• IPFrampton
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We currently have an autoresponse rule which thanks the client for their email when they send an email to Case which has a from address of an email they could reply to. Is there any way around having the reply saying 'noreply@salesforce.com on behalf of User X'?

Has anyone else experienced an issue with LA and Edge where when you click the button you get a blank pop up and then the host page gets replaced with the content of the Pre Chat survey? I have raised this with SF Support and they tell me that this is down to Edge not being a supported browser which I feel is slightly bizarre.. Anyone had any luck getting Edge working?

We are not applying any custom logic to the button code.

We currently have a Visualforce profile subtab on our User's Chatter profile in Classic which we want to migrate to the Lightning experience however, we have not been able get this to show. Does anyone have any experience of making these show in Lightning?

I am looking to implement automatic following of Case records upon creation of the record using the Process Builder without the use of any external AppExchange solutions. Has anyone implemented a similar solution? 

We are building an internal support system for use by internal users using Cases and as a result, I need to be able to remove the following fields from the Case Page:
  • Contact Name
  • Web Email
Is there an easy way to do this without Visualforce? I know I could remove these fields with permissions, however, as we use Cases elsewhere in the business, there is no guarantee that these fields will get hidden which is what I am trying to do.
Hi there,

I am looking to write a formula which allows me to put any date into the formula and return the day number in which that date is. All the solutions I have found thus far base themselves off Today which is not what I'm after. I want to be able to put in any date regardless of year and get the day number in which that date fell. 

Can anyone offer any suggestions as to how I would do this?

We are looking to report on a user's Live Agent session in a bit more granular detail. At the moment we have a report setup which looks at the Live Agent Session object which provides some detail, however what we want to know is when a user went away and what time they returned. At present we can only see how many minutes they were away in a particular session. For example, we want to be able to see that at 9am to 10am they had the status as 'Online' however, at 10:00 to 10:15 they were 'Away'. Has anyone had a similar use case for reporting and if so how did they overcome this?

I have the requirement to create a public calendar event based on a date field on a record on a custom object once it has been populated. I was going to default the date and time to be 9am so that it can be updated later on. Can anyone suggest a way of doing this without having to use any Apex triggers where possible?

I am trying to create a Person Account when a Web-To-Case cannot find a matching account relating to the email address specified in the form we have created. I have taken the code which is provided at this link to create the Person Account: https://developer.salesforce.com/page/Autocreating_Contacts_From_Web_To_Case however, this does not also create the Contact automatically. Is someone able to point me in the right direction to be able to create the Contact element and be able to map this back to the Case?

The code I have is below:
trigger CaseAutocreateContact on Case (before insert) {
    List<String> emailAddresses = new List<String>();
    //First exclude any cases where the contact is set
    for (Case caseObj:Trigger.new) {
        if (caseObj.ContactId==null &&
            System.Debug('>>> the value of the supplied email is ' + caseObj.SuppliedEmail);
    System.Debug('>>> the size of the email address object is ' + emailAddresses.size());
    List<Contact> listContacts = [Select Id,Email From Contact Where Email in :emailAddresses];
    Set<String> takenEmails = new Set<String>();
    for (Contact c:listContacts) {
    Map<String,Account> emailToAccountMap= new Map<String,Account>();
    Map<String,Contact> emailToContactMap= new Map<String,Contact>();
    List<Case> casesToUpdate = new List<Case>();
    for (Case caseObj:Trigger.new) {
            System.Debug('>>> the value of the supplied email is ' + caseObj.SuppliedEmail);
            System.Debug('>>> the value of the first name is ' + caseObj.First_Name__c);
            System.Debug('>>> the value of the last name is ' + caseObj.Last_Name__c );
            System.Debug('>>> the value of the supplied ContactID is ' + caseObj.ContactId);    
        if (caseObj.ContactId==null && caseObj.SuppliedEmail!=null && caseObj.Last_Name__c != '' && caseObj.Last_Name__c != null && caseObj.SuppliedEmail!='' &&
            //The case was created with a null contact
            //Let's make a contact for it
           RecordType personAccountRecordType = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = 'Customer' and SObjectType = 'Account'];
           Account newPersonAccount = new Account(FirstName= caseObj.First_Name__c,
                                            LastName= caseObj.Last_Name__c,
                                            E_mail_address__c =caseObj.SuppliedEmail,
                                            RecordType=personAccountRecordType );
    List<Account> new Accounts = emailToAccountMap.values();
    insert newAccounts;

