account : System.Trigger.new)
//expected to execute when converting leads to account
String tempAccountSite = '';
if (account.Site == null || account.Site == '')
account.Site = account.Lead_Site__c;
//force the formula of Account_Site_c since mapping of Lead Site to Account Site
//occurs after this trigger
tempAccountSite = account.Name + account.Lead_Site__c;
// Make sure we don't treat an Account_Site that is
// not changing during an update as a duplicate.
if ((account.Account_Site__c != null) && (System.Trigger.isInsert ||
// Make sure another in the batch is not a duplicate
if (accountMap.containsKey(account.Account_Site__c.ToLowerCase()))
account.addError('A Account is a duplicate - Account Name and Account Site already exists');
else if (tempAccountSite != '')
accountMap.put(tempAccountSite.ToLowerCase(), Account);
accountMap.put(account.Account_Site__c.ToLowerCase(), Account);
// With a single database query, find all the accounts in
// the database that have the same name and site as any
// of the accounts being inserted or updated.
for (Account account : [SELECT Account_Site__c from Account WHERE Account_Site__c IN :accountMap.KeySet()])
Account newAccount = accountMap.get(account.Account_Site__c.ToLowerCase());
if (newAccount != null)
newAccount.addError('B Account is a duplicate - Account Name and Account Site already exists');
- Sunny G
- August 30, 2010
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Opportunity View based upon Account field
Relatively new at customizing SF.com and have been able to acheive most modifications but have been stumped with this one ...
I currently have a custom field at the Account level that is a checkbox. I am looking to create a View under the Opportunities tab that only lists accounts that have the Account level checkbox ticked.
I can't seem to do it as a the veiws onlyhave fields from the Opportunity object level.
You assistance is appreciated.
- Marianosc
- March 02, 2010
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Dynamic Email Alerts
I have a Custom lookup field "Assigned to User" which assignes to user's list. When I select a user in that field, automatically an email will sent to that corresponding user. How can we get it?
- anu08
- February 12, 2010
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Importing Multilingual data using data loader
I have a spreadsheet that I would like to import into salesforce. I am saving the spreadsheet as a csv data file then using the Apex Data Loader to get this into salesforce. My problem is that I have data from different languages and these seem to appear as question marks (e.g. ???? ???) in salesforce. If I copy and paste the data straight into salesforce it appears with no problems.
I don't however want to copy and paste 300+ records to get them showing properly. Is there some way to get these special characters importing correctly using the apex data loader?
- XactiumBen
- December 22, 2008
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Create read-only lookup between custom objects?
I'm a newbie and using the free Class Enrollment app from AppExchange. There are two custom objects, Class and Enrollment. I've added Enrollment to my Contact page layout as a related list. It works fine, except that once I've created an Enrollment for the Contact, I would like to display the Date Offered field (read only) next to the Class name field in the Enrollment layout.
The Date Offered field is in the Class custom object, and I can't figure out how to build a formula in the Enrollment custom object to pull this value as I need it. If this were SQL, I would write something like SELECT Date_Offered FROM Classes WHERE ClassID = Enrollment.ClassID. Is there a way in the formula builder to refer to a field in a related custom object? I've searched help and the forums but haven't found anything.
In Enrollment, the Student Name field has a Master-Detail lookup to Contacts, and the Class name field has a Lookup relationship to Class. Do I need a Master-Detail with Class to accomplish what I want? But only one Master-Detail is allowed ...
Any suggestions on how I can go about this?
- dmcheng
- June 13, 2006
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