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My users find it confusing to see Salesforce as the title of the browser/browser tab.  Is there a way to customize this?





I asked this question during the recent webinar, but got no answer.


How do you test apex code that requires the use of self-service portal users when the DML operation to create self-service portal users is not allowed?


For now, outside of my test code, I have to create a dummy account, a dummy contact, and then a dummy self-service portal user. Then I have to hope no one deletes this by accident, or my test code no longer works.


I know that, like users, you cannot delete self-service portal users. But you can create users in Apex test code that go away when the test completes.


Why can't you create self-service portal users in apex code?


I posted this a while ago in another forum




I've installed Eclipse Ganymede version 3.4

I click Hellp|Software Updates and Add Sites

and put in http://www.adnsandbox.com/tools/ide/install/

When i select Force.com IDE nothing shows and the Install button never becomes enabled!!!


I desperately need to bring my triggers from sandbox to production.





I had a custom object (Interests) with a lookup field.

I realized I should have made it a master-detail relationship with Contacts.

After changing to master-detail there was no longer an Interests and Contacts report type in Other reports like there was when it was just a lookup.

Now none of my reports work :(

Any advise or documentation on how Report Types work with master-detail?  Aren't they auto created?



hi i'm create an email template using fields from both my Contact object and a custome object. the custome object fields can be selected but no data appears in the email wherever i used them any ideas? thanks Tammy
This is really dumb.  I can't find the Opportunity Tab.  I go in and give all permissions and set it to Default On but still when I look at 'all tabs'  Opportunity does not show.
What am I missing?
haven't a clue how to figure out how to write triggers.  none of the examples have enuff explanation to get me going.
i want to write a trigger that does the following:
the trigger needs to fire on update of contacts.Account
it would have to look up the accounts.organization_code__c where accounts.Name=contacts.Account
and make contact.org_code__c =account.organization_code__c
any takers :)
i was surprised to realize lastmodifieddate isn't a standard field for my custom objects
how to i create a lasmodifieddate field for these objects
i have an engineer who wants to know if he can be notified whenever a particular word appears in our salesforce db
seems like it should be possible
any thoughts on how i could make this happen
for instance, the word microsystems is flagged and any time it appears in a support case, product usage etc, he gets notified
two more questions :)
my users find it frustrating that the dropdowns of field names (for example, when creating a view) are not alphabetic
is it possible to modify this?
i'm getting into a time cruch to complete this project
the default telephone format based on my locale is not what i want
i'd pefer if all phone numbers were forced to look like
613.555.5555 ext xxxx
so, user enters 10 numbers it formats as above
user enters more than 10 the format assumes international
else error
how do i go about this in salesforce
i assume i use a validation rule
could some show me a rule they've used for this