• fifedog15
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Hello all, I receive the following message in Trailhead. I think that the exploration and filter are set up properly. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Would you please help?
I am seeing some issue with Process Builder and I just spent a lot of time testing it for a project that I am working on.  I am making this post for a couple reasons. First someone else my benefit from the time I spent testing and second, someone may have figured out what I have not been able to.  The project involves using information from a Contact associated with a Case to use as input to an invocable Apex method when the Case's Status is changed to 'Closed.'  Although this specific example deals with a parent record of the case object, I assume that the issues that I am seeing would be the same with any parent child relationship.

The Process Builder flow will consist of a simple set of criteria to determine if the case status has been changed and if the new status is closed.  If that criteria is met, the flow action will then use information from the associated contact record.

The issue does not seem to be with my Apex classes or invocable methods as I have been able to replicate the issue even when not calling any Apex.  To test Process Builder, I created a simple process that copies the associated Contact's email address to the Description field on the Case when the case status is changed to Closed.

The first thing that seems odd to me about Process Builder is that there are two ways to reference fields of associated parent records:

The first gives you a reference like this [Case].ContactEmail.  
User-added image

The second give your a reference like this [Case].Contact.Email.
User-added image

I tested both of these ways of referencing the parent field and neither one of them seems to work completely.  

My testing scenarios tested with three types of cases:
Scenario 1: Cases where there was a contact associated with it and the email field of the contact had an email address in it.
Scenario 2: Cases where there was a contact associated with it but the email field on the contact was blank
Scenario 3: Case that had no contact associted with them

With the Process Builder flow activated and for each of the above three scanrios, I test to see if the following worked correctly.
1. Can you successfully save a new scenario 1, 2 and 3 case with no flow errors.
2. When manually changing that status of a single case to 'Closed', will the flow trigger when it should and not trigger when it should not without any flow errors
3. When performing a bulk change (I used Data Loader) to change case statuses to Closed, will the flow trigger when it should and not trigger when it should not without any flow errors.

The Process Builder criteria was as follows:

Field                                                                     Operator             Type             Value
(One of the two ways to reference Contact email)     IS NULL             BOOLEAN     FALSE     AND
[Case].Status                                                        IS CHANGED     BOOLEAN     TRUE      AND
[Case].Status                                                        EQUALS             PICKLIST     CLOSED

Here are the results of my testing:

Process Builder Criteria = [Case].Contact.Email AND Flow Action using [Case].Contact.Email    
    Scenario 1: Contact is associated with Case and contact email address is filled in:
        Can save new Case? Yes
        Single manual status change: Success - Contact's email address copied to case description field
        Bulk status change: Success - Contact's email address copied to case description field
    Scenario 2: Contact is associated with Case, but email address is null:
        Can save new Case? Yes
        Single manual status change: Failed - Flow error received
        Bulk status change: Failed - Flow error received
    Scenario 3: No Contact associated with case:
        Can save new Case? No - Flow error received
        Single manual status change: Failed - Flow error received
        Bulk status change: Failed - Flow error received 

Process Builder Criteria = [Case].ContactEmail AND Flow Action using [Case].ContactEmail
    Scenario 1: Contact is associated with Case and contact email address is filled in:
        Can save new Case? Yes
        Single manual status change:  Success - Contact's email address copied to case description field
        Bulk status change: Failed - Workflow did not fire. Email NOT copied to Case Description field, but no flow error
    Scenario 2: Contact is associated with Case, but email address is null:
        Can save new Case? Yes
        Single manual status change: No Flow Error Message
        Bulk status change:  No Flow Error Message
    Scenario 3: No Contact associated with case:
        Can save new Case? Yes
        Single manual status change: No Flow Error Message    
        Bulk status change: No Flow Error Message

I also tested the criteria where there was an additional criteria line that tested if [Case].contactId was not null but got flow errors and tested criteria with the following formula criteria:

NOT(ISNULL([Case].Contact.Id)) && 
NOT(ISNULL([Case].ContactEmail)) &&
ISPICKVAL([Case].Status, 'Closed')  &&
PRIORVALUE([Case].Status)  <> 'Closed'

and that did not work either.

So, based on my testing, you cannot ever use  [Case].Contact.Email because the user will get flow errors.  Using  [Case].ContactEmail works, but users must know that bulk updates will not trigger flows.  Has anyone else come up with a completely working set of criteria for this type of scenario?

