• WesGray
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Anyone know why I would be getting an Invalid Session error when I try to call a javascript function from an onclick event in the my Visualforce page.  The javascript function has a data call using the sforce.connection.query syntax.  Everytime I test fire my onclick event, I get a popup error on my VF page stating that the Invalid session...Illegal session and some other text....

Any help is greatly appreciated...

I'm sure there is a simple answer but I haven't been able to find it yet.  I have a custom object Employee which I have made a tab on my app.  I have a custom controller for the object, so in the VF page I have <apex:page Controller="EmployeeController">.  I want my VF page to display under the Employee tab and instead it displays under the Home tab.  How can I fix this?
I want all the standard buttons on a VF page, Edit, Delete, Clone as well as custom Buttons.
I figured out how to put the Edit and Delete buttons:
<apex:pageblockButtons >
           <apex:form >
               <apex:commandButton action="{!edit}" value="Edit" />
               <apex:commandButton action="{!delete}" value="Delete" />

But I can't use this method to include the Clone button because there is no {!clone} method in my controller.
Furthermore, I don't know how to go about including any of my custom buttons.
Any ideas?
I have the basic page created.  However, I need to look up a value and return the results in a table.  How do I do that.  I have the look up but it doesn't do anything.
Also I saw at a success tour where they turn off the tabs by changing one value, how do I do that.
Much appreciate the help.
Melissa Elliott
The Schumacher Group
I am trying to have the user input a few values in an S-Control, and then have those values passed to another S-Control for processing.  I am able to use URLFOR to go from one S-Control to another, but it doesn't seem to work when used from a form submit button.  For example, the following works:

<a href="{!URLFOR($SControl.Employee_Finder_Results)}">test</a>

but this doesn't:

<form name="input" action="{!URLFOR($SControl.Employee_Finder_Results)}" method="get">
<input type="text" name="user">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

Is there some other recommended way to take user input?  The parameter passing example in the Cookbook assume that you already know what the parameters you want to pass are.


Can any body tell me that what is the difference between Force.com platform and standard Salesforce.com CRM platform?


I heard that some of the functionalities and standard objects are not there in Force.com. To test this I have created two developer accounts with interest 'Salesforce.com customization' and ‘Force.com platform’. But I didn’t find any difference. All the standard objects in standard Salesforce.com CRM and Force.com are same.

I have 2 SFDC developer accounts with a custom app developed in one.  I was able to pack the app up and install it under the other account.  I would now like to copy the data to the new instance also.  Can anyone suggest a good way to do this?  I tried using Apex Data Loader, but the references between the tables get lost in the process.  Am I doing something wrong? 

Message Edited by WesGray on 05-19-2008 05:00 PM

I have a simple custom formula:

IF( (LEN( Fund)=0), "None",
IF(CONTAINS( "1203", Fund), "Retail Fund",
IF(CONTAINS( "1204", Fund), "Industry Fund",
IF(CONTAINS( "1205", Fund), "Value Fund"))))

And when I check the syntax I'm getting this error message:

"Field Fund does not exist. Check spelling."

The field "Fund" does exist, so I'm wondering what the issue is.

I have a custom object Employee which has a First Name field and a Last Name field.  I would like the "Record Name" displayed to the user everywhere for this object to be the concatenation of the First Name and Last Name field.  However, when the user enters a new Employee they should type First Name as one field and Last Name as another.  It seems to me that when I create a custom object the field name I give for the Record Name is the field that displays everywhere, but I don't see any way to make it a computed field. Is it possible to do this with a custom object? The build-in object Contact works this way, so I'm thinking there must be a way to do it.
How do you change the layout of the screen you get when you click "New" on a custom object list?
I am trying to do something which seems very simple, yet I can't figure it out.

I have one custom table, Employee, with a key of Employee ID (autonumber).  The Employee table has a field Supervisor which is a lookup field back to Employee.  So one Employee can have a link to another Employee who is their supervisor.  Now, when I am looking at an Employee record I don't want to see that their Supervisor is 00000001, I want to see the Employee.Name field of their supervisor.  I tried using a formula field with a merge field in it, but can't seem to get it to work.  Any ideas?  There *has* to be a way to do this.  Thanks!
I have an Employee object where Employee ID is the key field (aka the Record Name field).  When an employee shows up in the Recent Items list, the Employee ID is shown, which isn't very clear for the user.  Is it possible to make a different field show in the Recent Items list, specifically the Name field?

I've been trying to understand how much the self service portal can be customized, and it seems the answer is "not much".  I can see how to add columns to the Log and View tabs, but that is about it.  I don't see any way to add a custom tab, display a custom object, add a button, or add an sobject.  Am I missing something, or am I correct that the ability to customize the SS portal is very limited?
