• Umair Mohammad 10
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I for 1 week have not been able to upload an image here.  I select an image, click on Insert and the buttons remains depressed and nothing occurs.  I have tried refreshing + different browsers + different PCs. Urghh, any advise. And yes, the browers are up to date. 
Hi Team,
Need your assistance once again.  As always, I have attached images to better illustrate the ASK.
We would like to see specific roles (see image) to view the yellow highlighted fields on the case layout (see image) despite choosing any 1 of the 4 main record types they can choose from.

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Yellow highlighted fields
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I would like to understand what type of solutions can we utilize so I know those solutions.  
Much appreciated. 
Hi Folks, 

I tried creating a report by logging into another user's profile that utilizes email function, but was not able to acquire any records.  Yes, I have Enable  Email Tracking checkbox enabled. 

I cant seem to figure it out. Urghhh, any help would be appreciated :)  A FYI: our team sends email from within SF to customers.
Hi good folks,
Running into an issue that requries your help and feedback.  I downloaded Data Loader and after installing, I went through the prompts if I want to install it in the folder showing the path, a shortcut etc. I answerd Yes to all and I see Data Loader UI, but in the start menu I dont see it nor do I see it as a shortcut on my desktop.  

I have attached images to better illustrate the issue.

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Hi Team,

Our integration team is coming back and stating they are locked out of SF and unable to log in despite having the correct user, pass, & token.  We cross-checked if perhaps there was an issue due to case sensitivity, but we cleared that.  

Before we proceed with resetting the token.  I want to ensure we can validate the existing user name, pass, and token, but i dont know how.  

Is there a way to validate the above via dev console or/and postman? If so, can someone help me the, "how-to" please?

Thank you. 

I didnt know which topic to put this.  Here it goes.....
My director wants my manger and I (SF Admins), I been with the org for 1 year 3 months and my manager for more than a decade wants us to present for 7, yes 7 hours of Salesforce to non-tech users without going too technical.

My opinion was that 7 hours without going deep on the tech side is not exactly easty. Furthermore, he wants me and this is his line, "Explain Salesforce as you are teaching a first grader."

Just a little about me, i am also a commerical pilot. When I teach my daugther who is 9 years old about flying and trying to keep it simple, I have to go into some deep parts with illustration when she asks me for example, why does the plane stop flying in air and fall (proper term is stalling the aircraft)  To answer this, I have to go to the next level other than to say the wind wint. I cannot answer the why without going deep and saying angel of attack is high and the wing is no longer producing lift and the nose will pitch down.  But I digress.  

I have the following points that I want to cover below, but i am sure when my manager is back, he will have something to say.  I've asked some admins and the first question they asked, "who is the target audiance?" I said non-techies and next statement was, "wait, 7 hours of very limited tech jargon to cover SF and your businss process." I said, "exactly." 

I need some help. 

Heres is topics:

  • What is Salesforce
  • Salesforce Schema
  • Roles and Profiles
  • Permission Sets
  • OWD and sharing model
  • Sales Cloud
  • Service Cloud
  • Five9 telephony integration
  • Quiq integration
  • Case creation
  • Record Type Disposition Overhaul process
  • Salesforce User Management
  • How to deploy new enhancements and improvements System--->Full Sandbox--->Prod
  • Knowledge Articles


Good people, I have an inquiry.  This is coming from the director of the department, which our area (SF) falls under. 

I did some research on my own and figured it not an ask that can happen, but since I am noob, I reach out to the veterans. 

Is there a way to add a brief description to picklist or any values (data) in fields?  I have included 2 screen shots to better illustrate the ask..

User-added imageSo you can see billing is showing up in a small blip when hovering over Billing picklist value.

User-added imageWe want something similar like this blip but for field values.  
We want to add a very brief definition for each value of some of our fields in our org.

I hope this helps. 

Umair M. 

Hey good people,

I need assistance.  The dreaded has begun....PB migration to Flows and I still cant understand the workings and the nitty gritty.  I suppose the only way I will learn is thru expierence and making a ton load of mistakes.  