I checked known issues for process builder and did not see anything that matched the situation.

We have a department that needs to utilize the API to update Cases and EmalMessage Objects in Salesforce but I do not want them have access to any other objects.

Is there a way to grant them the ability to use the WSDL/API but restrict their access to just those objects?
I am preparing for Developer 1 exam. As I am confused with below questions, it would be much helpful to find out the correct answer for them. My Answers are menioned in the brackets.

1.  Which requirement needs to be implemented by using standard workflow instead of Process Builder? Choose 2 answers.
             A.Create activities at multiple intervals.   (ANS)
             B. Send an outbound message without Apex code. (ANS)
            C. Copy an account address to its contacts.
            D. Submit a contract for approval.

2.  How can a developer refer to, or instantiate, a PageReference in Apex? Choose 2 answers
           A. By using a PageReference with a partial or full URL. (ANS)
           B. By using the Page object and a Visualforce page name. (ANS)
           C. By using the ApexPages.Page() method with a Visualforce page name.  
           D. By using the PageReference.Page() method with a partial or full URL.

3.  A developer has a single custom controller class that works with a Visualforce Wizard to support creating and editing multiple sObjects. The wizard accepts data from user Inputs across multiple Visualforce pages and from a parameter on the initial URL. Which statement is unnecessary inside the unit test for the custom controller?
            A. public ExtendedController(ApexPages.StandardController cntri) { }  
            B. ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters() put('input', 'TestValue);
            C. Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef);
            D. String nextPage = controller.save().getUrl(); (ANS)

4. A developer wants to display all of the available record types for a Case object. The developer also wants to display the picklist values for the Case.Status field. The Case object and the Case Status field are on a custom visualforce page. Which action can the developer perform to get the record types and picklist values in the controller? Choose 2 answers

           A. Use Schema.PIcklistEntry returned by Case Status getDescribe().getPicklistValues(). (ANS)
           B. Use Schema.RecordTypelnfo returned by Case.SObjectType getDescribe().getRecordTypelnfos()
           C. Use SOQL to query Case records in the org to get all the RecordType values available for Case.  (ANS)
           D. Use SOQL to query Case records In the org to get all value for the Status pickiest field.

5. An sObject named Application _c has a lookup relationship to another sObject named Position_c. Both Application _c and Position c have a picklist field named Status_c. When the Status c field on Position __c is updated, the Status_c field on Application _c needs to be populated automatically with the same value, and execute a workflow rule on Application c. Flow can a developer accomplish this?

      A. By changing Application c.Status_c into a roll-up summary field.
      B. By changing Application c.Status_c into a formula field.  (ANS)
      C. By using an Apex trigger with a DML operation.
       D. By configuring a cross-object field update with a workflow.

6. )   Which type of code represents the Controller in MVC architecture on the Force.com platform? Choose 2 answers

        A.JavaScript that is used to make a menu item display itself.
        B. StandardController system methods that are referenced by Visualforce.(ANS)
        C. Custom Apex and JavaScript code that is used to manipulate data. (ANS)
        D. A static resource that contains CSS and images.

7. A developer needs to provide a Visualforce page that lets users enter Product-specific details during a Sales cycle. How can this be accomplished? Choose 2 answers

            A. Download a Managed Package from the AppExchange that provides a custom Visualforce page to modify.
            B. Create a new Visualforce page and an Apex controller to provide Product data entry.  (ANS)
            C. Copy the standard page and then make a new Visualforce page for Product data entry.
            D. Download an Unmanaged Package from the AppExchange that provides a custom Visualforce page to modify.  (ANS)

8.  The Review_c object has a lookup relationship up to the Job_Application_c object. The job_Application_c object has a master-detail relationship up to the Position_ object. The relationship field names are based on the auto-populated defaults What is the recommended way to display field data from the related Review_c records on a Visualforce for a single Position_c record?

          A. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and cross-object Formula Fields on the Job_Application c object to display Review_c data.
          B. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and a Controller Extension to query for Review _C data.
          C. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and expression syntax in the Page to display related Review c data through the Job_Application_c object.
          D. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and cross-object Formula Fields on the Review_c object to display Review_c data.   (ANS)

9.  On a Visualforce page with a custom controller, how should a developer retrieve a record by using an ID parameter that is passed on the URL?
             A. Use the constructor method for the controller.   (ANS)
             B. Use the $Action.View method in the Visualforce page.
             C. Create a new PageReference object with the Id.
             D. Use the <apex:detail> tag in the Visualforce page.

