- William Tran
- 6435 Points
- Member since 2015
- Solution Architect
- TranConsulting Inc (william@tranconsultinginc.com)
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create new objects and fields
I am on creating custom object and fields on trail head, challenge is to create custom object named Trail, field - distance etc.. but did not mention in which app i should create object???
- Ranjan Patel
- March 27, 2016
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Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: No feed post was found that linked to the Trailhead URL.
No feed post was found that linked to the Trailhead URL.", and this doesn't make sense because I clearly posted the URL multiple times.
The criteria: Using the standard poll and link Chatter actions, create two posts to engage with the Chatter user community.
Create a poll post. Ask your users to rate their experience with Chatter and ask for feedback in comments.
Create a link post. Share a link with other users to http://developer.salesforce.com/trailhead - the best learning tool for Salesforce out there!
- CloudyJosh
- March 26, 2016
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when adding the fields to custom objects this massage came up. I do not understand how to remedy this
- Zigi Medrud
- December 21, 2015
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related master-detail object not an option
We have an existing custom object called Media Cost
Media Cost has the following master-detail relationships
2. Opportunity
I want to create a new custom object called Production that has a master-detail relationship to the Media Cost object (because 1 Media Cost object can have many Production objects)
However, when I create a master-detail field, the Media Cost object isn't in the related drop down.
Have I hit a limitation within SF? If I have, is there any suggestions on how I get around this?
- Steve Cairney
- December 11, 2015
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creating validation rules error??????
i've been working through salesforce trialhead modules and up until the error i came across today i can usually figure out my mistake. i'm on the creating validation rules exercise which is under "formulas & validation" module. i've started over twice and continue to get this same error. can anyone enlighten me on what i'm doing wrong? Here's the error - There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [MailingPostalCode__c, ShippingPostalCode__c]: [MailingPostalCode__c, ShippingPostalCode__c]
- Darrell Jarrett
- December 10, 2015
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Visual Unkown Property
I am trying to have the user select an sObject from a list and getting an error when trying to save VF -- Unknown property 'CustomPdfController.allObjectsList'
VF Code:
<apex:page controller="CustomPdfController" >
<apex:outputLabel value="Choose Object: "></apex:outputLabel>
<apex:selectList value="{!allObjectsList}"></apex:selectList>
APEX Code:
public with sharing class CustomPdfController {
public list<SelectOption> allObjectsList(){
list<Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().Values();
list<SelectOption> options = new list<SelectOption>();
options.add(new SelectOption('','--SELECT--'));
for(Schema.SObjectType gd1:gd){
options.add(new SelectOption(gd1.getDescribe().getName(),gd1.getDescribe().getName()));
return options;
- Matthew Birckbichler
- December 04, 2015
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Getting Started with Apex
Executing the 'generateStringArray' method failed. Either the method does not exist, is not static, or does not return the proper number of strings.
the exercise was complete and ran and followed the instructions why were the points not awarded?
- michelle emanuel 59
- December 04, 2015
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Stuck: Routing Records with Approvals Challenge
I have Followed the steps as given in the challenge but I am getting error as "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Account setup for challenge incomplete. Please add 'Prospect', 'Customer' and 'Pending' picklist values to the Account 'Type' field", but I have added the field Type with above values to Account and here is the screenshot
what am i doing wrong?
Thanks In advance
- Anusha Vrushabendraswamy
- December 04, 2015
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Can't access object by id !!?
Here's my concern: I'm creating objects from a web app (node js using nforce). I get a response object with a 18 digit Id, cool!
If I paste this id in the search field in salesforce: no match found... Of course I get an error if I try requesting the object through the web app...
So I do a little test like: I go to a salesforce record page, I copy the record id from the adress bar, paste it in the search field... no match found!
Am I crazy? Is there something like an index somewhere that could be broken ?
Thanks in advance.
- nicolas forestier
- December 04, 2015
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How to create an Apex Trigger to auto-populate a custom field in an Opportunity object once the Account name is entered.
I am new to developing so I am not sure how to approach this task. I created a custom lookup field in my Accounts object called Relationship Manager. This field is manually populated with a user name. I also addes the same Relationship Manager field into my Opportunity object and would like that field to auto-populate the user name based on the Account name entered.
Here is my attempt at creating the apex trigger below. I am getting an error message that states:
Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: '<EOF>' at line 6 column 0
trigger RelationshipManager on Opportunity (before insert) {
for (Opportunity o = Trigger.new;
o.AccountId = true;
I appreciate any assistance I can get.
