• MarkL.ax269
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I'm a Mac user and Trapdoor is indispensable, fantastic application. Love it! However I recently have a need to work on a Win7 machine and being without Trapdoor is a royal pain. :) Are there any plans to port it to Windows or failing that, any Trapdoor-ish apps for Windows? You'd sure find a lot of new fans there.

I'm using a list controller and a parent-to-child query to return a fairly simple list of parent records and their associated children. Note that the children have a lookup relationship to the parent. I want to filter the children in the child query using "in" criteria, but I keep getting this error:


Variables__r where Variable_Master__c in :this.vmIds) from Account ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:106 unexpected token: ':'


It looks like this type of filter doesn't work in child relationship queries in a list controller.  I know vmIds is a valid list because I use it elsewhere without a problem.


This errors:


setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([select Id, Name, (select Id, Account__c, Variable_Master__c from Variables__r where Variable_Master__c in :this.vmIds) from Account where Name like :this.queryAcct and Status__c = 'Active' order by Name]));

 This works:



setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([select Id, Name, (select Id, Account__c, Variable_Master__c from Variables__r) from Account where Name like :this.queryAcct and Status__c = 'Active' order by Name]));

 This also works:


setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([select Id, Name, (select Id, Account__c, Variable_Master__c from Variables__r where Variable_Master__r.Name like 'S%') from Account where Name like :this.queryAcct and Status__c = 'Active' order by Name]));



Anyone ever seen something like this?  I first built a version that returned a simple list (didn't use a StandardSetController) and while that worked, I occasionally got record sets that were too large.  So I changed it to the list controller and started seeing this problem.  It's only when I use the colon notation that it errors, looks like a bug.


I've got a visualforce email template we use to send detailed information to our clients. However my users would like to be able to type/edit the email body before sending so they can include additional information. Most templates allow this, but the VF template is read only. Is it possible to allow editing before sending? Probably something simple I'm missing. Thanks. Mark
I'm creating a VisualForce page that displays the results from a query using a custom list controller. The purpose is to give the users a report that can't be created with standard reporting. It's a "does not have child object" report, but I can't use rollup summaries because the criteria has to include the result of a formula field on the child. This would be so much easier if reports could be based on a SOQL statement (hint hint).

My query will return potentially thousands of records and displaying them in the VF page with a paginator works great. However I want to give them the option to export the full result set to Excel, much like a standard report will. Unfortunately getRecords only returns what's in the current page set. How can I get the full result set (up to 10,000 of course) exported to Excel?


I've run into some issues after the summer 09 update changing the behavior of commandButton/commandLink rerenders and it behaves differently in Firefox vs. IE. I've got a pageBlockTable with one column containing a "Copy" commandLink and the next column containing an inputField. Clicking the Copy link will copy the value from the inputField on that row to all other objects in the list. The commandLink then refreshes the pageBlockTable only so the copied values are displayed to the user. This much works perfectly in both Firefox and IE.

However IE goes a step further. After refreshing the pageBlockTable and displaying the copied values correctly, it then refreshes the entire page. Problem is, this causes the original queries to re-fire and all the object values are returned to their original values and the user's "copy" is wiped out before their eyes. This second refresh does not happen in Firefox.


<apex:pageBlockTable id="avlist" value="{!accountVariables}" var="av">
<apex:column headerValue="Copy">
<apex:commandLink value="Copy" action="{!copyFieldValue}" status="accountcopy" rerender="avlist" rendered="{!IF(contains(av.Category__c, 'Account'), 'true', 'false')}">
<apex:param name="avarid" value="{!av.Account__c}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="oncomplete" status="accountsuccess"/>
<apex:column headerValue="{!av.FieldID__c} {!av.Variable_Master__r.Name}">

<apex:outputPanel id="editvalue" rendered="{!IF(AND(OR(av.Type__c='Image',contains(av.Type__c, 'Text')), contains(av.Category__c, 'Account')), 'true', 'false')}">
<apex:inputField value="{!av.Value__c}"/>




Message Edited by MarkL on 06-18-2009 09:17 AM

I'm not sure if this is a cache issue, but it sure looks like something on the client side which is strange.  I have a VF page with a fairly complex layout for formatting purposes, that includes information from multiple related objects as well as two pageBlockTable tags.  It uses a custom controller to return various things.  This page allows the user to view the joined information and then "confirm" it for production.  The VF page is launched in a popup window from an scontrol page using a link like this:



The problem is, my IE7 users can run this VF page about 5 times and then the popup window will simply freeze and remain blank.  Closing IE7 and relaunching it solves the problem for another 5 times.  I'm looking at some IE7 settings but haven't solved it yet. FWIW I have run this confirmation page myself over 90 times in a row using Firefox and have not had the problem.  Do you think launching the VF page from an scontrol could cause this problem?