I copied the forumla from PB into Flow and i kept getting an error.  Can I get some assistance with this?

I have attached screen shots to better illustrate the ask.

Thanks in advance. User-added imageUser-added image

Hey good folks,

I have a rather unique request from one of the department.  I will copy her ask verbatim below:

"We want Omni Status of a consultant when they close  cases is, along with a sum of Omni status durations (sum of Omni Status “Project”, for example) as a joined report is our goal- but I am not sure if that is possible."

Is this possible? If not, can we get something close to this?

Thx in advance as always.


Good day folks,
I am in need of your expertise.
Recently, we re-org’d.  This entails creating a new role and possibly removing some roles or renaming them.  What I want to know is if there is a method or way to determine what will be impacted by removing or renaming roles i.e. if roles are hardcoded somewhere in process builder, flow etc.
Is there an app via the appexchange or another way to get a hold of this information.

Thx in advance

Greetings Folks. 
I was trying to create a WaveTemplate Object via Visual Code, but was not able to.  Any insight? 

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Greetings Team,

Our training team requires reports regarding how many articles are viewed daily.  

ASK:  A report + a dashboard, pretty simple.

So I downloaded the Knowledge app from the app exchange and used the pre-existing report Knowledge Article View in "my" company sandbox. 

I found something fishy.  I would look up for one article and on the report, i would refresh and should see the count go up by 1, but that was not the case, it would double and show 2.

I have attached screenshots to better depict the issue.

Report before I start serching for articles:
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Step 1:
I search for "test" in the global search and click on "Show more results for test."

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Step2: I click on "Test" article under Knowledge
User-added imageStep 3:
I refresh Weekly K.A. Article Views and should see under July 20th count go from 24 to 25 since I viewed it once.  But, I see the following below
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The count goes up to 27 instead of 25.  

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Any help would be appreciated.  

Hi Team,

I had a question in the realm of Knowledge Article.  Is there a way we Admins can determine precisely which user(s):
  1. has viewed article(s) 
  2. date of view
  3. time of view
  4. how many number of times (count)
  5. or any combinaton of the 4 points above

I am aware of the following:


Thanks in advance.

Hey ppl,

I tried installing a SF-Lab app, but got the following error:


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Any help will be appreciated.

Hey good folks,

Once again, I am back with another inquiry.  Straightforward question, but I have no idea the complexity of how to get what I need.

ASK: The ability to see Record Type (5) of them & see how many times their picklist values have been used. 

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance :) 
I have an ASK coming from the top and need the assistance of you all. 

ASK: We will need to give Salesforce access (create users) to users in our organization that will have extremely limited access to READ only for certain items.  Below is a screenshot I have provided to better illustrate the need.
Red boxes = What users should NOT see
Black boxes = What users should see and not be able to edit anything

The Why: These new users will only need to read and gather information to collect information

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Thx in advance:)

Greeting Folks,

I would like to know is there a tool or/and app that will tell us how many times a validation rule is firing in process builder & workflow, and flows?
I am working with the Senior Manager on the I.T. side.  They recently added 2 new quick actions to the case highlight's panel in Sandbox.  I can see the new actions buttons in one of the record types:
  1. Illustration # 1: Record Type: Retail--->Online Profile & Create Order on the Case page layout 
  2. Illustration # 2: Lightning Page for Retail Case Record Type
However, in another record type, the required dynamic actions has been reversed
  1. Illustration # 3: Record Type CC Systems & Reporting--->Online Profile & Create Order missing buttons missing
  2. Illustration # 4: Lightning Page for CC Systems & Reporting Case Record Type

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Hi good people.
I had an inquiry.  I am working on the utilizing hash-tag topic functionality in SF for our organization.  One of the ask was if there a possibility to generate a report on the hash-tag topics.  I have included a 2 screen shots  to better illustrate.

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I was able to create a list view w/ a filter criteria.User-added image

Thanks a bunch!!
One of the team is getting a component error.  I am still a new virgin SF admin.  I encloised a screen shot of the message and the component error.  Any help would be appreciated.