- Abraham Durojaiye
- December 04, 2015
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Admin Beginner Salesforce Platform Basics Getting Started with the Platform
My name is Hanna, I just started the Admin Beginner Salesforce Platform BasicsGetting Started with the Platform session. I think I am following consciously every steps but still not working....
Could you help me please
Many thanks
- Hanna Bo 5
- December 04, 2015
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Receiving Error: Syntax error: Extra AND for my Validation Rule
I'm Receiving this Extra AND error, how do i get my syntax to be correct?
I'm in need of help creating a Validation rule that does the following task: Field Report level must be completed if Contact or Report Broker fields are updated.
- Nick Engstrand
- December 03, 2015
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Error on Trailhead when checking 'Creating Validation Rules' challenge
However when clicking the 'Check Challenge' button, I get the following error. Any ideas on how to resolve?
Validation Rule:
AND ( NOT(ISBLANK(MailingPostalCode)), NOT(MailingPostalCode = Account.ShippingPostalCode) )Error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Zip Code must match that of the Account. Please correct and save.: [MailingPostalCode]Thank you in advance for any assistance!
- mattytreks
- December 02, 2015
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I have a account object which contains 100000 records in it
I have a account object which contains 100000 records in it,if i want to write a SOQL query to fetch only 50000 records in it, how to achieve it..
As per governer limit we can retrieve max 50000 records for each SOQL query, is there any possibilities in trigger i can fetch more than 50000 records, if yes how?
Vijay S
Vijay S
- Vijay sidaraddi
- November 30, 2015
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Gender in an App
- Beatriz Minguez
- November 30, 2015
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Visualforce pagereference redirects to empty page on Lightning Experience
There's a button - "Save & Exit", which calls the controller method to save the selected products and returns the pagereference - "new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id'));"
Basically, it tells the page to go back to the opportunity page. This works perfectly in the classic view. But in lightning, sometimes, after clicking the button, the page goes to a blank page with only lightning sidebar & top bar rather than back to the opportunity page.
Can anyone provide any thoughts on this issue?
- Gordon Gao
- November 30, 2015
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Formula Expression is required on the action attributes - No easy fix.
Hello Community,
I am a grad student working with Salesforce for the first time and need some assistance. I apologize for this obviously played out error, but my situation wasn't able to be remedied quickly. Therefore I am hoping someone can guide/direct me to a solution. Below is my VF and Controller code. Thank you in advance!
VF Page:
<apex:page standardController="Lead" extensions="LeadIntakeController" title="Lead Intake Form" showHeader="false">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Critical Needs Form ">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Lead" columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
<apex:outputText escape="false" value="<b>Lead Details</b>" style="sample"/>
<apex:outputText escape="false" style="sample"/> <apex:inputField value="{!lead.FirstName}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
<apex:outputText escape="false" value="<b>Dependent Information</b>" style="sample"/>
<apex:outputText escape="false" style="sample"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!dependent.Name}" />
<apex:inputField value="{!dependent.Gender__c}" />
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}" />
public class Lead_Intake_Controller {
public Lead lead {get;set;}
public Lead_Intake_Controller(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
lead = (Lead)controller.getRecord();
public PageReference save()
Datetime bday = lead.Birthdate__c;
if(bday.Date().daysBetween(System.now().Date()) > 23709)
lead.Over_65__c = true;
lead.Recipient__c = true;
lead.Company = 'Self';
insert lead;
Dependent__c newDependent = new Dependent__c();
newDependent.Name = 'value';
newDependent.Parent_Lead__c = lead.Id;
newDependent.Contact__c = 'someValue';
newDependent.Birth_Year__c = 'anotherValue';
insert newDependent;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/Lead_Registration_Complete');
return pageRef;
- Benjamin Oliver
- November 29, 2015
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Account Contact Role
I have a trigger that I need to find a specific role name if the account contact role name is "Primary Service Contact" the trigger will inserted or update the field named ( Account_Case_Contact__c with the account contact role name. I tried added this code to my Where statement, but it obvioysly didn't work. Can anyone help me? ) trigger Trigger_CasePrimaryContact on Account (before insert, before update) { for (Account a : Trigger.new) { // a.NextStep = 'DEBUG: Running function...'; AccountContactRole[] contactRoleArray = [select ContactID, Role from AccountContactRole where AccountId = :a.id && Role='Primary Service Contact' ORDER BY Role DESC, createdDate]; if (contactRoleArray.size() > 0) { a.Account_Case_Contact__c = contactRoleArray[0].ContactID; }else{ // IF NO CONTACT ROLES EXIST RETURN NULL... a.Account_Case_Contact__c = null; // a.NextStep = 'DEBUG; CONTACT = null '; } } }
- Bob
- November 25, 2015
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Segment developers between apps - Enterprise Org Structure
We have a large enterprise with a number of different unrelated business units. We are looking to do a smaller Salesforce implementation with some of the smaller business units but would like to keep the enterprise in mind. Everyone is coming from the same domain and will likely use Single Sign On federated through active directory.
