• fred flores 20
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One of our developers randomly experienced an issue where the Lightning options are gone except Lightning Tokens. Even in the shortcuts section  all lightning shortcuts are gone. The change seemed to happen suddenly. We've tried to create a new user, but any new user seems to have a similar issue. No other existing developer has experienced this issue. Attached is a screen shot showing the missing items. 

User-added image

I have been self-teaching Salesforce to take the ADM201 exam since March 2018. I have completed the Salesforce Certification Trailmix (https://trailhead.salesforce.com/users/00550000006yDdKAAU/trailmixes/prepare-for-your-salesforce-administrator-credential), and have been studying the Salesforce help docs diligently. I am reluctant to use unofficial study materials, as I don't want to be misled by inaccurate information, and have already seen discrepencies between sites. I have taken the official Salesforce Practice Test a few times, only doing marginally better each time. Here is my most recent result:
Scores from my 3rd Practice Test. On previous attempts, I had done better on the lower-weighted sections, but worse on the heavier parts

It is rather unfortunate that we are left in the dark about which specific areas of improvement are needed. The ADM201 Study Guide recommends 6 months real-world experience to pass the exam. Trouble is, I have no real-world Salesforce experience, even as a user in an organization. To gain experience, I have applied to some nonprofits that need help, but even they all want certified admins. How common is this?

What should I do? I'd love to get some advice, as well has hear your experiences. I'm really hoping someone can shine a light.


How do I get Sfdc to appear on window object in javascript? What library to I pull in?
Based on the following Trailhead exercise https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trails/automate_business_processes/projects/flow_calculate/steps/flow_calculate_implement
the flow does calculate the percentage but does not calculate the discount value in currency as noted in the lesson? I added the field to the page which was missing I assume the flow needs additional steps for the value to place into Discount_Amount__c. 
I am attempting to install an app in completing a training module.  Installing the app requires my user name and password.  Don't know the current password (regular SFDC password doesn't work).  Can't reset the password with knowing my training entity city of birth.  So, without this information, I can't complete the training module.
Key words: sfdx force (Trailhead DX) 
When I use the following command "sfdx force:source:push"
the returned value is Error after push less sfdx force AccountLocator
the reference lesson is: 
https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/modules/sfdx_app_dev/units/sfdx_app_dev_build_app. Need help to resolve the file definition for AccountLocator.design and AccountLocator.cmp. Can't move onto the next lesson since I am using the geolocation code as the parent (project).

Thanks Fred Flores
I am working in trailhead and the requirement is to create a new wave org to test Einstein Analytics. 
I tried to create two new user accounts both failed to login:
Username: floresfml@sbcglobal.net.lrn; system responds with a link to reset the password, the error is based on system indicates a question " pet name?" but I have not setup the answer, therefore, the system fails to allow me to log in.I retested this with a second username ca.fred.flores@outlook.com. Found the same error. I have also tried to log a ticket with Salesforce. This does not work.

Fred Flores
Professional SalesforceProject Manager / Certified System Administrator.
In the following trail head Lab:

The instructions are to enable "Live Agent"  so you can continue the lesson. When I click on enable the system does not respond? There is no error message just not committing the action?
the Live Agent endpoint is indicated  https://d.la4-c2-was.salesforceliveagent.com/chat/rest/

My org: https://cunning-goat-453599-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com
ID: 00D41000001MEkk
email: floresfml@sbcglobal.net 
This lab is stuck.
Fred Flores
I am trying to complete the salesforceDX trail (Convert and Deploy an Existing App). In the command line when I try to create the following scratch-org 
sfdx force:org:create -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a MyScratchOrg
I get this error:
ERROR running force:org:create:  You do not have access to the [ScratchOrgInfo] object.
Also, I am logged in DevHub.
I recently took the maintenance exam and failed. I tried to retake the  exam again. The problem found is related to WebAssessor will not allow me to create a new exam. The field for promotional  code indicates invalid promotional code. Based on the standard available information about maintenance release are supposed to be free. I opened a Case and waited for response. Today I called Technical support and then said they would need to reach out to someone within Salesforce Chattergroup what works on Certifications. This is critical given I will lose my Salesforce Admin certification if I don't pass this maintenance exam by 7/14/2017 which is the deadline. The Case # is 00165185. I look forward to getting a response. I would hope with the delays since the ticket that I could get a 1 week delay before expire to allow me to retake the maintenance exam a few times given that is the standard today. I am a dedicated user of Salesforce and spend alot of time in Trailhead. I have completed the Winter 17' badge in practice.

Thanks for your response
Fred Flores
user ID: floresfml@sbcglobal.net.dev
Email: floresfml@sbcglobal.net 
I have this very simple class..  
trigger RestrictContactByName on Contact (before insert, before update) {
    //check contacts prior to insert or update for invalid data
    For (Contact c : Trigger.New) {
        if(c.LastName == 'INVALIDNAME') {   //invalidname is invalid
            c.AddError('The Last Name "'+c.LastName+'" is not allowed for DML');
.. and the corresponding Test Class:  
private class TestRestrictContactByName {

	@isTest static void metodoTest() {
		List listaContatti = new List();
		Contact c1 = new Contact(FirstName='Francesco', LastName='Riggio');
		Contact c2 = new Contact(LastName = 'INVALIDNAME');
		//insert listaContatti;
		// Perform test
        Database.SaveResult [] result = Database.insert(listaContatti, false);
		c1.LastName = 'INVALIDNAME';
		update c1;

When I run the Test class from the Developer Console I get 100% of coverage on the RestrictContactByName class but, when I check the challenge on the trailhead it returns the error:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The 'RestrictContactByName' class did not achieve 100% code coverage via your test methods

Has someone had my same issue?