• GregC
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I'm unable to upload package wich contains application with  VisualForce tabs.
I'm getting the following error : "Your upload failed. You will receive an e-mail containing additional information".

I asked this question couple of days ago. But this post has more precise definition.

Thank you in advance.

I'm trying to upload my package for testing purposes. I include only application into my package, which contains all neccessary pages.  But i'm getting the following error:

"Your upload failed. You will receive an e-mail containing additional information".

Also i was able to find out that package upload fails only if it contains visualforce pages.

Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.


I'm trying to use the "Mass Updater" App and I'm getting the following error message "API_Disabled_For_Org:  API is not enabled for this Organization or Partner".  Can anyone assist with this?

Thank you,



On p. 71 of the Apex Developer's Guide, it says that "abstract and virtual [class modifiers] are not enabled for all organizations.  If you need them for your application, contact your salesforce.com rep."  I'm making an AppExchange app that will be using an abstract class, but now I'm worried that my app won't work "out of the box" for other organizations because they'll need to turn this feature on first.

Does anyone have any experience with this?  Is this a big problem?  It seems sort of silly to not have the ability to use abstract class modifiers on by default as it only encourages bad OO design and I can't fathom why disabling these modifiers would be of any advantage to Salesforce.
  • June 03, 2008
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Hi, I'm trying to test drive the Recruiting Manager app in a test bed and receive the following error;

AppExchange Package Not Found The AppExchange package with ID {0} could not be found. Please try again later. If this error persists it may have been deleted by the owner. If you are installing this from a public AppExchange listing, please report this missing package to salesforce.com. If you are trying to install a privately shared package, please contact the package owner directly to resolve.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


I'm a newbie who has a few questions about the packaging and distribution of Sf apps:
  1. Can I package an app that I've made with a developer account and deploy it to only my organization instead of putting it on AppExchange? (seems like you should be able to but I just want to confirm 100% that this is possible...)
  2. If I release my app on AppExchange, will others be able to see the code I've produced once they install it?
  3. If I want to get my app certified for release on AppExchange, do I have to make external web service calls over SSL or can I do this in plaintext? (it's not critical data like account or lead info, only custom object data)
Thanks in advance for your help!
  • May 27, 2008
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Hi i was wondering how do you package approval processes i didn't see them in the add drop down list?
I have added all of our various objects, fields, classes etc. to our package in preparation for a deployment from our Development enviro to our Production enviro. What I have not been able to do is add our VF pages to the package. Pages are not shown as an option in the selection dropdown in the add to package process. This is true even though we're now running the Summer '08 Preview which fully supports VF, right?
Apart from manually copying and pasting the code for each page from one environment to the other, is there a more reasonable way? Am I missing something?
I have packaged up my application within my development environment (Create --> Packages) but I get this error when I click the Upload or Upload Now Links:
Data Not Available
The data you were trying to access could not be found. It may be due to another user deleting the data or a system error. If you know the data is not deleted but cannot access it, please look at our support page.

Click here to return to the previous page.


Completely useless for determining what is going on. Any ideas?



We have a package that optionally looks up campaigns and campaign members. The custom objects do not have any fields related to campaigns, nor do the S-Controls have any campaign based merge fields. An S-Control queries the campaign object, but that is contained in a Javascript string.
 When a customer tried to install our package, the installation process told him that he needed to have campaigns. What would make a package require campaigns with no explicit reference to them?
Hi there,

In one of the Developer edition I have created a custom object A that I would like to move to another Devloper edition.

What is the best way to do that?

I tried packaging the object and then uploading to app exchange and then received a URL too - however I am confused what do I do with this URL? When I copy and paste this URL to a new browser it asks for a login details? Its confusing. How do I move it?

Is there a limit to the number of profiles that can be packaged in a managed app?  I tried adding some new profile to a managed package that previous had a single custom profile I had added but they aren't getting added in the target installation.  Are we limited to packaging a single profile?

I have create a private package through my Org id and by providing the link for this package, I am trying to install this in my developer edition.

I got an error saying cannot find Opportunity.Record Type

When I try to go to add this components to this pkg, I couldn't find it anyof the categories. I know we do have record type created, but don't know where to look for it to add that to the package.


  • April 02, 2008
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I have created an App Ex application and some packages.  I would like to download the files I have created to back up my work off of Salesforce's servers.  I can't find a method to easily do this.  Is there some way to download a tar/zipped archive of my work for offsite backup?
I am getting ready to launch a product and I am scratching my head on this one as to how I would go about packaging (managed versus unmanaged) it for my clients.

Here is my understanding of Managed versus unManaged package:


1. Clients don't see my code - my IP is protected
2. Once I publish the managed package as released, my engineering won't be able to modify a lot of things - such  objects and object attributes in the developer environment. This is clearly undesirable for a startup.
3. Once I create a managed package in a developer environment, my object get prefixed with the unique prefix - even if i delete the managed package, objects retain their prefix.
4. Clients can upgrade without uninstall...
5. Managed beta package is an not an option, since it can't be done in production environment - only sandbox or developer. I am looking for real production customers who will pay me, but appreciate the fact that product might change based on their feedback.


1. Code is visible to my clients - my IP is unprotected
2. I can freely modify my product in developer environment, downside being that customers have to uninstall the prior release and manually reimport all the data.

Ideally I want a managed package (to protech my IP and enable  upgrades). However, I  find the prospect of my engineering  not being able to modify the  objects for eternity a  little scary. I understand this is important so that clients can upgrade, but since my product will evolve, I don't want to be locked in early on. Early clients might be willing to uninstall and reimport, if they see newer functionality is worth it.

One option I was thinking was to always maintain an unpackaged version as my golden source code. I can then use this to create multiple managed packages, each in a different developer enviroment, each with a different prefix. So let's say I create release 1 with a prefix "mycom1". My first client installs this - the objects are called mycom1__abc etc...If my client finds bugs, I fix them in the mycom1 and also in my golden source (yucks!). Let's say that I find that I do have to modify my objects. I go back to my golden source and and create a new managed package with prefix  "mycom2". I can give this to customer 2....Now I have to fix bugs in three places(really yucks!!!)

Does anyone have any better ideas or is my understanding flawed (I hope so).

I wish I could put beta managed packages in a production environment - I will have best of both worlds in that case!!!


We;ve been developing some apps as beta releases, and are ready to move
to a managed release.

However, I get the impression that once you do this, you are forever more
locked down in terms of the changes that can be made to custom objects.

Given that we want the flexibility to develop the application in different ways
in the future, how can we best get around this restriction?


I once downloaded my managed app from the Appexchange and did not get all the items from the package. Installing again (without uninstalling) got the rest of the items. A tester had the same problem and now a prospect for our app has seen it as well. In each case, a second installation shows a few "new items" that were missing from the first download. I have tried to verify this problem, but it does not happen every time.
Has anyone else seen this problem? I will notify Appexchange Ops about it.