• shillyer
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I created a sample app and integrated the Force.com idea plugin. I registered my App with Force.com domain and got a public url for my app so that it can be viewed without requiring a login.

        However now i want to customize my landing page such that the ideas plugin is visible on the landing page of my public URL. How can i do that?

I'm a noob programmer so, this may seem like a dumb question. 


I'm trying to assess how I should build my app and if I should use the Force.com builder or another scripting technology to integrate into Force.com.  I'm building a project management app that will have multiple calculations and resource assignments. 


Is there a simple way to assess what the limits of the builder are?  Something like, if you want to build an app with (x) capabilities, then you can use Force.com builder, but if you want to build an app with (y) capabilities, then you should use a different technology.


Additional (though perhaps unnecessary) background:  I have resources who are comfortable scripting in PHP, AJAX, C#, and ASP.NET, and I'm trying to assess if I can just use the native Force.com builder or API, or if the app produced will be too cumbersome.  At the end of the day, users will be entering multiple tasks, assigning resources, and running calculations. 


Thanks for your help!

This seems like such a simple thing, I almost feel stupid for not being able to do it but I can't:


I've created a custom lookup field on Accounts, to Contacts, called Contact To Invoice.

I want to create a Report (for a mail merge) that pulls fields from Account plus some from the Contact linked to by Contact To Invoice (if any). If the Contact To Invoice field is null, these fields would, presumably, be blank.


I can create a Report on Accounts alone, which includes the Contact To Invoice field, but that only lists the name (it's also a link but that's not useful in a mail merge).

I can create a Report on Accounts with Contacts, which lists *all* Contacts belonging to the Account but can be filtered to only show the one who is also Contact To Invoice (because filter criteria can only compare fields to static values not to other fields).

I can create a Report on Contacts with Accounts which *will* show only the right Contacts but will omit any Accounts without a Contact To Invoice.

I can create Report on Accounts with Contact with Accounts but that doesn't work either and is starting to get ridiculous...



Any help guys?




There is a new feature called custom properties in salesforce.Anybody has any idea about this feature.

Or any pointers where i can read about this.Please let me know.


Thanks in advance


Is there a way to change which account an email is sent from? How is that determined?


Right now all the emails we send from Salesforce show the From: as 

no-reply@salesforce.com on behalf of John Smith(john@ourcompany.com).


How do I change the "John Smith(john@ourcompany.com)" part to another account or email address?

The company I work for is getting ready to publish an Apex application in the AppExchange, and we'd like to be able to make some sort of Salesforce "terms of service" or "end user licensing" agreement available prior to installation -- the standard "I have read the agreement and checked this box to continue with the installation" kind of thing.


To clarify, we already have our own "terms of service" agreement we use for *our* applications sold by *our* company.  What I'm after is a TOS / EULA that would be appropriate for someone installing an application from the AppExchange into their own Salesforce.com organization area.


Is there a boiler-plate PDF document available from Salesforce for this sort of thing?  If so, where can I find a copy?




Jerry H.



    We are presently trying to create or change data in offline salesforce edition using excel connector. I am not able to login into offline salesforce. Is there anything I need to do configure for offline ?? It is wokring well in online mode though. How can I login into sforce connector for offline salesforce ?? Please advice.




Beginning Sat 6/5, my evaluation user credentials do not work when trying to launch a test drive from the AppExchange.  I am able to login with the credentials from the browser, however, they do not work when accessing thru AppExchange.  I have already deleted the org relationship from the AppExchange listing and re-established.  This does not seem to make a difference.  any guidance on resolving?

Basically what I am trying to do is figure out a workaround for the fact that reports do not have in-line editing. What I've done so far is import from salesforce all my opportunities by stages (a very long, manual process). The administrator can now edit reports in-line, and it will automatically change the opportunities. The problem with this though, is that the rest of the organization uses salesforce to enter new opportunities, and the administrator will not be able to see these changes unless he  uses query to update at a certain interval of time. Is there any way to avoid this?



I am creating a custom application which has different modules for an organization. 


1. I want to implement module wise licensing for this application. But LMA supports only package wise licensing. Is there any way so that I split my modules as different 'Applications' and then apply different licenses to them?


2. If there is no solution for above point, I might need to create different packages containing different modules. But this will not be simple to do as there are some overlapping functionalities between modules. Even if I do it, I'll have separate packages but as per my knowledge, from one Salesforce edition can create only one Managed package. It'll be very difficult to handle different SFDC accounts to provides upgrades.


Please help me find the solution to this problem.





Does anyone know if a large bold red text can display at the top of an Account record based on critieria like "Overdue Account" or "Past Due" or "Need to buy Contract"?


Desn't have to be fancy coding, could be simple field checkbox so that if checked, large bold red text will display for any user that deals with that account?


Would be very useful for us!


Hello all,


Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm trying to create a custom button for my lead view that will:


1. Fire an email template to a lead

2. Update a status field

3. Return the user to the lead view


Here's what I've got so far - it fires the template but does NOT update the status. Can someone point me in the right direction?


location.replace('/email/author/emailauthor.jsp?p2_lkid={!Lead.Id}&retURL=%2F{!Lead.Id}&template_id=00X40000001B4fY&{!URLFOR($Action.Lead.Edit, Lead.Id, [retURL=URLFOR($Action.Lead.View, Lead.Id), lea13_ileinner ="First email and call attempt made", save=1] )}')


Much appreciated!


Christopher S. Penn | cspenn@gmail.com

Hi All,


Is it possible to get pop up messages in Salesforce.  Specifically we have a field called Academic Calendar

If IsChanged(Academic Calendar)=True then have a message pop-up saying "Please verify the semester field in accurate".


If this is possible, how can it be accomplished.


Thank you.



I am trying to create some help documentation for our product (called PIMS) that is going to be listed on the Appexchange. 


As part of PIMS, I am writing up some help documentation.  I would like to put this documentation in a format that a prospect/customer can use after downloading our PIMS application into their org. 


I was looking at RoboHelp from Adobe as a tool for publishing the help documenation information for PIMS.


It would be great if I was able to understand what kind of software SFDC uses to publish their help documentation.  This way, any existing SFDC user would have a similar UI when they clicked the help button tosearch/navigate/read the help docs. 


Does anybody have any advice on the best strategy for publishing help documentation for an ISV/OEM product hosted on the Appexchange?



Hi Friends


  I  need to send mass emails to my salesforce contacts or leads.I prefered to do this work through vertical response api

  I didnt know the  vertical response mass email limitation in salesforce.If any one know  "how to send the mass email

  by using vertical response API " and the limitation, please let me know me..






Is there a way to increase the number of managed packages allowed (we already have 1 managed package and cannot upload another) or a simple way to transfer to a new dev org.  When we transfer via eclispe it strips out the first namespace 

When you initially deploy a managed package to a new org, for the things that cannot be packaged does anybody have any tips on how to get them setup in the new org (other than manually doing them via the point & click UI in setup)?  ie for items such as:

-time based workflow

-sharing rules

-field history tracking

-page layout assignments


Similarly, for things in a package that are not upgradable, how to get any new changes applied to the new org other than manually doing them:

-page layouts



-email templates