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I for 1 week have not been able to upload an image here.  I select an image, click on Insert and the buttons remains depressed and nothing occurs.  I have tried refreshing + different browsers + different PCs. Urghh, any advise. And yes, the browers are up to date. 
Hi good folks,
Running into an issue that requries your help and feedback.  I downloaded Data Loader and after installing, I went through the prompts if I want to install it in the folder showing the path, a shortcut etc. I answerd Yes to all and I see Data Loader UI, but in the start menu I dont see it nor do I see it as a shortcut on my desktop.  

I have attached images to better illustrate the issue.

User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image
Good people, I have an inquiry.  This is coming from the director of the department, which our area (SF) falls under. 

I did some research on my own and figured it not an ask that can happen, but since I am noob, I reach out to the veterans. 

Is there a way to add a brief description to picklist or any values (data) in fields?  I have included 2 screen shots to better illustrate the ask..

User-added imageSo you can see billing is showing up in a small blip when hovering over Billing picklist value.

User-added imageWe want something similar like this blip but for field values.  
We want to add a very brief definition for each value of some of our fields in our org.

I hope this helps. 

Umair M. 

Good day folks,
I am in need of your expertise.
Recently, we re-org’d.  This entails creating a new role and possibly removing some roles or renaming them.  What I want to know is if there is a method or way to determine what will be impacted by removing or renaming roles i.e. if roles are hardcoded somewhere in process builder, flow etc.
Is there an app via the appexchange or another way to get a hold of this information.

Thx in advance

Greetings Folks. 
I was trying to create a WaveTemplate Object via Visual Code, but was not able to.  Any insight? 

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Hey ppl,

I tried installing a SF-Lab app, but got the following error:


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Any help will be appreciated.

How can I find a way to determine the total # of cases in our org as of now? 

Will it be a report, if so what parameters should I use?

Umair M.  
User-added imageUser-added imageGood People,
I am attaching 2 screen shots for illustrative purposes.
ASK: I want the Escalation Note field to be RED for the font or at least have it bold faced so reps do not miss it.
Is there a way?
Thx in advance.

Hello Good People,

I have a field dependency inquiry.

ASK:  When a user selects field type (Refund) only, we want to make the the field types (Refund Amount) & (Store) required---> image is included


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Hey good people,

I am adding 3 images to better illustrate my ASK.

ASK: As a phone consultant, after I enter the store number on the case page layout, I want another field to appear on the same page layout with the corresponding zone number of the store on a new field called Zone.

Basically in short, as a phone consultant adds the store number (lookup field to account) in the field (see attached image), another field (called Zone) should appear with the correct zone number.

What is the easiest solution(s) to fulfill this ASK? 

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Any guidance/help will grealty be appreciated. 


Hi Good People,
I have attached an illustration to preset my ASK.
Situation: I am attempting to add the ACCEPT button to one of our queues, but I dont know how.  
I can see the ACCEPT button in the queue labeled, "CC Systems," but not in "TUX Support TMW."
I have also take a screen shot of the Admin-App Permission-Manage Cases settings page and the Cases List View for the Case object.

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Noob here!
Have a question. User-added imageMy team members have access to Production email addresses that can pop-up, but there is one specific they have to manually type in and does not show up in the list when entering an email address.  


Where can I add this in so the team members can select rather than type the entire email string in the "To" field?


Thanks in advance. 

When trying to create a case, I get the following error.  I am attaching the image of the error + debug data.

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User-added imageWhen we choose the "Audit" r/t ONLY & NOT any other r/types, there is an ongoing issue when users disposition cases as “Audit”, it sometimes closes out the tab completely.
When this occurs, users have to close out all of their  remaining open tabs & re-open them back up again to resume working on them.

Any solutions/fixes/updates regarding this?  

I am trying to reduce number of API user as our org is very old and so much leagacy code. 

I had found API User Id is hardcoded in some methods.  How can I find all classes where  is this referenced.