• ckemp
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I need to be able to have an audit trail to track what data has changed for Salesforce objects (e.g. Opportunities, Leads, Accounts, etc.)  I thought there was some way to do this (a "track changes" sort of setting) but can't seem to find it.  Is there any way for a user to see a list of what changes were made when?



I have a requirement of writing a Java class that connects Salesforce and access a Salesforce Custom object and insert records into it.


Can this be done?

If yes, where can i get SFDC Java API for writing this.





I have set up the Java Partner API on our platform (Java/Spring/Hibernate) and am able to log in and do queries.  However, when I use this, it appears to be using an old version of the API.  For instance, I cannot access Event.StartDateTime or Event.StartEndTime which have been available at least since version 12.0, nor can I access Event.Type. 


How do I access these fields?  Is it possible to use the new Partner API somehow or do I have to manually do Web Services through something else other than the given com.sforce.soap.partner packages? (e.g. create my own XFire code)


I have a form which was formerly implemented as a drop-down selector, like this:

<select id="00N70000009jrvK" multiple="multiple" name="00N70000001jrvK">
<option value="Option 1">Option 1</option>
<option value="Option 2">Option 2</option>

Instead, I would like to use a series of check boxes, like this:

<input type="checkbox" value="Option 1" name="00N70000009jrvK">Option 1<br>
<input type="checkbox" value="Option 2" name="00N70000009jrvK">Option 2<br>

Will this work with Web2Lead?  Or should I be doing this another way since the "name" attribute should be unique?  I tried to find some documentation for Web2Lead to figure this out, but they only seemed to have examples of simple forms with drop-downs.  I was hoping someone who is familiar with this could steer me in the right direction.  Thanks!

Message Edited by ckemp on 11-21-2008 10:20 AM
I have a strange problem when installing a package that I've created.  I have a custom object tab added to my app for an object (let's call it MyCustomObject.)  After I install the app, I can see the tab when logged in as an administrator.  When I try and log in as a non-administrator, the tab is missing.  I can see other tabs in my app (web tabs) but not the tab for MyCustomObject.  I cannot add the tab either, as I normally would by clicking the arrow tab and trying and move it from "Available Tabs" to "Selected Tabs" (it's not in the "Available Tabs" list.)

When I check the profile for this user (a custom profile), they have read access to the object, so they should (in theory) be able to see it.  If I change their profile to include all access for that object (read, create, edit, delete), they still cannot see the tab.  They also have field accessibility to the object's fields (read-only, required, or editable for all fields.) 

I've really ran out of things to try and am hoping some brilliant Salesforce expert can help tell me what I need to do to make it appear for these users. :-)
I'm having problems uninstalling a Managed Beta package in my Sandbox.  When I try to do so, I get the errors:

Custom S-Control    MySControl1    The object "MySControl1" is in use by the object "Delete" and cannot be deleted.
Custom S-Control    MySControl2    The object "MySControl2" is in use by the object "Delete" and cannot be deleted.
Custom S-Control    MySControl3    The object "MySControl3" is in use by the object "New" and cannot be deleted.

These S-controls are used as Standard Button overrides (e.g. for the "New" and "Delete" buttons) and Standard Button overrides can't even be packaged!  So I'm not sure where this dependency is coming from.  Resetting the Custom Button overrides doesn't help either.  Has anyone else come across this problem?
Today, I tried uninstalling a trial version of an app that I got off of AppExchange. The uninstallation appears to have gotten stuck in the "pending" state. I noticed this same behavior in two other Salesforce instances with a different app yesterday. In those cases, the uninstall has now been in the pending state for about 18 hours. Is it normal for an uninstall to take this long? Has anyone else seen this?

I am trying to get two-way SSL authentication working between Salesforce and my Tomcat server so I can send encrypted web service calls from Salesforce.  One way works just fine.  However, when I try using the Client Certificate that I downloaded from Setup > App Setup > Develop > API, it gets rejected with a "bad_certificate" IO Exception because Salesforce's certificate expired in 2004 (!!).  I'm not the only one having this problem (see http://community.salesforce.com/sforce/board/message?board.id=general_development&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=19703)  Does anyone know where the new certificate is?
how do you send automated emails for the events we create??
    Hi everyone, I am fairly new to apex language.  I am trying to create a simple script that will create a new Opportunity (Renewal) if the Stage = "closed/won".  So, if an Opportunity Stage = "closed/won" create a new Opportunity, and duplicate any required fields and save the new record.  The trigger would also need to be dependent on Record Type because we have many other divisions using other Page Layouts or by Role. 

I have a hard time programming from scratch, especially on code that I have never written before.  Does anyone have examples of something like this?  Thanks

Message Edited by jk51141 on 05-06-2008 06:37 AM