Is it possible to delegate admins and developers for apps only? I may have business unit A that has a development staff of 4 and 25 users but what happens when I want to bring on business unit B that has 8 developers and 2000 users?
Do developers have access to all Apex classes in the Org or is there a way those can be partitioned off between business units. I don't want developer in unit A to be able to mess with Developer B's apex class. Nor do I want developer in Unit A to query Unit B's data.
How can an enterprise limit their developer and admin permissions to the app level and have everyone under the same Org? Or is that completely impractical.
- joseph keuler 1
- November 25, 2015
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How to get the value for an field from the keySet(). I don't want the value for all fields but value for some fields in the object. And I have to store the selected key and value to another map
How to get the value for an field from the keySet().
I don't want the value for all fields but value for some fields in the object.
And I have to store the selected key and value to another map
- Nisha Babu 8
- May 21, 2016
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Can Reports open in 'Salesforce Classic' when i have 'Salesforce Lightning' switched ON
- Edwin Vijay
- March 30, 2016
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trigger help - question on page 214 apex reference dev guide
- Can update original object using an update DML operation
- Can delete original object using a delete DML operation
- Arvind Balijepalli
- March 30, 2016
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How to remove unwanted comma getting during "rocky-1,james-2" ..
- jayesh pagare
- March 29, 2016
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Workflow Limits?
if I have a workflow rule fire 3-4 updates every time the record is edited (no time based workflows) and an integration job updates 1M rows of data will Salesforce have any issue with processing 3-4 million field updates as a result? Woukd I expect any time delays?
- Matty B
- March 29, 2016
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Get Fields APIs on Page Layout
I would like to get all fields API names on specific page layout and use the fields in SOQL. Then I want to display the query results on Visualforce page.
I asked Salesforce Support for help but they cannot answer this question so I searched on Discussion Forums and found some articles about DescribeLayoutResult.
I read links for references but I'm just confused and not sure what to do.
Does anyone provide me simple but complete code to display field details on Visualforce page so that I can amend it for my use.
It would be nice if you can use Lead object and Name field.
Thank you in advance.
- U
- March 29, 2016
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Need help with formula to calculate number of days remaining in a quarter and check if quarter is Q1 of a leap year.
Need help fixing the formula - I am using a text formula field and get error message: - [Syntax error. Extra ',' (Related field: Formula)] , I am lost on where this extra "," is. I get a similar error message if I chage formula field type to number formula field.
I am trying to get the formula to check if the period is in Q1 of a leap year so the added day is considered in the final calculation if both criteria are true.
(OR(MOD( YEAR(Period_Start_Date__c), 400 ) = 0,
AND(MOD( YEAR(Period_Start_Date__c), 4 ) = 0,
MOD( YEAR(Period_Start_Date__c), 100 ) != 0)
CEILING( MONTH (Period_Start_Date__c) / 3 = 1)),
(Period_End_Date__c - Period_Start_Date__c) + 1)),(Period_End_Date__c - Period_Start_Date__c ))
- tnewquist21.3971755974677437E12
- March 29, 2016
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how to view report summary on mobile app?
I'm trying to see the total revenue of a revenue report on the mobile app, but all I can see are the 2000 rows of data. Is there any way I can create a report page that shows the total revenue of the report.
In other words, is there any way to create a custom report view with custom fields?
- Alexander von Hassler
- March 28, 2016
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Not sure best approach to solve simple problem
What I want: I want a roll up summary field on the Account object that sums the total Dev and CR time from the sum of time entries in the past twelve months. Unfortunately, it is my understanding that you cannot use the Today() formula on rollup summary objects.
I'm new to SFDC development but have been an admin for four years. My theoretical appraoch would be to have a trigger that runs every night on the Time Entries object and says is the date of the entry in the last 12 months, if so, check yes, if not, check no. Because the TODAY() formula will be running in the back end, I can then use that check box to create rollup summary fields and don't need to over complicate it.
Problem: I've never written code.
Any help here would be really really appreciated. We have a full sandbox, but no development resources currently, so I'm just trying to get started.
- Rob Petrie
- March 28, 2016
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Error when checking 'Using Expressions' challenge
I am currently trying to complete the 'Using Expressions' challenge on the Trailhead Lightning site, and keep getting the same error.