10. A developer creates an Apex helper class to handle complex trigger logic. How can the helper class warn users when the trigger exceeds DML governor limits?
           A. By using ApexMessage.Message() to display an error message after the number of DML statements is excel
           B. By using Messaging.SendEmail() to conthtinue the transaction and send an alert to the user after the number DML statements is exceeded.
            C. By using PageReference.setRedirect() to redirect the user to a custom Visualforce page before the number DML statements is exceeded.
             D. By using Limits.getDMLRows() and then displaying an error message before the number of DML statements exceeded. (ANS)

Thanks Much for the help in Advance
Hi All, 

Maybe I am missing something but I am going around in cirlces with the Contacts without Hobbies report. I have: 

1. Created a custom report type to get Contacts without hobbies 
2. Created an Account Value bucket field
3. Create a % Open Opps Formula 
4. Added First Name, Last Name, Total Opp Value, Open Opp Value, Phone, Email, %Open Opps to the report 
5. Summarised by Account Value then Account 

And im still getting an error: 

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The 'Contacts Without Hobbies' report is not configured correctly.

I have added screenshots of all the pieces - hoping someone else has hit this issue 

User-added image

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User-added image
Hi everyone!
I have a problem with the challenge, my App work fine but I don´t pass the challenge. This is my code:

<aura:component controller="CampingListController">
    <ltng:require styles="/resource/SLDS105/assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system-ltng.css"/>

	<aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.doInit}" value="{!this}"/>
     <aura:attribute name="newItem" type="Camping_Item__c"
     default="{ 'sobjectType': 'Camping_Item__c',
                    'Price__c': 0,
                    'Quantity__c': 0}"/>
    <div class="slds-card slds-p-top--medium">
    <ui:inputText aura:id="campname" label="Camping Name"
        value="{!v.newItem.Name}" required="true"/>
    <ui:inputCheckbox aura:id="packed" label="Packed?"
     <ui:inputCurrency aura:id="price" label="Price"
        value="{!v.newItem.Price__c}" required="true"/>
     <ui:inputNumber aura:id="quantity" label="Quantity"
        value="{!v.newItem.Quantity__c}" required="true"/>
    <ui:button label="Create Camping" press="{!c.clickCreateCamping}"/>
    <aura:attribute name="items" type="Camping_Item__c[]"/>	 
    <div class="slds-card slds-p-top--medium">
        <header class="slds-card__header">
            <h3 class="slds-text-heading--small">Campings</h3>
        <section class="slds-card__body">
            <div id="list" class="row">
                <aura:iteration items="{!v.items}" var="item">
                    <c:campingListItem item="{!item}"/>

    // Load expenses from Salesforce
	doInit: function(component, event, helper) {

    // Create the action
    var action = component.get("c.getItems");

    // Add callback behavior for when response is received
    action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
        var state = response.getState();
        if (component.isValid() && state === "SUCCESS") {
            component.set("v.items", response.getReturnValue());
        else {
            console.log("Failed with state: " + state);

    // Send action off to be executed
    clickCreateCamping: function(component, event, helper) {
	        // Create the new expense
	        var newCamping = component.get("v.newItem");
	        helper.createItem(component, newCamping);
    createItem: function(component, camping) {
        var action = component.get("c.saveItem");
            "item": camping
    	action.setCallback(this, function(response){
        var state = response.getState();
        if (component.isValid() && state === "SUCCESS") {
            var campings = component.get("v.items");
            component.set("v.items", campings);
    validateCampingForm: function(component) {
     	var validQuantity = true;
        var validPrice = true;

        var nameField = component.find("campname");
        var campname = nameField.get("v.value");
        var quantityField = component.find("quantity");
        var quantity = quantityField.get("v.value");
        var priceField = component.find("price");
        var price = priceField.get("v.value");
        if ($A.util.isEmpty(campname) || $A.util.isEmpty(quantity) || $A.util.isEmpty(price)){
            validQuantity = false;
            validPrice = false;
            nameField.set("v.errors", [{message:"Camping name, quantity or price can't be blank."}]);
        else {
            nameField.set("v.errors", null);
		return(validQuantity && validPrice);        
public with sharing class CampingListController {