I'm getting this error seemingly at random on a new VF page I've been working on.  Sometimes the page works just fine and others the error occurs, even when performing exactly the same operation.


Error ID: 206982387-929 (-1994354179) 


The page is used to create junction records between the Account table and a custom Zip Code table, creating a many-to-many relationship.  I've read that there were some issues with junction objects and competing Master relationships, but not sure if this is the case here.   What does this error indicate?  Thanks.



I wasn't sure where to post this since it's a bug in the Data Loader that involves semi-joins and parent/child subqueries, and I will log a case with it too.  Anyone else seen this?  I'm trying to put together a very simple semi-join query that works just fine against the API in Eclipse, but fails with an "invalid query" error in the Data Loader.


select Id, Name, (select Id from Tasks) from Opportunity where Id in (select OpportunityId from OpportunityLineItem where Description = 'test')



If I remove the child sub-query it works fine in Data Loader, and the full query with the child query works fine in Eclipse.  Looks like a bug in Data Loader on query validation.



I've searched a lot of similar posts but can't come up with the solution I need.  I need to present a table to the user where the number of columns and rows is unknown until runtime.  I could create something that has all potential columns and just render them based on content, but there are potentially hundreds of possible columns and that number can grow - typically there are only a dozen or so that should be displayed.  I can almost get there with something like below, but <apex:Repeat> won't take a param, and what I end up with is repeating ALL records on every row, rather than just the values for that record.  Any idea how I can tackle this?


<apex:outputPanel id="cPanel">
<apex:Repeat value="{!taskSubjects}" var="subject">
<th><apex:outputText value="{!subject}"/></th>
<apex:Repeat value="{!contacts}" var="contact">
<td><apex:outputText value="{!contact.Name}"/></td>
<apex:Repeat value="{!cTasks}" var="ct">
<apex:param name="cid" value="{!ct.WhoId}"/>
<td><apex:outputText value="{!ct.ActivityDate}"/></td>




Message Edited by MarkL on 02-26-2009 09:24 AM
Message Edited by MarkL on 02-26-2009 09:26 AM
I'm trying to build a page that is a multi-purpose search tool.  The user makes a selection from a selectList (Account Search, Opportunity Search, etc.) which causes the appropriate component to render on the page.  The component contains input fields so the user can type in search terms, click a Search button and then a third table component is displayed below with the search results.  Sort of like the Advanced search combined with a List View.

My problem is, I can't figure out how to get a handle on the input text from the user, within the custom component.  Apparently the custom components are instantiated separately from the main page and if I use the same controller, I get a new instance of the class.  So I tried creating a new search object, instantiated from the main page, and then passed it to the component, using the input fields as the search object class variables.  Again, the page has no idea that values on the search object have changed.  It looks like once something is passed into a component, the link to the page is broken, and we have a new instance of "something."  Are components completely passive?

In the example below, the inputFields render with the initial values '1234' fine.  Then changing the value to '5678' and clicking an Update commandButton rerenders the fields, back to the original '1234'.  So the searchObj isn't maintained between the component and the page.  I've tried with simple text, custom classes, and last with a Product2.  Any ideas?

<apex:page id="thePage" standardController="Variable_Master__c" extensions="variableManagementController">
    <c:productSearch id="psearch" searchObj="{!searchObj}"/>

<apex:component >
<apex:attribute name="searchObj" description="Object to contain search terms." type="Product2"/>
 <apex:form id="search">
  <apex:pageBlockSection title="Search" columns="1" collapsible="false" showHeader="false">
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel for="prodName" value="Product Name"/>
    <apex:inputText id="prodName" value="{!searchObj.Name}"/>
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel for="prodCode" value="Product Code"/>
    <apex:inputField id="prodCode" value="{!searchObj.ProductCode}"/>

public class variableManagementController {
    public Product2 searchObj { get; set; }
    public variableManagementController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
     this.sc = controller;
     this.searchObj = new Product2(Name='Test',ProductCode='1234');


This is twisted, but I'll try to lay it out.  I've got a visualforce page being accessed via a URL button from the account page, with some parameters being added to the URL from the account.  The page contains a list of custom object records related to the account, accessed via a custom list controller.  I'm doing this because I want to use the standard controller for the custom objects (I'm updating them in the same screen), but the list has to be dynamic because it only shows those records related to the source account (so standard list controller isn't an option), and it works beautifully.