    for (Case caseObj:casesToUpdate) {
        Account newPersonAccount = emailToAccountMap.get(caseObj.SuppliedEmail);
        caseObj.AccountId = newPersonAccount.Id;
        System.Debug('>>> the person contact id of the person object is ' + newPersonAccount.PersonContactId);
        caseObj.ContactId = newPersonAccount.PersonContactId;


I am currently writing a number of separate beans for a Data Loader command line process I am building that all share a common set of attributes in the same process-conf.xml file. Is there any way that I can have one location for the following keys so that I don't have to maintain them several times in the same process-conf.xml file as this is likely to cause errors?
<entry value="false" key="sfdc.debugMessages"/>
<entry value="sfdcSoapTrace.log" key="sfdc.debugMessagesFile"/>
<entry value="endpointurl" key="sfdc.endpoint"/>
<entry value="username" key="sfdc.username"/>
<entry value="password" key="sfdc.password"/>
<entry value="encryptionkeyfile" key="process.encryptionKeyFile"/>
<entry value="600" key="sfdc.timeoutSecs"/>
<entry value="extract" key="process.operation"/>
<entry value="csvWrite" key="dataAccess.type"/>
I have seen something about using a config.properties file but can't find any more on it so was hoping someone could point me in the right direction? I'm using Data Loader v33.

I am trying to do an insert into a MS SQL Server 2012 Database with the Data Loader from command line, however, I am greeted with the following error every time I try and do the insert (I have replaced the path to config here):

2015-01-26 14:14:34,954 FATAL [insertAccountIDs] controller.Controller createDao (Controller.java:186) - Error creating data access object
org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException: Line 55 in XML document from file [<PATH TO CONFIG>\database-conf.xml] is invalid; nested exception is org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element type "beans" must match "(description?,(import|alias|bean)*)".

This is my database-conf.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd">
  <bean id="sqlServerDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">
    <property name="driverClassName" value="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"/>
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=testDB;"/>
-<bean id="insertAccountIDs" class="com.salesforce.dataloader.dao.database.DatabaseConfig" singleton="true">
	<property name="sqlConfig" ref="insertAccountIDsSQL"/>
	<property name="dataSource" ref="sqlServerDataSource"/>
<bean id="insertAccountIDsSQL" class="com.salesforce.dataloader.dao.database.SqlConfig" singleton="true">
    <property name="sqlString">
		INSERT INTO dbo.testTable (Id,Name)
        VALUES (@Id@Name@)
    <property name="sqlParams">
        <entry key="Id" value="java.lang.String"/>
		<entry key="Name" value="java.lang.String"/>

I'm trying to do an insert using the Data Loader using the database connection object.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Just thought I'd make you guys aware, the following pages on Trailhead are returning 404 errors when I try them:

Force.com Basics - All 3 sections
Data Modelling - Creating custom objects and fields
Data Management - Exporting data
Formula and Validations - Implementing Roll-Up Summary Fields
UI Customization - Customizing Navigation, Buttons, and Links/Creating List Views

Anyone else having the same issues?

A number of users have mentioned that within Chatter Desktop it's not possible to mention groups within SF Chatter Desktop when making a post or writing a comment. Is this a known bug or something that we have to turn on ourselves?