<aura:component >
<aura:attribute name="IsSunday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsMonday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsTuesday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsWednesday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsThursday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsFriday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsSaturday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsSunday}">
<p>Today is Sunday</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsMonday}">
<p>Today is Monday</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsTuesday}">
<p>Today is Tuesday</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsWednesday}">
<p>Today is Wednesday</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsThursday}">
<p>Today is Thursday</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsFriday}">
<p>Today is Friday</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsSaturday}">
<p>Today is Saturday</p>
doInit : function(component) {
var theDate = new Date();
if (theDate.getDay()==0) {component.set("v.IsSunday", true);}
if (theDate.getDay()==1) {component.set("v.IsMonday", true);}
if (theDate.getDay()==2) {component.set("v.IsTuesday", true);}
if (theDate.getDay()==3) {component.set("v.IsWednesday", true);}
if (theDate.getDay()==4) {component.set("v.IsThursday", true);}
if (theDate.getDay()==5) {component.set("v.IsFriday", true);}
if (theDate.getDay()==6) {component.set("v.IsSaturday", true);}
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: ZPWCUPZG
I tried creating a new Developer edition, as per a suggestion on another thread, but got the same error (albeit with a different error id).
I went back to my original developer edition and tried another suggestion - modifying the code in my component to have only one <aura:if> statement and one <aura:set attribute....> tag, as shown below:
<aura:component >
<aura:attribute name="IsSunday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsMonday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsTuesday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsWednesday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsThursday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsFriday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="IsSaturday" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsSunday}">
<p>Today is Sunday</p>
<aura:set attribute="else">
Today is not Sunday
<!-- Commented out code -->
<!-- <aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsMonday}">
<p>Today is Monday</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsTuesday}">
<p>Today is Tuesday</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsWednesday}">
<p>Today is Wednesday</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsThursday}">
<p>Today is Thursday</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsFriday}">
<p>Today is Friday</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.IsSaturday}">
<p>Today is Saturday</p>
</aura:if> -->
<!-- Commented out code -->
Same end result:
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: MEEOAPTN
Any help would be appreciated. have spent quite a lot of time on this already!
- Alastair Scollay 8
- August 05, 2015
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Creating Wizards with Visual Workflow Challenge Error
Ok, here is the error I'm receiving for his challenge.
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
A Visualforce page named 'FlowPage' was not found.
I will add the screenshots below:
1. New Customer Flow
2. FlowScreen
3. Account Creation
3. Contact Creation
Opportunity Creation
I will add the screenshots for the Visual Force Pages on part II of this
- Andrew Eversley
- August 05, 2015
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Part-time Salesforce developers
It is okay to have another job.
We are looking for A players. If you are just starting out with Salesforce, please feel free to pass this offer.
Your main task will be:
1. Test our product
2. Respond to customer support requests.
You will not be responsible for development.
We need someone with the following qualities:
1. You are a fast learner.
2. You must have good communication skills.
3. You are great at Salesforce.
- Girish Jashnani 6
- March 24, 2016
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SalesForce. Com – the best offer in Europe!
I'm looking for SalesForce Developer - this is the best offer in Europe! :) My client from Warsaw needs people with experience, and I think this is good proposal for you.
This is fully remote job, so you can work at home! What do you think about it? :)
Please contact me on: karolina.grunwald@seargin.com
- Karolina Grunwald
- August 28, 2015
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Excellent Remote full time opportunity
- Philip Gugliotta
- July 31, 2015
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Test class for contact roles
String theId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); List<OpportunityContactRole> oppRoles; oppRoles = [SELECT Id, OpportunityID, ContactID, IsPrimary, Role FROM OpportunityContactRole WHERE OpportunityId = :theId LIMIT 10000]; //copying contact roles of old opportunity to new opportunity if ( ! oppRoles.isEmpty()){ List<ContractContactRole> conRoles = new List<ContractContactRole>(); for (OpportunityContactRole oppRole : oppRoles) { conRoles.add(new ContractContactRole( ContactId = oppRole.ContactId, IsPrimary = oppRole.IsPrimary, Role = oppRole.Role, ContractId = myContract[0].Id)); } insert conRoles; } // myContract[0] is also defined and working fine, code will become long so here not mentioned, /// also copying the contact roles of opportunity to newly created contract if ( ! oppRoles.isEmpty()){ List<ContractContactRole> conRoles = new List<ContractContactRole>(); for (OpportunityContactRole oppRole : oppRoles) { conRoles.add(new ContractContactRole( ContactId = oppRole.ContactId, IsPrimary = oppRole.IsPrimary, Role = oppRole.Role, ContractId = myContract[0].Id)); } insert conRoles; }
Guys any help ?
- Waqas Ali
- July 25, 2015
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