However I just implemented the simple Previous/Next pagination links and a selectList to set the pageSize, and discovered that they will reset the entire page to the base visualforce page URL without the parameters.  I used those parameters to specify limits on the custom list controller.  So the net result is something like this:
  1. Click URL button on account, new VF page is presented with the correct related records
  2. Click Previous/Next link, works fine, returning the pages of related records, BUT removes the params from the URL
  3. Change pageSize in the selectList to something else, rerenders the navigation links and the pageBlockTable
  4. Apparently causes my custom list controller to RESET and with the parameters removed, now I have a completely different set of records!
First, why would the previous/next methods cause the URL parameters to be removed, and second, why does changing the pageSize cause my custom list controller to re-run?

I'm a Mac user with Firefox and writing some of my first VisualForce pages.  Some of the context highlighting works very well, but the simple selected text highlight is almost impossible to see, nearly the same as the background.  The cursor is also the same light gray and is nearly impossible to see, and it's giving me a helluva headache.  I did look in IE7 and the highlighting there is much nicer, very easy to see.  Problem is, IE isn't an option for me.  Is there any way to customize the highlight colors, at least in Firefox?

I need to build an application that will allow a user update many records quickly in a single page.  The idea is to enter some search criteria (State, Name, Zip, date range, etc.), execute the query and return an Excel-ish table display to the user, where the individual cells are editable.  How would you go about getting this done as efficiently (and quickly) as possible?  Enhanced list views - in combination with a visual force page, this is almost there and the paginator makes it easy to work with a large number of records.  But the double-click/popup/save is just too cumbersome for really effective editing.  I also will not know the number of columns returned until runtime, so the table has to be seriously dynamic, both rows and columns.  Ideally the user would edit a cell, tab to the next and keep editing.  Changed cells would be highlighted and then when the user is ready, click a single button to commit all changes to the database.  What's the best approach to build something like this?

I've been very interested in the new semi-join feature because I was sure it would solve a problem I've been having.  But now I'm not so sure.  From the documentation, here's a simple semi-join:

select Id, Name from Account where Id in (select AccountId from Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Lost')

How is that any more helpful than this query?  Both return exactly the same thing:

select Account.Id, Account.Name from Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Lost'

Here's an example of what I really need to accomplish, and so far I'm not able to get this query to work.  This would pull a list of all Contacts on Accounts with a lost Opportunity.  It fails telling me "Cannot use a foreign key for outer field for semi join"

select Id from Contact where AccountId in (select AccountId from Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Lost')

Is this kind of query possible?  Or is there another way to get it done?

I'm not certain if this is a bug or the way I'm handling the results of QueryResultIterator, but I am not getting consistent results.  I'm using a simple relationship query to walk through Opportunity Line Items and the code returns different things depending on whether there is one or more than one line item.  You can see below, I'm referring to a TemplateID__c field which we use to control how some line items are created.  That field is critical to managing our line items and something has changed in the returns from the .next() call.  Here's what happens:
  • If the opportunity has 1 line item, then my lineItem variable will contain a flat record and I can reference the field as lineItem.TemplateID__c
  • If the opportunity has more than 1 line item it gets weird.  The first time through the loop, the lineItem variable is an array and I have to refer to the field as lineItem[0].TemplateID__c.  However the SECOND time through the loop it's flat!  And I can reference it as lineItem.TemplateID__c again.  So you can see the hack I inserted into the code.
Using Firebug I traced this back through and it is definitely the next() method that returns the flat vs. arrayed records.  This is repeatable, happens every time.  Took me forever this morning to figure out why my users were complaining.  FWIW this particular scontrol has been in place for months working fine until now.

strIdList = (list of opportunity Ids);
var result = sforce.connection.query("select o.Id, o.Name, o.CloseDate, o.HasOpportunityLineItem (select Id, PricebookEntryId, ServiceDate, TemplateID__c from OpportunityLineItems) from Opportunity o where o.Id in " + strIdList);
var oit = new sforce.QueryResultIterator(result);
while(oit.hasNext()) {
 var opp = oit.next();
 arrAllOpps[opp.Id] = opp;

...later processing each opportunity
var currentOpp = arrAllOpps[oppid];
//if (currentOpp.OpportunityLineItems) {
if (currentOpp.getBoolean('HasOpportunityLineItem')) {
 var lit = new sforce.QueryResultIterator(currentOpp.OpportunityLineItems);
 while(lit.hasNext()) {
  var lineItem = lit.next();
  var templateId = (lineItem.TemplateID__c == null) ? lineItem[0].TemplateID__c : lineItem.TemplateID__c;
  (...more operations on the line item)

One additional problem we had was the commented 'if' line.  That used to work, but lately I've had to change it to the getBoolean version.  Not a huge problem, but annoying that something changed.  Has anyone else seen something like this?