One of our users has reported that they're getting the following issue when attempting to login to Salesforce:

Login issue

Just in case the image does not work:

Sorry, an error occurred. Please provide your Salesforce.com administrator with this error message:

URL: undefined Line: undefined Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 9.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)

The user is using IE9 Version 9.0.8112.16421

Can anyone offer any suggestion as to why this wouldn't work for this particular user, yet anyone else who uses this version of IE doesn't have any issues?

Has anyone else experienced an issue with LA and Edge where when you click the button you get a blank pop up and then the host page gets replaced with the content of the Pre Chat survey? I have raised this with SF Support and they tell me that this is down to Edge not being a supported browser which I feel is slightly bizarre.. Anyone had any luck getting Edge working?

We are not applying any custom logic to the button code.

Just thought I'd make you guys aware, the following pages on Trailhead are returning 404 errors when I try them:

Force.com Basics - All 3 sections
Data Modelling - Creating custom objects and fields
Data Management - Exporting data
Formula and Validations - Implementing Roll-Up Summary Fields
UI Customization - Customizing Navigation, Buttons, and Links/Creating List Views

Anyone else having the same issues?

We are building an internal support system for use by internal users using Cases and as a result, I need to be able to remove the following fields from the Case Page:
  • Contact Name
  • Web Email
Is there an easy way to do this without Visualforce? I know I could remove these fields with permissions, however, as we use Cases elsewhere in the business, there is no guarantee that these fields will get hidden which is what I am trying to do.
Hi there,

I am looking to write a formula which allows me to put any date into the formula and return the day number in which that date is. All the solutions I have found thus far base themselves off Today which is not what I'm after. I want to be able to put in any date regardless of year and get the day number in which that date fell. 

Can anyone offer any suggestions as to how I would do this?

We are looking to report on a user's Live Agent session in a bit more granular detail. At the moment we have a report setup which looks at the Live Agent Session object which provides some detail, however what we want to know is when a user went away and what time they returned. At present we can only see how many minutes they were away in a particular session. For example, we want to be able to see that at 9am to 10am they had the status as 'Online' however, at 10:00 to 10:15 they were 'Away'. Has anyone had a similar use case for reporting and if so how did they overcome this?

I have the requirement to create a public calendar event based on a date field on a record on a custom object once it has been populated. I was going to default the date and time to be 9am so that it can be updated later on. Can anyone suggest a way of doing this without having to use any Apex triggers where possible?
In an object every record goes for approval steps and there are 2 approval steps. 1st approver(BU manager) and 2nd approver (national manager). 

And the question is if 1st approver(BU manager) is same sa national manager then it must not go to 2nd approver. No had code values please. Please let me know how to achieve this. All national manager have same profile
  • August 14, 2015
  • Like
  • 0

I am trying to create a Person Account when a Web-To-Case cannot find a matching account relating to the email address specified in the form we have created. I have taken the code which is provided at this link to create the Person Account: https://developer.salesforce.com/page/Autocreating_Contacts_From_Web_To_Case however, this does not also create the Contact automatically. Is someone able to point me in the right direction to be able to create the Contact element and be able to map this back to the Case?