    public static List<Camping_Item__c> getItems() {
        // Check to make sure all fields are accessible to this user
        String[] fieldsToCheck = new String[] {
            'Id', 'Name', 'Packed__c', 'Price__c', 'Quantity__c'
        Map<String,Schema.SObjectField> fieldDescribeTokens = 
        for(String field : fieldsToCheck) {
            if( ! fieldDescribeTokens.get(field).getDescribe().isAccessible()) {
                throw new System.NoAccessException();
                return null;
        // Perform isAccessible() checking first, then
        return [SELECT Id, Name, Packed__c, Price__c, Quantity__c 
                FROM Camping_Item__c];
    public static Camping_Item__c saveItem(Camping_Item__c item) {
        // Perform isUpdatable() checking first, then
        upsert item;
        return item;
I am still getting this error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The campingList JavaScript helper isn't saving the new record to the database or adding it to the 'items' value provider.

My App save the new record into the database and add it to the "items" list.
Thanks for your answers!


Working the "Handle Actions with Controllers" trailhead module and I'm not getting past the validation.
If I put the component in a test jig, I can see the button function and set the check box as expected.

Here is the code I'm using to set the item as packed...

component.set("v.item.Packed__c", true );

I'm assuming the validator does not like my syntax. Can you give me a hint to get past this?


I launched the developer edition, created the My Data app and activated it.  I get this error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'MyData' Lightning App was not found.

Any ideas why it's not finding the app.  I see it there and it's activated.
I'm trying to configure the IDE and I'm not getting the Perspective in the options for the Force.com.  I am on a Mac iOS 10.9.5
Below are the things I've done and have looked at:
  1. I have read the Install Guide at: https://developer.salesforce.com/page/Force.com_IDE_Installation
  2. I've installed the JDK from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html (However this version listed is 8, not 7)
  3. From the guide I'm not sure what plugin this statment is refering to "(note: the full JDK is not the default JRE installation on Mac OS X)"
  4. I've tried to go to the Eclipse market place and install the plugin from there but I'm getting this error below, about not able to read the repository.
Any and all help appricated.

Unable to read repository at http://www.adnsandbox.com/tools/ide/install/.
http://www.adnsandbox.com/tools/ide/install/ is not a valid repository location.
Hi!! :D
Hope everyone are fine!
I found these amazing gadget (beacon) and I was thinking if there is something to do with these ones and Salesforce (I hope). Has anyone work with these gadgets and SFDC?
I appreciate your collaboration.
How can i restrict users to login salesforce with same username from different sources (Desktop, Phone, Tablet) with same IP Address and similar login hours ?
I've done several hours of work today and even some in the past.  I completed some items earlier today, but now that I've logged in again it has no recording of any points, badges or anything.  It's all gone! 
I'm befuddled on why I'm getting the generic unhandled fault message when I have a fault message built into the flow, any ideas?

Error Message: An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow
An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information.

Screen shot of flow: http://screencast.com/t/ADXvW0Eb8W

Hi all,
I need to know , what actually happens if two people log in to SF at the same time?  My guess is that they would share the back end session so it could get very confusing because they could edit the same record at the same time.

To prevent this happening (apart from just telling people not to share username/password) is there any way for a session to know that it is already logged in?  Something like a "isLoggedIn" variable?

Thanks in advance 



I created a Flow to collect data from customers. I did not want people to login to our grant portal so I also created a VisualForce page that people can click on to enter this information (https://oedit.secure.force.com/portal/ITO_Export_Sales_Update )  I have filters on the Flow which one is to pull only 2013 Opportunities.


I have been researching how to fix this but not having much luck.


Help please.


Encountered unhandled fault when running process International_Export_Project_Sales/301a0000000ChCH exception by user/organization: 00D30000001FgwT/{4}

interaction.dal.exception.DALExecutionFault: unable to parse field as dataType could not be retrieved for the passed field: RawFieldImpl[tableName: Opportunity, columnName: Year__c] > RETRIEVE

caused by element : Data lookup.Opportunity_Lookup

caused by: interaction.dal.exception.DALExecutionFault: unable to parse field as dataType could not be retrieved for the passed field: RawFieldImpl[tableName: Opportunity, columnName: Year__c] > RETRIEVE







In my flow, I would like to decide dynamically which text will appear in the "Display Text"  element for the user.


I've tried this but it is literally printing it out and not interpreting it:


{!IF((1 = 1),"Case A","Case B")}


Anyone knows how I can get it working?