I've got the following workflow rule on Opportunity and for some reason I'm getting the "Rule not evaluated" in the debug log whenever the triggering criteria is met.

Rule Criteria
Opportunity: Opportunity Record Type equals Online Marketing Opportunity RT)
or (Price Book: Price Book Name equals Online)

Evaluation Criteria
When a record is created, or when a record is edited and did not previously meet the rule criteria

I created a brand-new opportunity, setting the record type to "Misc Sales" and then I chose the Online Pricebook, but did not add any products.  When this happened I got the following log entry, and note the prior workflow rule has exactly the same criteria, just "Media" instead.

Rule Name: Media Opportunity Closed
Evaluating Workflow Entry Criteria: 
[Opportunity : Opportunity Record Type equals Alternative Media Opportunity RT] OR
 [Price Book : Price Book Name equals Media]
Value found: 01260000000DKSA
Value found: Online
Criteria evaluates to false
[Opportunity: TEST Online Opp 0066000000AX04d]
Rule Name: New Online Opportunity
Evaluating Workflow Entry Criteria: 
Rule not evaluated

So then I switched the Pricebook to "Media" thinking I'd see if there was a problem with the Online rule, and I got this log entry:
Rule Name: Media Opportunity Closed
Evaluating Workflow Entry Criteria: 
Rule not evaluated
[Opportunity: TEST Online Opp 0066000000AX04d]
Rule Name: New Online Opportunity
Evaluating Workflow Entry Criteria: 
[Opportunity : Opportunity Record Type equals Online Marketing Opportunity RT] OR
 [Price Book : Price Book Name equals Online]
Value found: 01260000000DKSA
Value found: Media
Criteria evaluates to false

Basically if my "Pricebook Name" criteria is met, the rule isn't evaluated.  This causes a big problem because I need to notify people when these types of opportunities are created.  Why in the world isn't the rule being evaluated?  It seems like Salesforce is just being fickle.  :)



I'm building my own rule processor and I need access to field values where the field in question varies.  In other words, I need something similar to the ajax syntax for returning field values:

String currentValue = oli[fname];
String currentValue = oli.get(fname);

Does anything like this work in apex?  Both the above fail.  Thanks.

Yesterday I needed to deploy a minor change to an scontrol to my production org and ran into a serious problem.  This is the first time I've tried this other than a test trigger.  I made the change in sandbox and tested it, then selected Deploy to Server and ran into a buzzsaw.
  1. The IDE wanted to sync everything, which for some reason includes a lot of things that have not changed.  This is related to the synchronization issue I noted in my last post in this thread: Force.com IDE Synchronization Issue
  2. I deselected everything and then selected only the one scontrol I needed to update.  Validation failed because I have several triggers I am working on in the sandbox which are nowhere near ready for production, and do not currently have test coverage.  Apparently it validates everything, even when not selected!
This prevented me from using deployment and I had to update that scontrol.  So I bypassed good change control and simply pasted in the update directly into the production UI!

So are we seriously expected to cover even developmental triggers/classes with test methods, when all we need to do is update a simple scontrol?  That's silly.  There should be a way to selectively deploy exactly what we want without trying to sync everything, and on validation it should only look at what is selected.

This might be a dumb question, but for some reason I can't get the system log to return any information.  I've got the window open set to Apex Code/Debug, and I know my triggers are executing because I've got field updates.  But the system log remains silent, despite multiple System.debug calls.  This worked just fine last week, no idea why it's not now.  I made a couple minor edits to a trigger but that's it.  I did purposely create an error and that came back in the UI fine, futher verifying that the trigger is firing and is calling my apex class.  Field updates with my "debug" messages work and place the messages into the field, so it's definitely stepping through all the code.

I'm running Firefox and Eclipse with the latest Force.com IDE, on MacOSX 10.4.11.  I just cleared out the cache, reloaded and still nothing.  There's probably a really easy answer here, but what is it?