The code I have is below:
trigger CaseAutocreateContact on Case (before insert) {
    List<String> emailAddresses = new List<String>();
    //First exclude any cases where the contact is set
    for (Case caseObj:Trigger.new) {
        if (caseObj.ContactId==null &&
            System.Debug('>>> the value of the supplied email is ' + caseObj.SuppliedEmail);
    System.Debug('>>> the size of the email address object is ' + emailAddresses.size());
    List<Contact> listContacts = [Select Id,Email From Contact Where Email in :emailAddresses];
    Set<String> takenEmails = new Set<String>();
    for (Contact c:listContacts) {
    Map<String,Account> emailToAccountMap= new Map<String,Account>();
    Map<String,Contact> emailToContactMap= new Map<String,Contact>();
    List<Case> casesToUpdate = new List<Case>();
    for (Case caseObj:Trigger.new) {
            System.Debug('>>> the value of the supplied email is ' + caseObj.SuppliedEmail);
            System.Debug('>>> the value of the first name is ' + caseObj.First_Name__c);
            System.Debug('>>> the value of the last name is ' + caseObj.Last_Name__c );
            System.Debug('>>> the value of the supplied ContactID is ' + caseObj.ContactId);    
        if (caseObj.ContactId==null && caseObj.SuppliedEmail!=null && caseObj.Last_Name__c != '' && caseObj.Last_Name__c != null && caseObj.SuppliedEmail!='' &&
            //The case was created with a null contact
            //Let's make a contact for it
           RecordType personAccountRecordType = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = 'Customer' and SObjectType = 'Account'];
           Account newPersonAccount = new Account(FirstName= caseObj.First_Name__c,
                                            LastName= caseObj.Last_Name__c,
                                            E_mail_address__c =caseObj.SuppliedEmail,
                                            RecordType=personAccountRecordType );
    List<Account> new Accounts = emailToAccountMap.values();
    insert newAccounts;

    for (Case caseObj:casesToUpdate) {
        Account newPersonAccount = emailToAccountMap.get(caseObj.SuppliedEmail);
        caseObj.AccountId = newPersonAccount.Id;
        System.Debug('>>> the person contact id of the person object is ' + newPersonAccount.PersonContactId);
        caseObj.ContactId = newPersonAccount.PersonContactId;

      i need to transfer bulk ok sql data to the salesforce custome filds if anybuddy having solution please help me out 

I am trying to create a new lead or account from my dotnet application using SOAP api, succeed in login in to force.com using api, but while calling create method i am getting this error : "No overload for method 'create' takes 1 arguments". Here create method expecting morethan 7 parameters but in all developer guides and tutorials i have seen like below, they are not passing all parameters. tried with null arguments alo but same issue.

SFDC_Enterprise.SaveResult[] results = sfdcBinding.create(new SFDC_Enterprise.sObject[] { sfdcLead });

plzz help me out.


I am trying to do an insert into a MS SQL Server 2012 Database with the Data Loader from command line, however, I am greeted with the following error every time I try and do the insert (I have replaced the path to config here):

2015-01-26 14:14:34,954 FATAL [insertAccountIDs] controller.Controller createDao (Controller.java:186) - Error creating data access object
org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException: Line 55 in XML document from file [<PATH TO CONFIG>\database-conf.xml] is invalid; nested exception is org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element type "beans" must match "(description?,(import|alias|bean)*)".

This is my database-conf.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd">
  <bean id="sqlServerDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">
    <property name="driverClassName" value="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"/>
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=testDB;"/>
-<bean id="insertAccountIDs" class="com.salesforce.dataloader.dao.database.DatabaseConfig" singleton="true">
	<property name="sqlConfig" ref="insertAccountIDsSQL"/>
	<property name="dataSource" ref="sqlServerDataSource"/>
<bean id="insertAccountIDsSQL" class="com.salesforce.dataloader.dao.database.SqlConfig" singleton="true">
    <property name="sqlString">
		INSERT INTO dbo.testTable (Id,Name)
        VALUES (@Id@Name@)
    <property name="sqlParams">
        <entry key="Id" value="java.lang.String"/>
		<entry key="Name" value="java.lang.String"/>

I'm trying to do an insert using the Data Loader using the database connection object.

Thanks in advance for your help!
I want to integrate salesforce for my sample asp.net page. can you please share me procedures or steps

thank you

One of our users has reported that they're getting the following issue when attempting to login to Salesforce:

Login issue

Just in case the image does not work:

Sorry, an error occurred. Please provide your Salesforce.com administrator with this error message:

URL: undefined Line: undefined Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 9.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)

The user is using IE9 Version 9.0.8112.16421

Can anyone offer any suggestion as to why this wouldn't work for this particular user, yet anyone else who uses this version of IE doesn't have any issues?