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Whenever we run a manual "Get more Conversations" in the Twitter for Salesforce app for our Twitter Account we getting this error: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_PERSON_ACCOUNT_OPERATION, cannot reference person contact: [], Code Line:436


We have Person Accounts enabled in our org and it pulls in Twitter Searches fine - just not messages to our Twitter Account.


We have the lastest version of SF for Twitter installed - 4.2.12 - anyone know of a fix for this? Thanks!


We can't post to our Facebook page with the Salesforce for Facebook app. We get a message "Argument cannot be be null." It works if we post to Twitter. Here's a screenshot of what we are seeing:

Trying to install Salesforce For Facebook & Twitter into Full-Data Sandbox environment, but following issue encountered:

Note: All Validation Rules have been made in-active, all workflow rules are in-active. 

Have previously installed the package successfully in other sandbox environments without problem.


Your request to install package "Salesforce for Social Media R 4.2.2 2011.05.11" was unsuccessful. None of the data or setup information in your salesforce.com organization was affected.
If your install continues to fail, contact Salesforce CRM Support through your normal channels and provide the following information.


Package: Salesforce for Social Media (04tA0000000EstHIAS)
1. Apex Classes(01p20000000Edbw) testtriggers.testTwitterTestTriggerOnBeforeInsertUpdate()System.AssertException: Assertion Failed(sf4twitter)External entry point

Validation Errors While Saving Record(s)
There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "00DP00000008s9N: APEX_TEST_FAILED [01p20000000Edbw: testtriggers.testTwitterTestTriggerOnBeforeInsertUpdate(): System.AssertException: Assertion Failed(sf4twitter)External entry point]".




I have implemented Salesforce For Facebook and Twitter v4.


I have a requirement to hold the Facebook Id against more than one customer (Account), however, there is a check for duplicates built into the installed package.


Is there any way to disable this?

Does this application only work correctly with Fan Pages and won't synch with Individual Facebook pages???

Other than the fact that the app installs successfully, there are some serious troubleshooting issues with the Salesforce for Twitter 2.0 app. In attempting to get the app working for a client using Enterprise Edition. I've been running into several usability roadblocks that are requiring some serious revers-engineering.


To date, the most worrisome issue is the fact that the "Troubleshooting" link within the app (located on the right column of the Salesforce for Twitter" homepage). Other issues I will articulate below.

Hi, I installed the twitter application and I keep getting an error: "Field is not createable: Avatar Icon" any idea why? thanks

I'm hitting a brick wall here.  When a non-admin users tries to send a tweet with the new update, they get


No such column 'id' on entity 'sf4twitter__Twitter_Credentials__c'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. In this instance, it is not visible to the user because the custom object has not yet been deployed


As an admin, I can't even see an object with this name.  The user themselves has full access to all the Twitter related custom objects.  We're not using Twitter Contributors, nor do we have a need for that.


Is this an Object, or a Custom Setting?  Why would it be completely hidden from Admin view?


The objects I see, as an admin, are







Twitter_Credentials__c isn't even listed on the app's install page under View Installed Packages in the setup area.


Please help...

The request to twitter failed. Failed to parse XML due to: only whitespace content allowed before start tag and not F (position: START_DOCUMENT seen F... @1:1)| An error occurred for this search: [id : a0O300000027JzrEAE, page : 0]
The request to twitter failed.
System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=https://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline.xml?since_id=19360744679&count=99&page=0, Method=GET]
System.HttpResponse[Status=Unauthorized, StatusCode=401]
Twitter returned the following message while performing this action: Twitter error code: 401, Twitter Error Message: Invalid / used nonce. Please review Twitter error messages at http://apiwiki.twitter.com/HTTP-Response-Codes-and-Errors  and check Twitter’s system status at http://dev.twitter.com/status


Also, when I try to delete and readd the Twitter account, I get this when trying to regrant OAuth


The request to twitter failed. Failed to parse XML due to: only whitespace content allowed before start tag and not F (position: START_DOCUMENT seen F... @1:1)



This started over the weekend, without anything being touched.  We had some scheduled jobs set to run every 10 minutes to grab tweets related to a single Twitter account, and it was working fine for about 4 days.  Now, we're completely stuck, and having to revert back to using CoTweet.



We're getting the following when trying to install the new update that was released today.  I actually went in and reduced the number of fields with the External ID checkbox to 2, and it still fails to install.  We have one field marked as External ID, and another that was added by a managed package.  We need them both.  We actually don't even want the integration with the Contact object, but we can't get the install without that.
Recommendations anyone?
Your request to install package "Salesforce for Twitter R2.35 2010.07.15" was unsuccessful. None of the data or setup information in your salesforce.com organization was affected.

If your install continues to fail, contact Salesforce CRM Support through your normal channels and provide the following information.

Organization: ()
User: ()
Package: Salesforce for Twitter (04tA00000005b1PIAQ)


1. () reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields
Contact.Twitter_User_Id__c: reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields

Validation Errors While Saving Record(s)

There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "00DS00000005xy8: VALIDATION_FAILED [: reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields: Contact.Twitter_User_Id__c: reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields]".


You have this page talking about pulling relevant content from Facebook and Twitter,




So...where is the Facebook and Twitter feature set n Chatter?  How is it enabled?  Where do we setup FB and Twitter account info?  The screenshot seems to indicate that the FB connect is on the profile page, but...it's not.  It also seems to indicate that the Twitter integration that already exists (and creates cases) is included/enhanced.  Is this going to be (near) real time, or is it still based on a manual refresh?


Is the "you'll leverage" wording on this page hinting that this isn't available?  If so, shame shame on your marketing folks.  There's no flashy "safe harbor" statement on this page...:)