I'm trying to move to the new IDE and get everything in sync, but I've got a lot of "blue arrow" sync issues in my sandbox. Most of them are within referenced packages or installed applications. Opening the components in the compare editor shows they are exactly the same, so I'm not sure why I'm getting the sync error in the first place. I want to copy everything from the server to local to get it in sync, but syncing results in two issues.

1) If I try to Apply Server to Project on a referenced package, I get the "invalid thread access" message.

2) If I try to Apply Server to Project on an installed application component or unpackaged components like scontrols, it looks like it completes successfully. However it is not removed from the synchronize perspective and will appear again the next time.

I've got a visualforce email template we use to send detailed information to our clients. However my users would like to be able to type/edit the email body before sending so they can include additional information. Most templates allow this, but the VF template is read only. Is it possible to allow editing before sending? Probably something simple I'm missing. Thanks. Mark

I use SoqlXplorer daily. I just allowed it to update to 1.80. The new version boots, asks for a login, and when I select one that is stored in a keychain, it hangs. I've tried rebooting it, and I've tried directing it to a different sfdc instance (in a sandbox), with no improvement.


I downloaded 1.70 from http://www.pocketsoap.com/osx/soqlx/, and it does not exhibit this problem.

My environment is a MacBook Air, 10.8.2. Simon, let me know if you would like any other data.



Every time I click the link in an email post reply notification, I get this message.



The link you clicked is requesting an operation that requires authentication, but the authentication failed.
There are five main reasons why this may happen:

1) The link you clicked on was not generated for you, but was intended only for someone else's use to perform an action on their account. If the other person pasted such a link into a message body or you were re-directed to such a link from another link you clicked on, the authentication will fail and you will arrive here instead.

2) The link was valid for you, but your authentication ticket has expired. If this is the case, hit the back button in your browser and refresh the page containing the link. You will then get a fresh ticket and when you click on the link again it will work.

3) Your browser session may have expired. If so, hit the back button in your browser, then refresh the page containing the link you clicked on. You will get a fresh ticket and if you click on the link again it will work.

4) Your browser may be set to not accept session cookies (or the cookie may have been deleted, or you may have been prompted and refused the cookie), in this case you should modify your browser settings to accept session cookies, and/or accept the session cookie if you are prompted, in order to use this site.

5) Your browser arrived at this location from someplace other than this site (an external link or site), or your browser or security software may be set to not send referrer information, in this case you should use the links on this site itself or verify that your browser or security software settings allow sending referrer information, in order to use this site.

Return to my original page ..


If I close this page, and click the link in the email again, it usually works fine.  It's getting rather annoying though.




Our corporation instance of salesforce enterprise has been updated to winter 11, however when I click on my user name and go to system log, the old system log appears.


What do I need to do in order to enable the new one?


Thanks in advance!

  • October 11, 2010
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Hi everyone,
I actually built a "simplified search" option for our sidebar, and our teams love it!  It is a combination of a visualforce page and javascript. Follow the 4 steps below to do the same.  Hope this helps!

1) Create a Visualforce page called "advancedsearch"
2) Use the following code as your page (Hint: for the "&sen=" portions in bold, these identify the objects you want to search.  For example, &sen=001 is an Account (click on the Accounts tab, and you will see those three numbers in the hyperlink).  My code below searches: Accounts, Opps, Contacts, Leads, and Campaigns

<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
<apex:pageBlock >
<b>Enter search term: </b>
<apex:form >
function doSearch()
    var searchStr = document.getElementById('txtSearch').value;
    window.open('/_ui/common/search/client/ui/UnifiedSearchResults?sen=001&sen=003&sen=00Q&sen=006&sen=701&str=' + encodeURIComponent(searchStr), "_parent" );
<input type="text" id="txtSearch"/>
<input type="button" value="Go!" id="btnSearch" onclick="doSearch()"/>
(<strong>NOTE:</strong> Only searches Accounts, Opps, Contacts, Leads, and Campaigns)

3) Finally, go to setup > customize > home > home page components.  Create a new HTML area left sidebar component.  On the screen where you can enter in the HTML, make sure you select the checkbox "Show HTML" and then paste the following (this references your visualforce page and displays it in the sidebar):

<IFRAME height=150 src="/apex/advancedsearch?core.apexpages.devmode.url=1" frameBorder=0 width="100%"></IFRAME>

4) Add the custom component to your pagelayouts and test it out! 

I'm noticing issues with the new plugin related to syntax highlighting when editing VisualForce .page files. It intermittently stops highlight part of the text in the document. I haven't found a pattern when it occurs. 


