• KiranM
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I am having a hard time coming up with a formula. I have a date/time field that would display 11/05/2018 11:00am or something similar. I need to create a formula field that would read that date/time field but instead display it as November 5, 2018 11:00am
Hi!  I'm a newbie. Just started Trailhead training again. in Accounts and Contacts, Nothing is clickable.  Instructions say :If you don't see the Accounts tab, check the upper right-hand corner and make sure you've selected the Sales app from the app picker. I don't see the accounts tab, or the App Picker. There's no response to anything I try in this trailhead. Pls advise! Thank you, Robin
Hi,  I have followed all the steps in this module and I keep on getting the same error message. I have cleared my browser, started from scratch 2 times now and I am still getting the same error. I added the Role - Sales Rep under Manage Users Roles to my name. I created a new compact layout as described in other answer an still the same error. I provided as many screenshots as I could. Can someone please assist so I can complete this module.   Thank You !!
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I'm completing the 'Set Up Your Org' module of Lightning Experience Customization Trailhead & have created the custom object API Name: Energy_Audit__c, but when I click on the green Check Challenge Button it says: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find a custom object named 'Energy_Audit__c'.

Any suggestions?

Hi, why do I keep gettnig this error in the challenge even though it clearly exists: - What am I missing...thanks

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I'm working on building a custom record page
Update the Tabs component as follows:
Add the Activity tab
Add the following standard components to each of the tabs:
Add the Activities component to the Activity tab
Add the Record Detail component to the Details tab
Add the Related Lists component to the Related tab
I can't see the Related Lists in the dropdown, so I'm getting the error: "Lightning Page named 'New Account Page' does not appear to contain the Related Lists standard component."   
Hi all,
I'm stuck on the last step of the "Build a Data Model for a Recruiting App" project (Create Custom Recruiting Fields).
I'm fairly sure I've followed the steps correctly, but I get the error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The field 'Leadership_Skills__c' either does not exist on the Review__c object or it is not of type Picklist.

However it definitely exist as a pick list - see screen shot.

What have I missed? Thanks very much...

Review custom object showing Fields and Relationships


We have developed VF page in SF classic mode but now the requirement is to use this page in lightning mode. How do we do it as i have no idea about lightning mode.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We found an opportunity that's associated with a Banking account and updated the stage to Closed Won, but a task wasn't created for the account owner to complete 7 days from today. Make sure that the Closed Won and Banking criteria node and its associated action are configured correctly.
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I receive this error message : Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Lincoln Ulrich cannot set up and execute marketing campaigns to his accounts.  

I probed adding permission set, set to marketing user, set to system admin but I have the same issue.

I am receiving the following error in the Creating Global Quick Actions Trailhead module challenge - "The global quick action was not created or it was not named 'New Detailed Account' "

Have read the previous posts and suggestions to fix, but my Global Actions are identical to the correct responses and the Publisher Layouts are displayed.  When I go into Chatter and Home on one of the Apps, I still do not see the New Detailed Account action listed in the feed though.  Is there some other setting I need to fix that will enable this to display BESIDES the Global Page Layout??
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Iam trying to deploy Assignment rules through changesets with one component. Got the below issue.

"Cannot find a user that matches any of the following usernames: jrosmafmichweber@xx.xxx.xxx, michweber@xx.xxx.xxx, michweber@xx.xxx.xxx; remove the user from the component being deployed or create a matching user in the destination organization"

I search for these users in both the environments. Infact there is no user with these usernames in both the environments.
Any inputs about these.