It is also rendering squiggly yellow lines under my <apex:page> tag, and my first  <script> tag. Any ideas why? These are the first 2  items in my page.


<apex:page standardController="SR__c" 
	title="Entry Page" >
  <script type="text/javascript" src="{!URLFOR($Resource.jQuery142, 'js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js')}" />





Rich C. 



  • April 21, 2010
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Hi How do I get around this error message...

Collection size 1,609 exceeds maximum size of 1,000.



public String cname{get; set;} public List<SelectOption> getnames() { List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>(); List<Contact> namelist = new List<Contact>(); namelist = [Select Id, Name FROM Contact where Recordtype.name='Company' Order by LastName,FirstName]; options.add(new SelectOption('--None--','--None--')); for (Integer j=0;j<namelist.size();j++) { options.add(new SelectOption(namelist[j].Name,namelist[j].Name)); } return options; }



<td> <apex:outputlabel value="Company Names" for="cnamed" /> <apex:selectList value="{!cname}" size="1" id="cnamed"> <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="newvalue" /> <apex:selectOptions value="{!names}"/> </apex:selectList> </td>

 Thank you



I am in the middle of debugging an Apex/Visualforce application, and the maintenance that just occurred this evening (1/22/10) just completely changed the behavior of the debug logs.  Two problems with this new behavior:


- My filter settings don't seem to be saving.  For instance, when I change my filter settings to "FINEST" in Apex Code and Save, those changes do not show up when I go to filter settings again.


-MOST IMPORTANT: the log line does not show the method name. Here is an example of the new format:


23:35:20.840|USER_DEBUG|[157,4]|DEBUG|***s.Id b4: a4yQ000000000DAIAY


Notice - no method name in any of the debug lines.


I went to the Help and Training to find out if I am doing something wrong. It says the event identifier will log "any additional information logged with that event, such as the method name or the line and character number where the code was executed."  But they give an example pretty much like the one I copied and pasted in here -- no method name.


If anyone has any insight on how to get the method name to show or how to get the old debug log format to show, please be so kind as to respond.  If this is not possible, then salesforce just got 10 times harder to debug in my book.


Thanks for any help!

Message Edited by BodhiDharma on 01-23-2010 12:04 AM
I'm creating a VisualForce page that displays the results from a query using a custom list controller. The purpose is to give the users a report that can't be created with standard reporting. It's a "does not have child object" report, but I can't use rollup summaries because the criteria has to include the result of a formula field on the child. This would be so much easier if reports could be based on a SOQL statement (hint hint).

My query will return potentially thousands of records and displaying them in the VF page with a paginator works great. However I want to give them the option to export the full result set to Excel, much like a standard report will. Unfortunately getRecords only returns what's in the current page set. How can I get the full result set (up to 10,000 of course) exported to Excel?


I've run into some issues after the summer 09 update changing the behavior of commandButton/commandLink rerenders and it behaves differently in Firefox vs. IE. I've got a pageBlockTable with one column containing a "Copy" commandLink and the next column containing an inputField. Clicking the Copy link will copy the value from the inputField on that row to all other objects in the list. The commandLink then refreshes the pageBlockTable only so the copied values are displayed to the user. This much works perfectly in both Firefox and IE.

However IE goes a step further. After refreshing the pageBlockTable and displaying the copied values correctly, it then refreshes the entire page. Problem is, this causes the original queries to re-fire and all the object values are returned to their original values and the user's "copy" is wiped out before their eyes. This second refresh does not happen in Firefox.


<apex:pageBlockTable id="avlist" value="{!accountVariables}" var="av">
<apex:column headerValue="Copy">
<apex:commandLink value="Copy" action="{!copyFieldValue}" status="accountcopy" rerender="avlist" rendered="{!IF(contains(av.Category__c, 'Account'), 'true', 'false')}">
<apex:param name="avarid" value="{!av.Account__c}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="oncomplete" status="accountsuccess"/>
<apex:column headerValue="{!av.FieldID__c} {!av.Variable_Master__r.Name}">

<apex:outputPanel id="editvalue" rendered="{!IF(AND(OR(av.Type__c='Image',contains(av.Type__c, 'Text')), contains(av.Category__c, 'Account')), 'true', 'false')}">
<apex:inputField value="{!av.Value__c}"/>




Message Edited by MarkL on 06-18-2009 09:17 AM

Is anyone else encountering strange behavior with the actionStatus tag in their pages? I have a page that has several of these components and since the upgrade over the weekend they have become very finicky. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.


I am trying to build a simple example to reproduce but it has been difficult.


